Chapter 512: Power of the Second Artifact

Fu La is no longer the past. Masters of boxing are originally strong when they are strong. They long to get enough pressure in the fight to make their martial arts go one step further.
The black dragon is terrible.
But it doesn't make Fura feel scared, but it will stimulate her potential in the body, so that the fist will be concentrated in the best state.
The Black Dragon was too naive to think that Chen Feng was alone and could not cause any harm to himself, but how could he guess that from the beginning, the Black Dragon was a good prey that Chen Feng had planned.
Chen Feng does not follow the so-called solo fight. In this world, the winner is the king and the loser is the pirate. The process is not important. The ending is the key.
Not only Fura, but the Dark Elves and Undead Mage also looked at each other without Chen Feng's order. As summoners, they did not dare to appear, just as Erwin had killed the shaman. They were waiting for an opportunity. Can give the Black Dragon a fatal blow!
"Go for a quick battle. I will take shelter next to you. Once there is danger, I will save you." Chen Feng's voice appeared in Fura's mind.
Martial spirit.
Go forward.
Unlike the path of siege that Chen Feng took, Fu La took the path of [yong]. On her road, even though there were countless enemies, she was not timid. Instead, these enemies were her driving force. .
It is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for Fura to compete with half-footed legendary powerhouses!
Fu La nodded, wanting to enter the legendary stage does not happen overnight. If the golden stage is only a foundation, then the legendary stage needs to add its own understanding.
Fura stood in place, her hands spread on both sides of her body. She looked at the dragon in front of her, and her footsteps backwarded, and the next second, she urged the whole body's bones and muscles, and broke out the fierce palm, legs, hammer, and hands Whip, and so on.
Every move is fierce!
At this moment, Fura's breathing suddenly disappeared, as if there were some sounds of dragon chanting in her body, her breath was slow and heavy, her strength was endless, like a mountain, as steady as the earth!
"The more powerful I am, the more I can challenge myself in battle, with the owner to protect me, I can let go of my hesitation and face off with the Black Dragon squarely!"
Fura looked at the dragon not far away, and she seemed to have made a decision!
Masters of boxing have been honing their martial arts throughout their lives. This group is undoubtedly a group of lunatics. Some masters of boxing have even participated in blood battles in pursuit of higher martial arts.
Bloody battles are not demons and demons.
In the countless years of fighting with each other, there are still some scattered forces. These people or monsters have various reasons and reasons. Some people are recruited to participate in battles. Some people are fighting for the fortune of the war. Gathering each other's heritage, but also part of them are extreme people like boxing masters, ordinary fighting can no longer satisfy their hearts.
To become stronger, drive them into more horrific and dangerous battles.
Fura crouched on her back, her legs were bent, and then she jumped into the sky. In the blink of an eye, she transitioned like a flying star, struck through the clouds, and went directly to the black dragon.
Fura raised her fist. Although this attack was only the size of a soybean in front of Black Dragon's eyes, she didn't dare to overdo it now.
Half of the black dragon stepped into the legend, the five senses were keen, and he could feel the intention of killing. When Fura moved, he felt a little uneasy, hurriedly waved the dragon's claws, and waved towards Fura.
When it shook the shroud, its whole body was suddenly tense, and a powerful force and momentum broke out. Although separated by dozens of meters, Chen Feng and others felt an invisible power.
Fra sneered.
But who can think of it, Fura saw that the response of the Black Dragon did not retreat, and the speed suddenly accelerated in mid-air, so that there was a sound of space tearing all around.
A flash of fire appeared at the tip of Fura's fist.
Originally, it was just a few faint fires, but after a while, as Fura continued to sprint, it completely spread out, as if the peacock opened the screen, it was dizzying.
One punch!
Fura looked like a weak willow body, but at this time she completely changed her appearance, like an elf born from the fire, and her hot fist blasted directly on the black dragon.
A punch blasted out, so that the black dragon took a step back. Then, Fura continued to sprint, as if there were endless strength, and the false image created in the air disturbed human eyes.
Hitting a high-speed positive punch and air friction generates flames, using the shock waves and flames formed by hitting the air to continuously strike the opponent. At this time, the flames generated by high-speed attacks will form a peacock-like scene in the air!
For the surrounding warriors and ogres, this is bound to be an amazing battle.
Especially Li Linhua, she can't say a word now. She originally thought that Chen Feng was alone and would inevitably fall into the face of the dragon, but everything didn't go as it happened in her mind. Instead ... Advancing along other tracks.
