Chapter 189: Deciduous root

The weather in the last days is uncertain and cloudy, unlike the dullness of the previous few days. Today, the haze finally dissipates. It changed to the usual darkness, a rare sunny day. The sun burst out of the dark clouds, and the reflected sunlight shuttled through the branches. In between, woven into a golden silk, looks particularly clear.
But in such a peaceful day, the faces of the orderly people were full of deepness. At this moment, the combat team put down their weapons, the guard camp ended their training, and even the search team did not go out.
Chen Feng was standing above the crowd in a black suit. At this moment, his expression was somber and his eyes indifferent. Even if he did not speak, he could still understand the heavy breath on him.
Nowadays, all standing under the stage are armed forces of order, a total of 2,19 people, the youngest 17 and the largest 35, each person's body is at its peak, if properly trained, it will not take long It is an army of tigers and wolves.
What's more, Chen Feng treats these people without hesitation. The meat is supplied daily, especially the combat team. He has followed Chen Feng very early. Some people have more guns, and they are all majestic, completely sweeping the menu when they first arrived.
This is Chen Feng's soldiers.
In the last days, they gathered under His Majesty Chen Feng to open up their territories, like a sharpest spear.
What's the intention of adults calling people over?
When the crowd didn't know why, a long, long whistle suddenly came from a distance, and then a group of soldiers, also dressed in black, came over.
They each held a gray jar in their hands, the ashes of the victims who had been killed in battle.
Quiet and peaceful.
Order was established. Sixty-nine people lost their lives while searching or fighting in the wild.
Death, for most people who live in the last days, is slightly ordinary and common.
This ordinary does not mean that they have a hard heart, no desire and no love, they have blood, they have flesh, they also have seven passions, but the factors of desolation, environment, robbers, and food in the last days can constitute conditions of death.
The ashes of the sixty-nine were placed before the eyes of all.
Among these ashes, there are their loved ones, partners, and comrades-in-arms who support him all the way. The surroundings are heavy all at once. They are all men. But now, some people have ripples in their eyes.
Living on this seemingly abandoned land, they are used to dealing with dead bodies in a frugal way, either burying, or burning, and even burial and heavenly burial.
Everyone's life is not easy.
In the last days, too many lives have been taken away. Compared with going to sacrifice those who died, for the survivors, how to live a better tomorrow is the thing that needs attention.
Chen Feng's solemn face seemed to be without joy and sorrow, but in his eyes, there was a trace of blood and scarlet that could not be resolved.
What makes a unit powerful?
Sharp weapon? Tall body? A successful strategy? Or a good commander?
These reasons may be able to make the troops victory, but still do not represent their strength, in other words, if it is a weapon? No strategy? No Yum! How should they fight? How to win?
The vocabulary that carries a powerful force is not external force, but belonging.
Only each of them regards order as their homeland. For their homeland, they fight and kill, and knowingly lose, they must charge resolutely. Even if they fall, they must become a mountain and a ridge!
Only then will the order become truly strong!
If one day, the troops under one's own hands can condense this kind of spirit, and then they will be able to fight one enemy and ten battles!
Tomb of the Bone.
The empty cemetery does not have any steles, and some are just like a hole in a nest, which is the place where the ashes are buried, and it is also the loyal tomb in the mouth of Chen Feng.
In front of the cemetery is a huge stone monument up to five meters in height. Even though these dead people do not have a tombstone, the names of these dead people are engraved on the stele. Sixty-nine people have never been missing and have not been in residence.
The dead, the soul too.
Deadly, the soul does not return.
The death of the deceased is a ritual that must be completed for people.
The Tomb of the Bone is a tomb, but it also belongs to it.
Chen Feng's wish, in addition to the construction of a buried soldier's bones, is also an attempt to consolidate the military soul of His Majesty's soldiers!
Just now, there are only sixty-nine names on this inscription, but in the future, in the and turbulent times of life, the names on this monument will only increase more and more until it is filled in. full.
Nothing to do with cold blood, nothing to do with desolation, this is the only way for every king to dominate.
Skeletons are roads, flesh and blood are bridges.
By then, the stele condensed by the flesh and blood of this people will eventually erupt with an appalling soul and essence.
Attribution, this intangible and invisible existence is not groundless. With it, a unit can have its backbone. With it, the unit can survive a battle, and with it, it can truly ask the Ding Jiangshan and the blade.
Stone monuments, carved characters.
No matter how much ambition, selfishness, or indifference is carried in Chen Feng's heart, at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, he is like a divine house, shining to the world.
Chen Feng stared flatly at the faithful surrendered himself, or many self-serving soldiers, and said loudly: "Although the Economic Development Zone has been restored, there are more stronger and scarier monsters outside." I can tell you exactly that in the near future, there will be a real disaster in this city. At that time, tens of thousands of bugs will come from all directions. Compared to the kind of fighting, the economic development zone will encounter Everything, but pediatrics!
"But do n’t be afraid. The armor made by insect shells will be continuously delivered to your hands, and the weapons will gradually strengthen. The sharpness will be doubled. Fight well. I promise now that once the war begins, kill a bug. 20% of the meat belongs to you! "
Chen Feng drank loudly, encouraging these soldiers one by one as beasts, and leaving them without any fear or anxiety. As if the credit is at your fingertips.
Chen Feng looked around. The appalling breath stopped everyone from cheering. After a while, he said again
"In addition to personal rewards, from now on, all war dead have entered this monument. I swear to heaven that the war dead of order, the family is supported by order, parents funeral, child care, widow care, let you live a healthy life If you die, you will be well-placed. If you break your vow, you will be destroyed by nature, and God will not exist! "
A fierce gasp came from the crowd. At this time, the soldiers' eyes were red, and they could no longer control the excitement in their hearts, and they roared out.
Living in troubled times, they really don't have extra ambitions. It's good to be alive. Even if they are tired or bitter, as long as they live, they are willing.
But when life is not good, people are not as good as grass. Even humans have more killings, not to mention bugs and zombies!
Homes are destroyed, UU reads www. uukanshu. The com family was killed. They also had resentment and hate, but here, they have never experienced the slightest humiliation. On the contrary, the requirements of delicious food to warm the residence, which were never imagined in the past, are realized here .
Life is worse than grass.
This is the most vivid portrayal of the world.
Over time, they became more and more contradictory, alive or dead? For people living in these last days, this is a slightly sour choice.
It's good here, although all the systems are so strange, but there are dependencies.
In this environment, their broken heart began to repair, they began to form a new family, have a new family, and usher in a new life of their own.
Listening to Chen Feng's vow of forgetfulness, everyone breathed heavily and clenched his fists.
Fallen leaves always return to the roots.
Now, the land under their feet is their roots. After disaster and pain, they ... finally went home.
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