Vol 4 Chapter 1492: Hydra

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Even if Chen Feng wanted to break his head, he never thought that the giant man standing in front of himself turned out to be a loathing dragon, which is completely comparable to the existence of gods.
Originally, Chen Feng was still panicking about the strength of the opponent, and he was even ready to evacuate. Chen Feng had never forgotten that he must consider his own safety at any time, and then he would ignore the next thing.
Chen Feng was never a kind-hearted person. Most of the time, no, he never changed. He was originally an egoist.
For these strangers in Devil City, his life was cut in vain, Chen Feng could not do such a thing.
But then I thought, if the other party really has this ability, it has already destroyed the Devil City long ago. Where can I wait until now and have devoured some unlucky eggs secretly? Then I dare to show up and crush Du Jingcai.
Is the other person a low-key one?
Naturally not.
Dragons are an ancient winged reptile known for their size, strength, and magical abilities, and are therefore feared. The oldest dragon is one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Most dragons are distinguished by the color of their skin.
Therefore, dragons are divided into many subspecies, generally divided into three main species: color, metal and gem. Dragons named after colors include black, blue, green, red, and white dragons, all of which are extremely evil.
Dragons named after metals include brass dragons, bronze dragons, red bronze dragons, gold dragons, and silver dragons. These dragons are noble and kind and respected by the righteous.
Dragons named after gemstones include amethyst dragon, crystal dragon, emerald dragon, sapphire dragon, and topaz dragon. They maintain a neutral position between justice and evil, have extraordinary charm and are very gentle, although generally smaller and slower than other dragons. , But they are usually smarter than other dragons and have special abilities.
And the abominations above these dragons, such as Ren Tianpeng's true body, are even more powerful, the other party has amazing blood power.
As dragons, they feel that they have surpassed all living things, and they have shown absolute contempt for any living things. In their eyes, humans are just little ones bigger than ants.
Therefore, if the other party really has extremely horrifying power, everyone in the city, including the unknown Du Jingcai, will be dead from the moment the other party comes here.
To sum up, the dragon in front of it may be nothing but its real strength, and it should be only about itself.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and everyone who knew him knew that when Chen Feng was scolded, there was often a chance of survival, but once the other party didn't sneer, that meant disaster.
And just when Chen Feng was staring at each other, Ren Tianpeng's neck wriggled. After a while, a head exactly like Ren Tianpeng appeared on his shoulder.
Chen Feng's eyes narrowed and he seemed to know the true body of the other party.
Ren Tianpeng is not a pure dragon, the other is a multi-headed dragon, a weird body, a rare dragon with other bloods.
A multi-headed dragon is an ugly multi-headed winged monster that combines the worst characteristics of a dragon with a multi-headed snake lizard.
The scales of multi-headed dragons are mostly muddy brown, and the light brown is lightened, and they are almost creamy in their abdomen. Young multi-headed dragons often have darker, more obscure scales that can be better camouflaged. All multi-headed dragons are known to have red eyes, from young crimson to dark red that looks like dried blood. Multi-headed dragons are known to have two to five heads.
Multi-headed dragons can be found in mountains with inaccessible traffic far from civilization. They prefer snow-covered peaks and mountains often surrounded by storms. Multi-headed dragons like fresh meat, but they can, and will eat almost anything to satisfy their never-satisfied hunger.
The main enemies of Hydra are the Storm Giants, Stone Giants, and Red Dragons-considering the flesh of these creatures when they were young.
Multi-headed dragons don't speak common languages, only dragons.
However, Ren Tianpeng in front of him is different. According to what Du Jingcai said to himself before he came, it is not difficult to judge. After the other party came to this city, he huddled in the room like a mouse and never took a step.
The other party did not sit idle during this time. Instead, they dealt with some humans in the city. The answer came out, and the other party was always lurking, and then some kind of learning.
And they have devoured many local residents. They have learned the common language of human beings as they wished. Just like now, He is like a dragon above, staring at Du Jingcai, with a contemptuous look, and it is no different from watching an ant.
Multi-headed dragons are fierce hunters, often killing other animals by showing off, even when they are not hungry. These creatures are basically villains. When faced with strong enemies that will not shrink, they often turn around and run. They, in turn, play around before killing their weak opponents.
Multi-headed dragons have all the common attacks of dragons, the difference is that each head can carry its own bite attack, and all attacks on opponents except bite and breath weapon have terrible hit penalty, because The bifurcated head of this creature can cause problems with the coordination of its physical attacks.
Like a multi-headed snake lizard, it can only be killed by cutting off all its heads or killing its body. To chop a head, the opponent must hit the monster's neck with a slash weapon and cause damage equal to the number of prototype multi-headed snake lizards divided by the health value.
Unlike ordinary multi-headed snake lizards, this kind of damage does not need to be done all at once. . Once the head is cut off, it cannot attack again, but the creature is not subject to any other punishment. Scholars don't think that a multi-headed dragon can recover a beheaded head without the help of magic.
No one knows the exact origin of multi-headed dragons, but some sages believe they are ancient branches of prehistoric dragons that have been hibernating for millions of years, while others believe they are descending dragons. There are even reports that they were tampered with by supernatural forces such as Tiamat.
Chen Feng found a familiar name in the message, Tiamat! They had just fought before, and in the end, not only was the other's body destroyed, but even his divinity was deprived of himself.
Chen Feng owns the abyss and has mastered many news that is difficult for ordinary people to grasp. No wonder Chen Feng feels a little weird. Originally, Ren Tianpeng was just a mixed race with a dragon's blood.
However, the opponent's momentum is terrible, and it seems that the strength has reached the epic level, no, it is exactly a half-step myth.
