Vol 4 Chapter 1503: 0 Dragon Gathering

The impact of Qi Rentianpeng's impact on Devil City is not just oppression and panic. For dragon creatures, this impact has already had unimaginable influence.
When Geng Yun couldn't accept an extra aquatic dragon, for a moment, in a more remote place in the Devil City, a burst of dirt suddenly opened up, and a odorous behemoth suddenly emerged from it.
生物 This creature looks like a dead dragon. Many of its black scales are missing, revealing purplish-red skin, and the huge wings on both sides of its body are covered with worms. As an alternative to the eyes, it has an unnatural red glow.
Fear the dragon!
In a certain sense, it is a necrotic creature, but it also has a certain life.
Fear dragon is an undead form of true dragon. Despite their fact that they have no metabolism, they are still fully fertile and can continue to grow older. They are all very clever, even surpassing most dragons, and they look even stronger.
Their sunken magic makes them better casters than most dragons, and gives them an unnatural magic resistance. However, they lack the protection they really need. They are not really combative compared to other types of dragons.
For a long time, they do not need to eat, drink or breathe. In addition, they are immortal or at least live for a long period of time before entering the recession.
恐惧 This fear dragon has been sleeping in this dirt for a long time, it has never done any harm to Devil City. Without Ren Tianpeng, it may not climb up to find food for hundreds of years.
But now it ’s different. This fear dragon is like being awakened by some strange energy. First, it looks a little blank, and then the blood-red eyes become thick, as if it is really covered with a layer of blood. .
It started to go crazy.
The fear dragon rarely fights because it is lazy, but now it is different. It feels like it has been stimulated by some kind of stride, and smashed towards the convenience of dense population.
And then there is the area where the slums are.
Different from the city where there are still powerful professionals responsible for patrolling, such a terrible dragon, once it really breaks into the slum-like slums, there is only one ending, and that is fatal!
For everyone in Devil City, the real terrible disaster is still behind.
A few dozen kilometers away, high above the sky, the eyes of a dozen dragons also became blood red.
Flying Cloud Dragon!
The floating cloud dragon is the deepest and most simplified dragon, living in the sky above the world. They hate intruders, and only a few will talk to others. They tend to be quiet and indisputable. They have nothing but despise those flightless creatures under their might. Puffing Dragons build their nests on top of the magically made Cloud Island, which lays eggs and hoards treasures on the solid floor made of clouds.
There are also very few floating cloud dragons living on the top of the redundant mountains. They live on rain, hail, and very little silver.
They are basically harmless to humans and will not actively attack humans. They live on high mountains and use energy to supplement the required energy.
刚 At the time of birth, the scales of Pyoyun are silvery white with reddish edges. As the dragon grows, this red color spreads and fades into the setting orange. During the age of the dragon, the orange-red will deepen into a golden red that almost completely blends into silver. Some people say that the color of puff clouds will change with their emotions. Phantoms have a similar appearance to Jinlong, but they have huge hinged shields on their necks and backs.
Puppet cloud dragons hate invaders, and are likely to use their camouflage cloud forms to attack and hide. When they attack, they use their breath weapon to disperse their enemies, and then use their spell-like abilities to confuse their opponents.
生 Such creatures are basically not offensive, but they are still like crazy. They will attack the Devil City with all their strength!
After Tian Ren Peng displayed his full strength, he not only created oppression against Chen Feng and others, but also used the deterrence of the race to order the dragon-type creatures to level the ghost town.
In Ren Tianpeng's initial imagination, he enslaved Chen Feng and made him his agent, but Chen Feng directly refuted himself. Because of this, Ren Tianpeng went the other way and enslaved the Dragons to attack the Devil City.
As the floating dragon rushed towards the Devil City frantically, a bone spur suddenly protruded, directly piercing a weak floating dragon.
The weak dragon's body was pierced, but it only persisted for a few seconds, and his life stopped abruptly, while the floating dragon in a state of madness turned a blind eye to the death of his companion, but just tried his best to wave his wings, To the destination called by Ren Tianpeng.
A serpentine giant snake gliding across the sky, with many spines growing on its carapace, the segmented carapace will scream due to the cutting wind.
