Vol 2 Chapter 702: Set fire

"go to hell!"
The evil demon made a clear voice. When its voice just came down, one of the masterminds that led the aggression was completely covered by Dragon Breath, leaving only a charred body!
Amazingly, a few seconds after the nine-winged cicada completely became a scorched black body, its chest began to rise and fall, and it was clear that it had not really died.
The legend.
A life system that is completely different from the previous stage. At this level, the strong can no longer eat, but rely on the energy contained in the air to maintain life.
The most vivid manifestation is that at this level of undead creatures, even if their heads are broken, they may continue to fight, because their lives no longer stop at their heads. If they want to completely kill each other, they must be frustrated. .
Although the nine-winged cicada is a worm, the power of the legendary worm emperor is not insignificant. When it was just enveloped by the dragon's breath, it was in a state of false death. Even if the injury was severe, if you gave the other time , It doesn't take long to get back to what it was in three months!
Legendary creatures are difficult to judge by common sense.
"His ... His ..."
Some faint sounds were emitted from the throat of the nine-winged cicada, and its vocal cords had been destroyed by the dragon's breath. At this time, only intermittent low-pitched voices were spreading in the throat.
It's asking for help!
The nine-winged cicada was aware of the deadly danger, so at this time, it no longer took into account the face of the so-called strong, but began to rush for help around.
When the insects around them heard the call for help, their breathing suddenly became sharp, and even their bodies became red gradually. It seemed to be placed on an iron pan and baked, and an incomprehensible change occurred!
The successive hissing sounds spit out in the mouths of the bugs. At this time, the bugs that were originally in a state of escape turned around, and their eyes were filled with the blood color representing hatred. Even if they knew the gap between themselves and the evil spirits, they must be amazing The number drowned each other and was buried under the sea of ​​insects!
Force Summon!
This is not because the insects are angry because of the defeat of the nine-winged cicada, but because the nine-winged cicada, who is the insect emperor, has the supreme dominance of lower-order insects.
This ability is like the legend of the Burning Demon. Those low-level creatures have no choice but to be forced to accept slavery and become cannon fodder on the battlefield!
Pentium's voice sounded!
As the waves-like bugs turned and charged, even the ground was shaking slightly!
Black Cloud Technique!
-Evil Aura!
Saruman turned to look at the sea of ​​insects, his face still calm, he raised his bone bone scepter, and with the dark spells spilled, the surrounding bodies that fell in the pool of blood seemed to be summoned, Struggled to stand up from the ground.
A dead cowardly staggered from the ground. In the previous battle, half of his head was chopped off, so that now some white brain remains on his cheeks, and his eyes have no life. Color, but turbidity, no consciousness, no instinct, only Saruman's order can drive the other side.
The densely packed corpses stood up from the ground. Compared with the previous life, they would feel fear because of the enemy's charge. At this time, they are simply a group of resentful souls from hell!
Demon, countless corpses mixed together, and rushed towards the bug that came!
At first these corpses still wobbled. As they became more proficient, their speed became faster and faster, and eventually turned into an unstoppable corpse frenzy!
A shocking scene!
The worms have encountered unprecedented powerful enemies. Compared to demons, these undead creatures are simply the most difficult opponents. They have no fear, are not afraid of death, even if the body is cut in half, they can use up their final strength and bite with their teeth. Broke the enemy's neck!
Standing aside, Chen Feng, who looked like a bystander from beginning to end, forgot a deep glance at Saruman. After being promoted to legend, Saruman's mastery of necromancy has been strengthened a lot.
At the time of awakening, there were some yellow abscesses on those corpses. Once the enemy contacted the undead, they would be eroded by the sap in those abscesses.
-Corpse Rotten!
These toxins will erode the carapace of the bug, and then make it slow. Some weaker bugs are very likely to die!
When Saruman summoned before, there was no such ability. Obviously, with it becoming a legend, the casting ability of the undead also became an enhanced version!
Bugs are gradually declining!
Under multiple pressures, the spells of the bugs seem to be slowly dissipating. The undead and demons in front of them have caused fatal damage to them. The opponents are not humans who can only escape and scream, but have become some more terrible. The enemy!
The Devil's Legion and the Devil Not Afraid of Death!
