Chapter 588: Kill Legend

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It has reached the edge of advanced, if it can swallow the bad demon, that loose obstacle can break through at once, and reach its dream state!
The bad demon won't sit still, his body twisted, and his tail was blocked in front of him instantly.
A slightly glowing fist hit the tail, and a force penetrated the tail and passed to the bad demon's body, letting it tremble, like a meteorite, and fell directly towards the ground!
Compared to just now, the cockroach monster is faster, and watching the inferior monster go down, the cockroach monster's body trembles, and then, using hands and feet with a speed like wind, it launches a continuous attack on the inferior monster!
Bursts of bitterness sounded.
In this crazy bombardment process, the bad demon's body may burst at any time, but Chen Feng has been unmoved. From beginning to end, he just stood in place, watching the battle indifferently, Whether it is the cockroach monster devouring the Chaos Demon Spider, or the inferior demon is falling into the wind today, all this seems to be his wanton indulgence. Even if a group of gold beasts are entangled around him, he has never chosen the siege to kill the other!
No one knew what he was thinking.
With a loud noise, the bad demon fell directly to the ground. In the mid-air, it withstood a series of blows from the cockroach monster. It can be said that it was bombarded by power for more than several tons and replaced with any gold strongman. Under the attack, Huang Quan has been killed.
But even so, the cockroach monster didn't choose to stop it. His figure was raised again, his expression was quite serious. In the next second, like a cannonball fell from the sky, and his fists drew down, an extremely hot breath appeared!
This bug seems to really kill the bad demon. Even if the bad devil has a sweet appearance, the cockroach monster has no human aesthetics at all. In its eyes, the bad demon is just a gourmet with a strong fragrance!
-Long Breath!
A group of flare visible to the naked eye exploded, and the natural breath was raging out from the ground, and suddenly blasted into the air, a strong energy wrapped around the cockroach monster!
The figure of the evil spirit emerged from the ground, and then stood a short distance away. It was panting, even if the face was covered with dust, but the eyes did not give up, but there was a sly trick of conspiracy success!
As a divine reserve, the endurance of the bad monster's body has exceeded everyone's imagination. It can be said that even if it is hit by hundreds of missiles, it may still have a life. The ordinary melee and explosion have already dealt with it. Your life can't make any impact. Only the legendary power of mastering rules can tear it apart and completely suppress the evil spirits!
Among the summoned beasts, the most powerful is not the enchanting Erwin nor the boxer-proficient Fura, but rises from the dust, and grows from a most common abyss demon to the current inferior devil. In essence, , It already has an immortal body!
The bad demon is showing weakness to the enemy, deliberately revealing the flaw and being hit by the opponent, and then when the opponent can't imagine, he spit the dragon's breath and wrapped the opponent in it.
The cockroach monster submerged in the dragon's breath, the evil monster's reaction speed is extremely fast, it suddenly rises, then kicks a large whirlwind upwards, and a series of strong winds appear in the legs. The strong wind blows the dirt and blows away directly. Shroud the cockroach monster!
The demon's lower body has undergone a qualitative change. He has already said goodbye to the original decay, but has become a human calf. It seems that there is no gap between him and a little girl.
In countless battles, the bad demon has mastered amazing melee skills. This trick directly hit the cockroach monster and kicked it out of the dragon's breath. There was a huge wound in the chest.
The cockroach fell on the ground not far away, and there was blood spattering everywhere, and the body shuddered. When it stood up, at this time, it had a large hole in its chest, and the smelly blood kept flowing out. The blood slowly remained on the ground, but it seemed to have life, but slowly gathered together.
Blood moved upward along the body of the cockroach monster. After a while, some strange changes took place in its body.
The boundless evil black gas lingers on the whole body of the cockroach. At this moment, its appearance has transformed again. A pair of spider legs appeared on both sides of the body. The sharp razor-like spider legs shone with silver metal cold light in the air.
It stood there, just like the monster transformed in the bloodiest sea of ​​blood, but in an instant, it left an indelible mark.
It's like a horrible roaring undead, shooting from the cockroach monster, entangled in the surrounding battlefield, and everyone's heart is dyed and conquered.
Everyone clearly perceives the suffocating nuclear energy fluctuations, and even foresees the scene where they are killed by the other party.
This is a force that can't be resisted at all. Even the strong ones such as Lin Tianxiu and Su Tan look weak like ants under this kind of energy.
Legend and gold seem to have only one realm, but the gap between them is like heaven and earth, it is simply two levels!
Cockroach stepped into the legend!
Who would have thought that the evil monster's hidden killing tricks actually broke the last layer of obstacles in disguise. At this time, the blood of the cockroach monster and the chaotic magic spider are perfectly integrated. It can be said that it has mastered all of the chaotic magic spider. Power, the genes in the body have changed again, and become an unprecedented life form!