The spine-spine ancient dragon is the closest Atlas creature to the traditional dragon concept. They don't spit weapons-not even wings or limbs-but they do have dangerous melee attacks and psionic powers.
The ridged spine ancient dragons float on the sky and dive down when they need to eat or hit other things they like. They build their nests in hard-to-reach bare rocks, slippery sand dunes, or other hard-to-reach places.
This terrible dragon, swallowed the floating dragon into the abdomen, and enjoyed this rare food.
Since the spine ancient dragon has no claws or wings, its full-power attack ability is different from most dragons. The main attack of the spine cologne is the bite attack caused by its huge, powerful double-chuck. Spine Cologne gains Mastery Born Attack (Bite) as a bonus feat, so its damage always increases by one level.
Minor spine Guron's secondary attack-use their spines that cover the entire long snake-like body to lash. As spine colognes grow, they can use their spines for more attacks.
The other side is like a huge worm, but its appearance is not flesh, but hard bones. Compared with the floating dragon and the fear dragon, the spiny ancient dragon's eyes are not diffused with blood.
It turned out to be immune to Ren Tianpeng's slavery and still kept its own consciousness.
But it also felt some kind of call, suspended in mid-air, it gazed into the distance, peered into death and disaster.
Immune to Ren Tianpeng's slavery. Its strength is already at the epic level, and the creatures at the same level as the Burning Devil can originally choose to stay out of it.
But Kelong Gulong is extremely bite-killing. Although he knew the Devil City before, because Du Jingcai and other powerful professionals guarded it, Rao is still having to retreat.
But now it is different. The appearance of Ren Tianpeng is like a bomb that detonated directly in Devil City. The terrible disaster caused the defense of Devil City to be transparent.
In this case, the thorny Gulong naturally will not let go of this opportunity, it will kill the special kill, give a good meal, after all, a floating dragon can not satisfy his abdominal desire.
A dozen miles away from Devil City, a dimensional crack flashing with energy suddenly appeared, and a rich and incomparable water system energy began to nurture inside.
Soon, a dragon head suddenly protruded out of it.
There seems to be a hint of curiosity in Wu Long's eyes, it is not clear why he appeared on this land.
The tadpoles are similar to the dragons that appeared before. Although they look tadpoles, they have gills that are unique to fish. They are not so much a dragon as a terrible fish.
Erhai Emperor Dragon!
This is a dragon living deep in the ocean.
Erhai Emperor Dragon Hatchling has bright and bright scales. As the age of the dragon grows, the scales will slowly turn into beautiful, green, silver-green. When they were adults, their tusks were the size of a javelin, and their pearly claws were the size of a sword. Their length is so incredible that they can't see them all at once. Their bodies are curled and coiled throughout their caves, and they often touch their tails.
Erhai Emperor Dragons used large underwater caves to build their nests. These caves can be natural or built by them. Neptune dragons favor the meat of sharks and whales ~ EbookFREE.me ~ although they also often eat other seafood, such as sarah fish, solo fishermen, deep divers and small fish in general.
Although Neptune can also leave the water for a limited period of time, this is extremely rare. In fact, Neptune rarely even approaches the surface of the ocean. They like to stay under the waves, they are the undisputed rulers of the abyss.
巨 This dragon is full of terrifying water energy, and it is shocking that this is also an epic scary creature.
In the land of humanity, the strongest known now is the epic realm, but one thing to know is that Chen Feng relies on order and has millions of people to gather resources. This has pushed him to this level.
对于 For the number of other tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people, the legendary powerhouse has been regarded as the pinnacle and belongs to the characters who touch the ceiling.
As for saying that epic is completely out of reach, and even dare not imagine.
The Du Scriptures are the sons of destiny, but despite this, they still rely on countless resources. After a few years, they have the opportunity to impact the epic.
And the reason why Du Jingcai wants to be promoted is also clear. To survive in this dangerous wasteland, strength is the only reliance and dependence.
But what unexpected to Du Jingcai and the Devil City was that the appearance of Ren Tianpeng completely brought the Devil City into the vortex of death.
Who can think of it, when Chen Feng and the evil dragon confronted each other, there were already countless dragons entangled, looked and charged in and out of the city!
After a catastrophe of the dragon, it descended silently on the sky above Devil City, and then descended!

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