Chapter 20: Please call me ... Master!

红 Xu Hongzhuang was suddenly there. She looked at Chen Feng with a pair of beautiful eyes and didn't know how to talk to the other party.
Looking at Xu Hongzhuang with a surprised look, Chen Feng was silent, then waved her right hand, and a tentacle appeared out of thin air, so wrapped around Xu Hongzhuang's waist, and flung it to Chen Feng.
Xu Hongzhuang vacated for the first time, too suddenly, which made her head dizzy.
The dark elf didn't know when to put away the bow and arrow. She chatted with interest towards Xu Hongzhuang, and never missed an inch of skin from her neck to her body.
The evil elf didn't know whether it was intentional or not. She deliberately stayed on Xu Hongzhuang's chest for more time. She licked the tip of her tongue and even put her index finger on her lips.
She smelled a pure breath.
Dark elves hate purity, just as they hate forest elves. They fall into the darkness. In some large sacrifice activities, their favorite sacrifice is the unicorn representing light.
If you put Xu Hongzhuang in the hands of the dark elves, it only takes a few hours, and she will experience what it means to despair.
Fingers and bows, and even some other objects, the dark elves are good at using tools to bring those pure people a nightmare experience.
Xu Hongzhuang felt something wrong. She realized that the dark elf's eyes were about to stand up. She thought about it and said, "I think this is a misunderstanding, I didn't ..."
"You didn't think wrong."
Chen Feng interrupted Xu Hongzhuang's explanation, and he replied: "It's dangerous outside. I put in a lot of effort to find such a hiding place, but because of you, these efforts disappeared ... In the case just now, it's best The solution is to kill you. As soon as you die, the threat of that big reptile is over. "
"Some regrets ..."
Chen Feng paused deliberately: "You actually blocked the arrow. Although the reptile died, it caused too much movement. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to live here ..."
Chen Feng's words were like an ice cave, which extinguished the flames, making Xu Hongzhuang's only good impression on him disappear.
Xu Hongzhuang couldn't figure out how to think, shouldn't this be a bridge for heroes to save beauty? Why is the other party not as good as he imagined? In this chaotic world, human beings should help human beings. Why, he is so bad, just threatens his safety, he will kill himself?
I can't ...
红 Xu Hongzhuang still wants to thank the other party for being so honest, without too much rhetoric, and when she speaks, it is the harsh language that pierces the heart.
How can I speak?
No matter what the other party thinks, after all, he saved himself. Xu Hongzhuang's mood is very complicated. On the one hand, she is grateful for Chen Feng's help, on the other hand, she can't accept it anyway, Chen Feng's vicious image.
Judging by his appearance, he looks very peaceful. His white shirt and linen pants exude a clean breath between his hands and feet, but ... his heart is too cruel and too dark; for this, justice is astonishing. Xu Hongzhuang couldn't accept it.
At the same time Xu Hongzhuang was tangled, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party carefully. He keenly captured the other party's psychological activities. It was simple and clear. Obviously, this is a girl with no mind. She puts everything she wants to say , All written on the face.
This is good……
Controlling the evil spirits is far easier than controlling the dark elves. The examples around him tell Chen Feng a simple truth. Fools ... are easier to control.
The adjective idiot is very broad.
Chen Feng mostly used this word to describe some people.
Brave, fearless, sacrificed, dedicated, and too pedantic.
The judges are an organization. The doctrine they believe in is human nature. Wherever there is difficulty, they are there. They are selfless and fearless. They devote their lives to dedication. For some ordinary people, they do not hesitate to go deep into wormholes and corpses.
This is a very great act. For the continuation of humanity, they vowed to clear away all darkness and filth. Bugs and bad people are their targets. (They have their own criteria for judging good or bad.)
Xu Hongzhuang reminded Chen Feng of the judge.
Love and hate are distinct.
For those who need help, or those who have helped them, they will give everything, and for those who have been heresy, they will raise their butcher knife without hesitation.
Is like Xu Hongzhuang. The embarrassing entanglement of Di Xinglong before and the inexplicable entanglement now is just like water and fire, and it is impossible to think of it as a person.
Every judge is living a life of ascetic monks. They ignore love and life and have devoted everything to the righteousness in their hearts. Because of this, few people in this church are still corrupted, even the most enchanting. Succubus can't shake the judge's mind.
A young girl with the potential to become a judge?
Thinking of this, Chen Feng withdrew his thoughts. He stared at the young girl with a smile: "Well, I think we should talk to each other. I must leave here in a short time, so I will give you some last words. Opportunity……"
"I ... we ... what? You still want to kill me?"
Xu Hongzhuang originally wanted to explain, but found that the other party's last words were suddenly widened.
"I am a cautious person. I was a little scared by your ability just now. It is difficult for me to confirm whether you hate me, so in order to isolate your revenge, it is best to kill you!"
"Why? This is just a misunderstanding, isn't it? I didn't blame you at all, and ... I also thank you very much ... I never thought of getting revenge on you ..."
Xu Hongzhuang hurriedly explained, but Chen Feng was unmoved. At the same time, the dark elf raised his bow and arrow again. This time, Xu Hongzhuang clearly felt a sense of killing from the other person, like a quagmire. made her heart sink a little, she knew that the other party was not joking.
Do not!
I can't die yet!
Xu Hongzhuang clenched her fists. She was not afraid of death, but her family's blood revenge had not yet been reported. She vowed to eradicate these monsters and sacrifice her family's spirit in heaven. How could she ... how could she die in such a place?
"No, please listen to my explanation. I can't die yet. This terrible disaster has taken away all my family. I vowed to make these monsters and bloody. I can't die here, at least not now!"
Xu Hongzhuang raised her neck and confronted Chen Feng with a husky voice.
Faced with Xu Hongzhuang's request, Chen Feng just shook his head: "Does this have anything to do with me? I'm just for my own safety. Don't you think this verbal commitment is too monotonous?"
那么 "So ... what can you do to let me go? I can swear to my dead family, I won't hurt you anyway ..."
"Do you think that people like me will believe the so-called vows?"
Xu Hongzhuang was stupefied for a moment, yeah, how could such a selfish and jealous guy believe the vow.
Isn't he really dead?
当然 "Of course, if you can promise me one thing, I might consider letting you go."
Xu Hongzhuang seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. She didn't have time to think so much, and nodded hurriedly: "You said, no matter what, I will try my best to complete it!"
What I need is this sentence.
When I heard this, Chen Feng smiled. He took a step forward and put his head close to Xu Hongzhuang's ear: "Is everything okay? So be my slave, now, please call me ... Master!"
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