This is the power of the legendary order!
Chen Feng's face was filled with a look of excitement. As his strength became stronger and stronger, and the fate of many people was changed in succession, the challenges and pressures from around him became more and more intense.
It is said that a small butterfly fluttered its wings on the other side of the ocean and reached a region of tens of thousands of miles, and it was likely to form a storm that would destroy the world.
This is known as the butterfly effect.
Different trajectories and different destinies. After rebirth, both the heavens and the arrogant sons of the heavens stepped on him hard, leaving them without any chance of rise and resistance.
But this didn't stop him. The higher he stood, the colder it became. After he got the order, he resolutely headed for the sea. For two words, that was strength!
The path he takes is destined to be a dark place. Although remote and difficult, Chen Feng will never give up, because he was originally a man against the sky and regained a new life. If he is still being crushed by his feet, then he What's the point of living? !!
The cockroach monster was successfully promoted, and the feet full of explosive power suddenly stepped out. The chaotic will on his body burst out instantly. The thunderbolt grabbed the mouth of an apocalypse beetle with his hands. The unstoppable power immediately pulled the two The blood vessels of the split valve are bursting with blood!
After being covered with plasma, the roach monster was even more brutal and violent. It roared, and a ripple visible to the naked eye seemed to tear up the space, causing the nearby insects to explode.
In the blink of an eye, a red blood mist visible to the naked eye had shrouded nearby. The bugs roared, roared, and squirmed, sending out a scream of screaming, and the cockroach monster had a look of self-control and anger. Repeatedly for nine days, even ordinary people in the city felt tinnitus and eardrum pain!
The cockroach monster lacks energy. At this time, it puts its target on the same kind of body. As long as it can absorb all these bugs, the energy can be restored to the full state in an instant, and the power will completely change at that time!
As soon as it sucked hard, all these blood mists were swallowed into the body by it. Compared with the speed of swallowing just now, it increased by a dozen times!
The cockroach monster has just been promoted, and its energy is still unstable. At this time, it needs infinite energy to repair the body. This is the power of the legendary order, which is not comparable to gold!
"Are you very happy?" Chen Feng said in a playful voice: "Humble bug, do you really think it is a legend that you have entered by strength? If not, I deliberately let you devour the Chaos Demon Spider, and send out the evil demon to strengthen it. In a duel, how can you break through the realm of pressure? You have the blood of taboo, the wisdom of human beings, and the powerful vitality of insects. Once you step into the legend, the energy is almost endless. It won't take long before you can form your own in this world. Power! But you can't even imagine that all your efforts are just dowry for me. It sacrifices a legendary creature, which is more valuable than the existence of ten golden steps! "
Chen Feng's dark and dark eyes swept towards the cockroach monster, and wherever his eyes went, the air seemed to turn into a thick quagmire, pulling its soul into the Styx River.
"You have just been promoted, and your body has entered the weakest ever, and I am waiting for this opportunity!"
A powerful energy was passed from Chen Feng.
The shadow at the foot is lasing forward. This is the accomplice Chen Feng called before. It exists in the form of shadow. It was wounded in the projection of the encirclement of the flames. After recovering for about half a year, it finally returned to a complete state. This shadow is extremely mysterious However, Chen Feng felt that there was a terrifying secret hidden in the opponent.
However, at this time, it is not the time to explore the secret of shadows. For Chen Feng, killing the cockroach monster is the immediate priority.
The shadow shuttled to the feet of the cockroach monster at a very fast speed, and it was entangled with the other person's shadow at once. For a moment, the cockroach monster couldn't move for half a minute!
With the energy of the shadow today, the legendary powerhouse can only be imprisoned for about three seconds!
This time is enough!
"Undead Mage, give me the power to use space!"
Chen Feng roared ~ ~ The undead mage on the side immediately tore the space and sent it to the cockroach monster.
The monster in front of him has become a legendary powerhouse. The strength of the body is beyond imagination. Even Fura can not break through the defense of the opponent, but the secondary artifact owned by Chen Feng, even if the legendary is terrible, cannot resist the attack of the artifact!
Artifact start.
Numerous blisters were immediately burned out of Chen Feng's palm. Each time he held the artifact, it was a kind of torture, but the legendary creature was right in front of him. Chen Feng could not care about his thoughts and raised his long sword. Power chopped in the head of the opponent!
This strong man who has just stepped into the legendary rank slowly collapsed between his necks. In the next second, a huge blood flashed out, and if his big head fell to the ground.
"good chance!"
Chen Feng's eyes were congested, and he couldn't stop taking a rest. He raised his left hand and severely inserted it into the wound around his neck. Liu Xingxing appeared. Now he is going to perform a blood sacrifice and get endless baptism!
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