Vol 4 Chapter 1422: Murderer hiding in the dark

Chen Feng is not jealous that it is false.
He did guess that Bahamut had a backhand before, but he did not expect that the backhand of the opponent turned out to be a time dragon. As a dragon that can compete with the divine palace, the time dragon's preciousness is self-evident.
What is even more frightening is that the time dragon has the ability to shuttle time. Time is a more tedious and complicated concept than the dimension wall. Therefore, even if the time dragon is limited by some dimension walls, its strength is more powerful than the same level. Stronger.
Bahamut can find the other party, no wonder the other party can be so fearless, it turns out that everything is because of such a powerful helper.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng finally let go of the burden and immediately stretched out his right hand: "Happy cooperation."
Bahamut has been in the human world for a long time, and naturally knows what this means, without much hesitation, and he also stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation."
"If you are not in a hurry, you can stay here for a while," and each other has completed the contract. From now on, each other has become a short-term ally.
"Okay." Chen Feng nodded. "If I can, I want to arrange some rooms first. I want to take a break."
Baham nodded characteristically, and then arranged for his men to bring Chen Feng and Meske into the room.
"I do not understand."
I waited for Bahamut to leave, and Mesque suddenly said.
"Don't understand what? Don't understand why I should cooperate with each other?" Chen Feng said with a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.
Mysk nodded: "We could have been more direct. I can feel that there is divinity in the other person. Compared to helping him defeat the enemy, killing him is king."
Mesque is indeed Mesque, unintentionally showing the violent nature, just before the alliance of the front foot, the back foot wants to confuse Chen Feng to kill each other and seize divinity!
However, Chen Feng did not accept the proposal from Mesque, but just shook his head: "You have just come to this land, and you are still new to everything here, naturally you do n’t understand the situation. This place is different from the abyss. Complete a win-win situation. "
Mysk murmured to himself, but still shook his head: "I still don't understand. Compared with this meaningless cooperation, it is easier to kill."
Chen Feng did not keep up with Meske. They were originally two camps, and they had different suggestions, which is naturally normal.
However, compared to these useless things, Chen Feng's attention was more focused on the black hands behind the attack on Mesker. The other party was attacked by some ancient beasts, including the trace of the divine house.
This had to attract Chen Feng's attention.
After all, in the message given by Rose, the channel through which he became stronger was the abyss.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng said, "Do you have no thoughts about the identity of the attacker?"
Mesk didn't expect that Chen Feng would ask herself this way. She first fell into a hesitation, then shook her head: "I didn't remember it before, but I didn't know it was I changed my body. The memory of the seal was loosened, I remember. The faces of some divine residences. "
只是 "Just, do you want to know this?" Mesker said finally, suddenly looking up and asking.
Shendi's secret, knowing as little as possible about nature is better, which also has some benefits for himself, but after Chen Feng tried to become stronger, he already had a certain tolerance, so he nodded without any hesitation and said, "Say."
Memsk fell into some sort of recollection: "In addition to the ancient beasts that attacked me, there were two divine residences, one of which was Sandakol."
"Shandakol?" Chen Feng repeated.
嗯 "Well, do you know him?" Listening to Chen Feng repeating, Mesk asked with some confusion.
Even if Chen Feng is a human, I don't know why, Mysk always feels that the other party knows the abyss very much, and even Bahamut's identity is the first one guessed by the other party, which makes Mesk even not believe that the other party is human.
"Shandakol?" Chen Feng muttered to himself, flipping through the news about the other party in his mind.
Sheshan Dakol, (God of travel and exploration, Faerun's system, weak and other divine power), nicknamed: wind control, helping hand.
She Shanda Keer is a lonely deity, who uses actions to show his ideas. He seems kind but not severe, and sometimes shows a sense of humor. As he has actively come to the world to absorb believers himself in recent years, there are signs that the church is growing larger. Wearing a dark cloak fluttering in the wind, a light armour made of leather, and a pair of boots that never touched the ground, he always appeared with a heavy two-handed sword and appeared like an emperor. Although the tall and handsome Sandakor was silent when he acted, he was always surrounded by a roaring wind.
Rev. Sheshankol prays to gain divine magic after the morning wind changes (due to rising temperatures). The holy day in the church is April 15th each year, and believers call it the "Wind Control Festival." At dawn that day, Sundar Kerr will guide his priests to "walk the wind" against themselves.
They return to their original (and safe) landing at dusk-usually in an area they have never visited before. The priests of Sandakal will also perform ceremonies at specific occasions or conditions-they will pray briefly when there is a major change in wind direction;
And whenever an unknown area is found (such as a valley, lake, or island), they will also set up a small stone throne near the place where it was first found and mark the holy emblem of Sandakol (if If conditions permit, Stone Shape will be used to build a shrine for wind riders). Sandakal's priest is usually a part-time ranger or windrunner.
Doctrine Dogma:
Lead by example to spread the teaching of helping hands around the world, and strive to preach his teaching to business travellers, especially those who are looking for new unknown land and trading opportunities. Every effort should be made to discover and purify his ancient altar. Take the flowing wind and follow it wherever it goes. Trust in helping hands to help people in trouble. Find all the treasures in the earth and the ocean. Travel to a distance and become the first person to see the rising sun, towering mountains, and fertile valleys. Always keep your footsteps in areas you haven't visited before.
Rev. Priest and Temple.
