Vol 4 Chapter 1421: Time Dragon

For Chen Feng's questioning, Bahamut was stagnant, and after a few seconds of hesitation he slowly said, "I don't know."
"You don't know?" Chen Feng frowned.
Baham nodded characteristically: "The two guys were intrigued. I tracked for a long time before I locked in this area, and I had a hunch that the other party had found me."
所以 "So are you waiting for it to come and attack you?" Chen Feng seemed to think of something, and then asked.
Bahamut was hesitant, then said, "You can say that."
For Feng Bahamut's optimism, Chen Feng didn't know what to say. Originally, he thought the other party was his competitor, but judging from the current situation, maybe he thought more.
Bahamut's ambition is not to invade the world, but simply to find his own enemies, and then to kill each other for hundreds of years, no, it is thousands of years of grudges.
I just didn't expect that Tiamat found a helper.
Chen Feng seemed to think of something. Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Bahamut. Before that, the opponent did not show different strength, otherwise, he would not be defeated by Meske.
But the other side dared to withstand attacks from two enemies of the same level. If the other side did not have any cards, Chen Feng would not believe it.
"What is your plan?" Chen Feng didn't want to be caught in the drum, so he asked directly at this time.
"Naturally, when the opponent comes over to attack, I will take another shot and even kill it."
"Only you?" Chen Feng asked with slight contempt.
"It's up to me!" Baham nodded characteristically, with a certain tone.
Each other is like two cock-fighting cocks. After such a period of time, Chen Feng waved his hand: "Well, I don't want to discuss this matter with you anymore. Say your helper. If it is good, I may be able to Stay here to help you. "
"Will you help me?" Bahamut apparently did not expect that Chen Feng would make such a suggestion.
"That's right." Chen Feng nodded: "I formed a force on this land and inspired to rule more areas. Whether you or your enemies are potentially dangerous, I hope to help you defeat the other party. You can leave here. "
Bahamut is in deep thought. If it is a person, it is better to say, but now, there are many souls living on this land. If they leave, where are the wood elves and the tree giants going?
Bahamut admits that Chen Feng is very strong, but after all, the other party is human and ca n’t treat them equally. Look at the other party ’s attitude towards the lizard man. To kill.
Bahamut has superb goodwill. Because of this, in addition to the dragon, in the eyes of other beings, it is also the same as the Savior.
"Are you worried that I can't take care of your camp?" Chen Feng seemed to see the other party's thoughts and asked.
Bahamut did not speak, but because of this, Chen Feng also knew his answer.
Chen Feng looked at the other party: "My camp is called order. You may be wrong about one thing. I don't believe that human beings are supreme. I may have thought about it before, but after experiencing too many things, I try to forget. "
"There is a crisis here, and you seem to be able to feel it. The abundant energy has not brought prosperity here, but has brought countless disasters."
"We had a good life before, but because of a sudden disaster, everything changed. I must try to be strong to protect more people. Besides humans, humanoids are also A helper who can help us reshape our homes. "
秩序 "Order contains a lot of other dimensions of life. In addition to humans, there are goblins, half-elves, and even ogres. We come together for a common ideal, we just want to live."
但是 "But too many dangers lie next to us, such as you."
"Me?" Bahamut asked, pointing to his cheek, and seemed not to accept Chen Feng's description.
"Do you know what I did? Do you know how many people I saved in a short period of time? Without me, half of the population here would die? Do you know?"
Bahamut said more and more excited, even couldn't help but approach Chen Feng, less than one meter away from each other.
Chen Feng shook his head: "You are good, I can't deny this, but how many beings like you, beings with the same strength as you, just use this as the back garden for collecting faith, and the life here , It ’s more like a ant's glance. If you are a little unhappy, you can completely discard it!

"As a local member, I ca n’t accept this, do you know?" Chen Feng gazed at Bahamut: "Although you are good, but you are only outsiders after all, everything here has nothing to do with you at all, I will help You drive away or kill the enemy, but please also be able to fulfill the promise and leave here after that. "
Chen Feng's attitude towards Bahamut has changed.
Because Chen Feng had some doubts about the other party because he was a god's residence before, there were some killings, but when he learned that the other party didn't value this place, but came for the pursuit, his thoughts no doubt became more subtle.
After all, compared to Bahamut, the two fleeing dragons are Chen Feng's confidant.
Bahamut is too much, but he is more enthusiastic about the opposite sex, which is also the reason for Mesker's anger. The other party has paid a price for it. If it was not for Chen Feng's shot, the other party may have become a body now. .
However, the enemy of the other party is different. As one of the most evil dragon gods, Tiamat's evil is beyond imagination. The other party seems to be completely immersed in the joy of killing. For this kind of mansion, only destruction will be possible. Make each other happy.
If the other party is allowed to do anything wrong here, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble for Chen Feng's rule and the search for more believers!
Chen Feng doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, so the best way is to cut the knife quickly, find the other party, and then kill the other party in time!
And looking at Bahamut's hesitant look, Chen Feng couldn't help frowning and said his killer: "Do you think Tiamat has only one dragon beside him? You seem to have forgotten some key points Are you familiar with the blue blood storm? "
Bahamut was suddenly surprised: "The blue ... I naturally know."