As more and more corpses were resurrected, the worms were stopped. Some worms seemed to be awake in the face of absolute fear, and some of the worms that had been forcibly summoned began to turn around and escape again.
How pathetic!
In the previous life, the entire city of insects swallowed up the entire city and gradually expanded toward the surrounding world. At this time, it became a bullied party. Those hard worms were defeated by the demon with a weapon and the sharp worm limbs were cut. When the enemy is infected, they will also be infected with the terrible corpse rot. At the same time, whether it is defense or offense, there will be large swarms of bugs falling down forever. In the face of this terrible power, they seem to have no choice but to escape.
Just as the bug retreated, Saruman turned his eyes to the nine-winged cicada on the ground, and said slightly sarcasticly: "Are you still trying to resist? Don't hold on anymore, your fate has already been decided!"
Saruman raised his left hand, and the ground suddenly began to shake. It seemed that an earthquake had occurred around it, causing most of the nearby creatures to fall to the west.
With a loud noise, I saw the ground beneath the nine-winged cicada suddenly collapse, like a huge coffin, completely enclosed in it.
The dirt slowly gathered, and within a minute, the figure of the nine-winged cicada was completely drowned!
Saruman has not forgotten his mission and captured the sacrifices for Chen Feng for Chen Feng. Compared with the corpse, there is no doubt that the value of the nine-winged cicada is higher.
For the capture of the insect emperor, this task has been completed a third.
A huge impact sound came from not far away. During the fall, some ice cubes were sprinkled on the ground.
The flash of the legendary burning flame demon passed by, and he stormed in front of the Frost Venom, staring at the enemy in front of him, and making a roar from the bottom of his heart!
Roaring like a thunderous thunder, rolling endlessly in the sky, and even the whole mountain is echoing the aftershock!
The frost poison ant imitates the nine-winged cicada trying to summon the insects to come for help, but the legendary incendiary demon is not moved at all, holding up the sword of flame in his hand, an invisible heat, bursting into the surroundings with imperceptible energy fluctuation!
Overwhelming bugs came bursting out at the legendary incendiary demon, but when they entered a distance of about 20 meters, the entire body suddenly solidified, and the faces were filled with redness, even Some white smoke was coming out of my head!
The intangible flames of the legendary Burning Demon fluctuated more and more fiercely. As the bugs continued to charge, in the countless eyes of their companions, the entire body was extremely strangely transformed into a flame, and then the whole body was instantly flashed. Turned to ashes, not even the screams!
After the first low-pitched sound sounded, immediately afterwards, one sound followed closely. When each sound sounded, the bugs that rushed into them became strange torches, and the last one blew, bursting into ashes ...
When these almost weird, low-pitched explosions sounded for hundreds of times, the murderous bugs finally felt the fear ~ EbookFREE.me ~ the eyes panicked, fearing that the next person who turned into a flame would be himself !!
When the legendary Burning Demon's power is turned on, the whole body can create a continuous burning energy wave. Once it is within range, and the enemy with weak fire resistance is not even killed, it will change for more than ten seconds. Become a red torch!
At this time, the lord from the abyss had an indifferent face and ignored the weirdly dead insect. His indifferent gaze just moved around slowly, and whenever the gaze stayed in one place, there would be a bug that turned the fire and Burn!
Fear is spreading. In the face of this horrible ability, even if the bugs are no longer angry, they have no courage to charge. Compared to Saruman's undead rebirth, the legendary incendiary demon can be said to deter the insect tide by its own power. Let her surrender under her terror!
Frost poison ants are afraid!
Faced with a demon who has survived for hundreds of years in the harsh environment of the abyss, the worm emperor feels fear, it tries to stand up and hide away from the distance, leaving the land of right and wrong, but just got up At that time, I saw that the legendary burning flame has turned around, step by step, slowly approaching it.
Frost poison ants looked at each other's eyes, for some reason, their bodies became extremely stiff and seemed unable to move at all.
Fearful eyes!
It's also the legendary incendiary's expert move. Frost poison ants have been completely frightened. In this case, fear and eyes will be doubled on the opponent.
The legendary Burning Demon stood in front of the Frost Venom, and he held up a flame sword, like a general who defeated him. He stabbed a blood in the scream of countless bugs and the surprise of the Frost Venom At first glance, the insect king's head broke off and rolled down on the land a few meters away ...
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