The priests of Sheshan Dakol usually leave their place of residence to serve as guides and guards for travellers, trading caravans, and prospecting expeditions. There are many members of the church who guide the adventurous team or become adventurers themselves. In addition, a few members have joined the Harper League. In any case, they tried their best to find or frequent visits to the abandoned altars of Sandakol (especially the magnificent shrine located in the city of Mistro Djono), until the altars were rebuilt there after sufficient resources were obtained. Since Sandakal incorporated Portals into the priesthood under his jurisdiction, he also began assigning priests to find and identify portals on Ferenc continent to facilitate trade and exploration.
Sheshankol likes worshippers to build altars to worship him. Most of these altars are located in extremely remote (even inaccessible) areas. Most of the altars of Sandakol are stone podiums built high up, with a stone seat (or throne) on it, and more than one perforated stone pillar around it-it will sound when the wind blows. Most of these altars are located in the boulder areas of the Sea of ​​Moon and the Kormir area, and some have witnessed thousands of years of history.
Sheshan Dakol rarely has a formal temple in the city, and there are not many believers in the city. Because his priests loved wandering, the resident priests in the temple were often replaced-the original priest would go out to explore whenever a new member arrived.
The priests of Sheshan Dakol generally wear dark capes and costumes suitable for activities in the wilderness. They usually prefer silver and various deep colors. Many people also wear holy emblems on the back of their gloves, whether leather or iron.
It can be said that Sandakol is a relatively kind divine residence. Although the other party is not as good as Bahamut, it is absolutely not malignant. It is hard to imagine that the other party cooperated with the evil beasts of ancient times and besieged Mesk.
"What about the divine house?"
I watched Chen Feng meditate, and Mesker became more and more curious about the other person's head. Although he does not have mastery of mind reading, it is not difficult to see from the other person's appearance that the other person really knows some information about the divine residence.
"Which one is left?"
Mysk's sweaty sweat appeared on his cheek, apparently remembering some unpleasant pictures, which lasted for a few seconds, and he finally said the name.
Mysk seemed to hate the name, and even gritted his teeth. When he said the other's name, his expression became even more stubborn.
Chen Feng brought up relevant knowledge.
Euler is an evil goddess who is both fickle and vanity. Her heart is as cold as frost. Most of her followers worship her out of fear. There was no trace of true love, noble sentiment, or honor in her heart. She loves playing with mortals who offend her, trapping them in a blizzard, and torturing these mortals with crazy illusions about tenderness and comfort from the cold before they freeze to death. Her beauty was cold and deadly, like a magnificent flower carved from polar ice-just like hers.
The churches in Ulur are very loosely organized, and most of their members roam around alone. They are committed to spreading the power of the harsh winter to make everyone fear the power of the goddess and her agents (and weaken the power of their enemies). They also accumulate personal wealth and power in two ways-to accomplish tasks that others cannot do in the cold winter;
Or use magic to protect those who show obedience or pay protection from the threat of winter. Orur's priests will sprinkle some of their belongings into the snow when the snowstorm comes, or throw them into the cracks of glaciers or frozen rivers in winter as a dedication to the goddess.
This terrible divine residence always likes to use fear of killing and torture to make its men feel afraid. After making mistakes, many believers would rather commit suicide than bear the torture of the other.
欧 Under Orel, those under His hands became more extreme.
Of course, like all believers who worship the divine residence, they have their own carnival time.
The winter solstice night is the most sacred night of the year for Orur's priests, who dance and revel on the ice all night (while recruiting new members). The priests will also hold fanatical rituals at the beginning and end of winter to call howling blizzards, named "The Winter Is Coming" and "The Last Snowstorm".
The priest who wants to be Orur must pass a trial ritual called "Embrace Frost"-the testee must first paint the holy emblem of the frost his body, and then wear only a pair of boots and a thin coat to run through the snowstorm all night (You can't rely on any magic protection)-As long as you can reach the dawn and not die, Orul will accept the tester as its priest. Many Frost Maiden priests and druids work part-time as believers or elemental lords.
Of course, in this extreme environment, few believers eventually survive.
O'Lour is a member of the "Furious Gods", serving with Tarimus (the God of Storms and Destruction) with Ambery and Mara (the God of Bloody Hunt). As Taurus has been seizing her power in recent years, Orul made the winter in the Northland colder and harsher every year in order to make up for the lost power (while venting anger).
She maintains a certain degree of friendship with Amber; but the relationship with Mara is extremely bad ~ EbookFREE.me ~ In addition, in recent years, she has also slowly absorbed the sleeping Ulu Tiru (Glacier) Of God) (she carefully controlled the rate of ingestion to prevent the target from waking up), and planned to continue impersonating her name to give her followers after she fully absorbed the eternal sleeper (Ulu Tiru).
Doctrine Dogma:
覆盖 Cover all the ground with ice. Whenever a flame is found, it must be extinguished immediately. Throw in the embrace of icy and cold winds; cut down all windbreaks, and make big holes in all walls and roofs to greet the "goddess breath". The abominable sun should be avoided in the dark, lest the cold brought by Orel disappear. Keep in mind that you can only take the lives of polar creatures when the situation is critical-but others can be killed without worry. Makes the entire Ferenc continent afraid of Orel. Whenever the cold wind blows, sing and praise the goddess of cold. Never hurt or fight against other frost priests.
This is a neutral and evil god's residence. It is undoubtedly a bit more evil than Sandakol, and the things done in the past are also more headaches.
It's impossible for Mesker to deceive himself. After all, the look of anger and corruption is unpredictable, but it is because of this that Chen Feng feels a little tricky.
Have your own people been resentful by so many divine residences?
Chen Feng even had an idea at this time, whether to drive Mesker away now will be slightly better for his future situation.
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