Bahamut is no stranger to this name, because the other party is a follower of Tiamat. In addition, the other party also has a thunderous deed, a cunning blue storm, and a sad kingdom in his Shaking under the name. "
Of all the green dragons that have ever existed, very few are despised like the blue blood storm. Born with keen intelligence and deceitful manipulation skills far beyond his peers, the brutal storm used his talent to gain the attention of his terrible mistress Tiamat.
The other hand was pulled by Tiamat, and then obtained some rights.
As the hostess of the other party, Zhanqing Bloodstorm is extremely selfish, and he can do anything bad to advance his plan and increase his popularity in the eyes of Lady Dark. The Evergreen Bloodstorm hates humanoids in particular, and considers them weak and worthless. He had a special interest in torturing the elves and destroying their will with his filthy whisper.
He Zhanqing's blood is huge and strong. He is strong but slender, and his neck is thin and long. He looks more like a dragon than a standard green dragon. His appearance may make observers think he is sick or in a state of weakness-a mistake that anyone can make only once.
As the scales of the azure blue blood storm approached the center of the back, the darker the scale, from light green to the brown stripes at the center. His head did not have a raised bulge, but was smooth and snake-like. The tentacles hang from his kisses and chin like a beard, a sensitive sensory organ used to detect enemies and food. Except for the time when he showed his evil reddish light, his eyes were black.
He just lost his trace a long time ago. Legend has it that the other party angered the elf and received some punishment. From then on, he disappeared.
Of course, rumors about the other party, Bahamut can often hear, this feeling is like the other party never left, still hovering around himself, waiting for a suitable opportunity to give himself a fatal blow.
"What do you mention it for?"
Bahamut hated the other side, so he said coldly.
Chen Feng had a solemn look: "The other party is a follower of Tiamat. Is it possible that he will follow him?"
"You think you are in control of the overall situation, but how can you be sure that this is just a conspiracy of the enemy? In order to make you think that you have the opponent's hole card, in fact, all this is in the opponent's plan."
"While you are waiting so dumbly for each other, Tiamat appears instantly. At that time, you will also have two terrible dragon generals around you. Even if you are strong, you will have a lot of information, but once there is a problem with the information, a lot will happen. misfortune."
"I just want you to know what cards you still have. If you can tell me, I can even ally with you in advance. When things are done, I want their bodies, and where do you come from, where do you go back? ?"
Bahamut's eyes glowed with white light, and he was releasing true knowledge. This is a spell that can explore the essence. Bahamut can see that Chen Feng didn't lie, but after all, before the war, Bahamut did not want to disclose it to anyone who knew.
"You have to make a choice." Chen Feng's voice was surprisingly calm.
After hesitating for a few seconds, Bahamut sighed as if fate, and then said, "Time Dragon."
Chen Feng shrank his pupils.
Time Dragon!
This is the inside story of the other party?
The charcoal gray scales clinging to the dragon's body and the skeleton without obvious backs give a smooth impression. The hourglass-shaped black scales covered his eyes like a mask, and the twelve unevenly distributed black scales distributed radially on it, like an annual ring.
日 A spur-like spike protrudes from the back of its skull, and appears to double the length of its head. Its pair of triangular wings protruded from a narrow point behind it and spread out, making it roughly shaped like an hourglass. Two different length protrusions at the end of its tail gave it two tail tips.
Time Dragon gets along with time in its own unique way: breathing time, devouring time, and living in it in a way that becomes concrete in time. This dragon is considered to be the rarest and most powerful of all dragons (even compared to the dragon god), which is the legendary time dragon.
大多数 For most time dragons, killing and paralyzing enemies is equivalent. They spend a lot of time stopping to maneuver on the battlefield and use spells to obstruct or drive off opponents. In general, heading with their strongest skills weakens those who can survive the plunder of his time.
The time dragon never died fighting. The longer the time or future that Shiguanglong hopes to explore, the more resources he needs to consume. The details are almost the same as time travel.
The Time Dragon has something better to do than busy with potentially dangerous wars. They always use all available abilities without hesitation in order to end the battle as soon as possible, or simply escape in a suppressed state. Note that for most of the time dragons, being content to deprive an enemy of combat power is equivalent to killing the enemy.
They repeatedly apply the time-stopping ability to walk up the battlefield and cast spells to obstruct or kill opponents. Fortunate survivors.
Time Dragon has no society. They stay away from each other and other living creatures, preferring to spend time with oracles and other powerful immortals. About every millennium, the time dragons gather in groups of four to ten for the purpose of breeding offspring. Once all the female dragons are pregnant with offspring, the group will dissolve, and it is likely that they will never see each other again.
This is a kind of quirky dragon. They simply walk in time, trying to find the origin and end of life. Generally speaking, they are independent and independent most of the time.
And this is why Chen Feng was surprised. He suspected that Bahamut had found some helpers, but he never thought that the helpers he found were actually time dragons.
I really deserve to be a dragon, and I still have this face.
Time Dragon can reverse time. If it is strong enough, at the moment of being killed, it can even reverse time before everything has not started. Compared to remembering the opponent's moves, and thus defeating this clichéd plot, Time Dragon most Will stay away from each other and try their best not to participate in this meaningless battle.
This is Time Dragon.
A legendary creature parasitizing in the long river of history.
Until then, Chen Feng had to admire and said to Bahamut: "Your heritage is jealous!"
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