Not only did Chen Feng become a horrified stance with wings, but there were a few more powerful horrors beside him, whether it was a mysterious man in a cape, a rich elf holding a bow and arrow, or the dragon in front of him who could interact with the dragon Fighting girls, the strength of these people are beyond the imagination of Li Linhua.
Xing Yong?
Compared with these people, even reptiles are not even!
At this moment, a savage dragon roar made Li Linhua wake up, and she hurriedly looked to the side. She saw the mighty dragon just now, but now it was slightly miserable. Fu La's fist was full of high temperature, and every punch was toward It clicked weakly, and it affected the eyes, ears, and wings.
The dragon is already angry.
It has never endured such humiliation. It obviously has more powerful energy than the other side, but from the beginning, it has fallen into the downwind. This feeling of being overwhelmed makes it inexplicably annoyed.
Dragon Tail Swing!
Just as Fura made another charge, the black dragon swung its body, and had a thicker tail than the trees, and threw it towards Fura.
An invisible air wave was spreading in all directions. When the black dragon made a counterattack, Fura also watched the opponent's movements, her arms crossed, and she also made a defensive state, but everything happened in an instant, just in Fu As soon as La pulled out of the action, the dragon's tail was drawn on her arm.
Like being hit by a meteorite, Fura drew an arc and fell directly on the ground.
The black dragon will not give up, as far as it is concerned, this is a good time for revenge. The tall claws of the dragon will fall to the ground!
Once hit, Fula will also be seriously injured if she does not die!
"not good!"
Chen Feng's pupils tightened, and he said to the surroundings, "Do it!"
Over a long period of time, each other has been honed to a very good understanding. Seeing all this, the undead mage lifted up the scepter of bones, and the ground suddenly burst into four bones of long bones.
And Erwin was already eager to try. When he saw the black dragon raising his tail, he put his arrow in his hand. At this time, looking at the black dragon trapped in the bone pillar, he pulled the arrow string and shot a streamer on the streamer. Among the dragon eyes.
A bloodlight bloomed.
Don't expect the dark elves to have fighting spirit. For Erwin, eyes are her favorite part of attack. No matter how powerful a person is, eyes have always been the dead point of the opponent.
The black dragon is crazy!
It was silent in the joy of revenge the last second, but it was wrapped in bones the previous second. Not only that, but also an eye was shot blind, anger, humiliation, and pain were mixed in the heart. At this time, It is almost like a frightened beast, without the former domineering and calmness.
"good chance!"
How could a Chen Feng standing on the edge give up such a good opportunity, when he saw the black dragon swinging left and right, he growled towards the undead mage: "Sword is coming!"
Chen Feng holds a long sword with energy transfiguration, but this blade has no lethality to the black dragon. After all, the opponent is a legendary creature with only half a foot in it. It seems that it is now a beast in a cage. In fact, this is not the case.
Is Silver and Silver Peak a Grade?
It seems that Chen Feng and his team suppressed the black dragon, but most of this is because the black dragon is too light-hearted. Once the other party reacts, it can instantly reverse the disadvantage and even complete the counter-kill.
From the beginning, Chen Feng was playing.
The bet is his own life or the life of the Black Dragon!
This is a crucial opportunity!
Although the power of the golden order cannot cut through the dragon's body, what about the power of the legendary order? You know, Chen Feng has one of the most important hole cards left!
A fiery fissure cracked slowly in front of Chen Feng.
Chen Feng reached into his palm. Even though he had absorbed some of the willpower of the Burning Demon, the heat in the blade still made Chen Feng feel a lot of pain, but he knew that he couldn't be hesitant now ~ ~ He only has three minutes to hold the sword. Once it exceeds, his body will be seriously loaded.
A red light flickered in front of his eyes.
The black dragon trapped in the bone pillar seemed to perceive something, not like the pressure on Zephra just now, but a threat of death. Obviously, it felt the power of the secondary artifact.
The black dragon began to shake desperately, the mad body desperately hit the bone pillars in front of it, and slowly, there were cracks on these bone pillars. It won't be long before it can escape from it!
Chen Feng couldn't wait any longer. He swayed the wings behind him and rushed towards the black dragon at a very fast speed. He raised the secondary artifact, and the flame was wrapped in his hands, like a of war falling from the sky. When he reached the black dragon's head, he held the sword with both hands. The handle, exhausting all the strength of the whole body, penetrated fiercely.
The sword body, which is about 1.5 meters long, was completely submerged in the skull of the black dragon.
Suddenly quiet!
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