Chapter 150: Unexpected

Battle of the Dragon!
Chen Feng completed a perfect ambush!
Even in the last days of the last days, the dragon-slayers were controversial and belonged to that kind of title, admired and blessed.
It's just that now, there aren't half spectators around, and some are just Chen Feng's summoning beast.
Chen Feng's advancement attracted the attention of Fula and others. Except for the evil spirit, which was still a happy appearance, the remaining three summoned beasts had some complicated thoughts in their hearts.
Burning Demon.
Even if placed in the abyss, this is the same existence as the overlord. Compared with the cowardly and violent demons, the burning flames have a strong bloodline, and each adult burning flame has the potential to become the demon lord.
Burning Demon!
Chen Feng looked so eye-catching. Even the soul fire in the eyes of the undead mage could not help beating slowly, as if thinking about something.
As for the dark elves, Chen Feng's domineering posture was so vivid that her lower body began to be filled with water stains and was out of control.
Advanced ability!
The biggest gain of Chen Feng is the growth of the Devil's Horn, and the ability to manipulate the flame whip, high risk, high return, and the benefits brought by a dragon are completely surprising.
Once transformed, Chen Feng will completely become a demon. In fact, in the process of just advanced, his strength, speed, and reaction have all increased to a certain extent!
Especially the devil's horn gives him strength to protect himself.
Flame resistance has increased again.
If Chen Feng had only been able to withstand ordinary flames before, then now he can tolerate the magma's heat after being transformed.
The ordinary flame can no longer threaten Chen Feng. For the fire-based elements, he is simply a nightmare enemy.
The flames on Chen Feng gradually dissipated and regained the appearance of a human. He reached into his arms, took out the glass bottle containing the queen bee honey, opened it and swallowed it.
The battle didn't seem to take long, but Chen Feng's thoughts were always in a tight state. Every second, he was analyzing the movement of the Red Dragon, which caused a great loss of his mental strength. Add some spirit.
Red Dragon!
Chen Feng's face flushed, and then he focused his eyes on the body of the Red Dragon.
Although it has died, the red dragon still exudes a hot breath. As a fire dragon, the temperature in its flesh will slowly cool down.
This is the real treasure!
The dragon's body is a treasure. In addition to the dragon's blood, the dragon's scales can be made into leather armor, and the dragon's tendon is the best bow and arrow material.
In addition to these, the red dragon's corpse is the top sacrifice material, and each of the abyss creatures summoned by it will not be universal.
At worst, it is also possible to make the undead mage into a bone dragon. The deterrence of a dragon's bones is enough to make the insects without steps tremble on the ground and tremble, and they dare not make any frivolous actions.
It's hard to make a choice for someone else, because each choice has its own benefits.
On the contrary, Chen Feng is now calm and calm, as if he had planned for the corpse long ago, and did not show panic movements and expressions.
"Bad demon, eat it."
Chen Feng's calm words sounded in the empty underground.
The body of a red dragon was swallowed by a bad demon!
This ... it's almost a riot.
What kind of creatures are inferiors? In the abyss, they are only one level higher than worms. Wherever they are, they are disgusting creatures. Even if blood battles occur, they are the first group of cannon fodder to die.
And the red dragon? As one of the five-colored dragons, they are powerful overlords. Even the dark elves under Rose's protection, they are often patronized by the other side, taking away some beautiful elves to satisfy their own bad taste.
The gap between the two sides is one by one. For the evil demons, they have no chance of meeting!
But now, not only does Chen Feng not take the body of the red dragon as a sacrifice, nor allow the undead mage to make it into a bone dragon, but to let the bad demon devour it, which is a big deal!
This matter, Chen Feng is also well thought out.
He did not expect that the evil devil would grow to such a degree one day, and its ability to devour gave it a powerful assimilation effect.
Along the way, I do n’t know how many souls have been imprisoned in the evil spirits. Among them, there are ordinary people and professionals. The lives of these people have become the nourishment for the evil spirits to grow!
It is for this reason that Chen Feng will give the red dragon's body to the inferior monster, which is already at the critical line of the silver peak. Now, as long as the inferior monster can digest the red dragon's body, the strength will definitely get an amazing increase!
The peak of silver?
This is completely possible!
What's more, the bad demon is loyal. Compared with several other wise beings, the bad demon is the first to follow himself and the summoned beast that has come to this day.
And every time the battle, the evil spirits always rushed to the front line, dozens of arms waved up, few monsters could compete, I don't know how much hard work he made for Chen Feng.
Consuming life, the evil spirit possesses some wisdom. After hearing Chen Feng's words, he raises his head, with cunning, naughty, naive and slightly suffocating.
"Master ... can you eat ..."
Just before the bad demon was fighting, his body was mostly smashed by the dragon tail. At this time, it looked a little bit embarrassed, but there was no pain on the small face, and she looked up, like a child asking for cold drinks like her parents , Timidly said.
"Well, you are loyal, this is what I reward you, eat it, and complete the evolution as soon as possible!" There is no room for gain, Chen Feng's eyes are clear, and said lightly.
The evil monster heard that UU reads a smile slowly drawn on his face. With this smile, the expression freezes on his face, like a porcelain doll. Then, it moves the bloated body, and the silt begins to become Dilution, even slowly wrapped around the dragon's body.
Chen Feng struck a finger, and the bad demon suddenly disappeared into the dark cracks, merging the red dragon, which took some time.
Inferno devours the dragon!
This is something that has never happened before, and no one knows what it will look like when the bad demon appears again!
It takes some time to digest, but Chen Feng firmly believes that when the evil demon reappears next to him, he will definitely make himself see a different heresy!
A rewarding hunt.
Bathing Dragon Blood!
Chen Feng's Flame Demon was close to Dacheng. Facing the next wave of insects, he added another hole card of his own.
As for here, there is no value to explore. For Chen Feng, it is time to leave ...
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