Chen Feng traveled to the abyss. He even offended the death of the abyss in order to promote the ranks of myths, and he was extremely powerful. But he followed Rose's suggestion. The abyss was the best way to promote myths.
And now, a multi-headed dragon is still a half-step myth. If I sacrifice each other, can I get a chance to touch the myth?
Thinking of this, Chen Feng was obsessed with it for a while, after all, after working so hard for so long, he hadn't found a promotion opportunity.
Perhaps, Ren Tianpeng in front of him is where he hit the high position!
Ren Tianpeng didn't know yet, when he ignored Du Jingcai and regarded it as food, in the far corner, he was already stared at by a human.
Chen Feng now has only one purpose, that is, promotion. For this purpose, he can undoubtedly make all of it, even if he swallows a dragon, he will not hesitate. After all, the dragon that died in his hands can be counted on one palm. But here it comes!
Even more frightening is that the weakest of these dragons is also the legendary rank. In the eyes of any power, this is an irresistible terror, but in front of Chen Feng, it is just a stepping stone on his own promotion.
At this moment, Ren Tianpeng's two heads stared at the evil demon and said in the same voice: "Delicious gods, as long as they devour you, my head will be one more. By then, I will undoubtedly break the limit of countless years ago ! Really into myth! "
The murderous power in Chen Feng's eyes bloomed again. This guy who was regarded as a meat eater by himself had the first desire to devour the bad demon.
And the evil spirit is not angry, just tilts his head, points to the other two heads and says, "Come out together, I can feel the blood of other monsters in you."
The evil devil's voice had just fallen, but Ren Tianpeng was roaring for a while, and he started to squirm around his neck. Then, a red, not human, completely appeared on Ren Tianpeng's body.
Bechuri Gem Dragon!
Chen Feng ordered the bad demon to let the other party show their true body, which is convenient for them to understand the other party better.
The evil demon is different from Du Jingcai. Although Du Jingcai is stronger, he is only a human. After all, he only needs a head body to completely kill each other.
Ren Tianpeng has this confidence, but the bad demon is different. Although it looks no different from a child, it is essentially a god, one of the top predators that surpasses most creatures.
At this time, since Ren Tianpeng wanted to devour the bad demon and become the other's last skull, naturally he would not hide his strength, but broke out completely!
The head of a multi-headed dragon can have five, which means that in front of the body of the multi-headed dragon, there are three dragon heads in addition to the body.
As for the one in front of him, Rao is well-informed. After finding the information, he is still slightly lost, because it is also a rare dragon head!
This is the introduction of this dragon.
The dragon was long and smooth, and its whip-like long tail was almost as long as his body. Two jagged long horns extend back and up from his skull, somewhat resembling a sickle shape. Huge frills grew from his cheeks. Volcanic lava dripping from his beak-shaped mouth hissed after hitting the ground. His appearance was always accompanied by a smell of burnt earth.
Chen Feng doesn't even know how the other party did it. After all, the heads that appear now are all promising. Is this Ren Tianpeng the destiny of the Dragon family? Born to have great luck?
The Bechuri Gem Dragon is the oldest dragon. When the world returned to the original and the volcanoes reshaped the land, these magnificent dragons were quite abundant. Now they are as rare as volcanic eruptions.
Bechuri Gem Dragons live in isolation from the world because of the extreme conditions in which their territories are located. As a result, Bechuri Gem Dragons are often curious creatures, and rarely attack when other creatures wander into their lair.
The scales of the Bechuri Jewel Dragon Hatchling are dark gray. As he grows older, his scales will gradually shed and grow new, and the black scales that he has gradually obtained are dotted with bright red and yellow outlines. The scales of the oldest Bechuri Gemstone are dark gray and purple, dotted with blue and green hot stripes.
Bechuri's Gem Dragon's pupils are almost black in the beginning, like cooled magma, and then become hotter as he ages, eventually becoming hot white.
Bechuri Gemosaurs built their lairs in seismically active areas, such as lava lakes formed by volcanic eruptions. They lay eggs deep in the core of the earth. The egg will remain dormant until a new volcano begins to erupt, and that's when the egg hatches.
Bechuri Gemosaurus feeds on seismic wave energy. When this energy becomes scarce, it falls asleep and wakes up in the next earthquake or volcanic eruption.
In addition to the peristalsis under his neck, Ren Tianpeng's head began to bulge a big bag. After a while, a dragon with gray-white skin also appeared in front of Chen Feng.
Du Jing was dumbfounded, but the evil spirit was still calm, like a sluggish child who did not know the fear, and still looked at Ren Tianpeng with his head crooked.
As for Chen Feng standing aside, it was like a dormant spectator, without any desire to participate in the battle.
He was just studying. Through the knowledge of the abyss, he found the information of the last skull.
A dragon known for its defense.
Shilong is a lonely creature ~ EbookFREE.me ~ more inclined to live away from other creatures. However, they may also be friendly and helpful to hostile intruders. They love gems quite a bit and are eager to get them through transactions, sometimes paying double their value. Therefore, their treasures are mainly composed of gems, although they sometimes collect gem-like items such as iron stones.
Shilong's lair is located around an empty rocky area. A typical stone dragon's lair is a cave with multiple exits. These lairs often have art sculptures, and are often embellished with statues of petrified intruders.
Stone dragons feed almost entirely on rocks, although they consider gems to be a delicacy.
Multi-headed dragons can inherit the blood of their parents. This means that most multi-headed dragons have only two heads, but Ren Tianpeng in front of them has four. Can't the other's parents have four blood vessels? Even if the relationship is more complicated and the genes are not fused, the four heads cannot appear.
While flipping through it, Chen Feng discovered an important situation, that is, the multi-headed dragon gained multiple heads. In addition to the innate blood, there is a shortcut, that is ...
Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, his tone became a bit cold: "Swallow the same!"
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