Vol 2 Chapter 728: Goddess abuse

"Legendary slave?"
Chen Feng saw something unreasonable.
Under normal circumstances, the legendary stage has cleared the boundary with the previous flesh and blood body, which is a state that is out of reach and fear.
Take the legendary Burning Devil, for example, as a demon lord, it cannot be a slave to be sold here. What does it mean for a legendary slave? This requires an epic and several masters of the same level to surrender. Therefore, Chen Feng really can't think of such a powerful existence even in such a humble slave team.
Chen Feng gathered his eyes on the slave team and murmured, "What the is going on?"
The slave owner is a ghost. This is a trade-friendly race. They look ugly and feel like some witches who practice black magic. They are unsatisfactory and old, especially their eyes. They are cold all year round. It's like a corpse. Nothing can attract their attention at all.
But now, her behavior is very weird. No, it's not just weird, but it can be described as weird.
The ghost woman holds a long spike with a spike and sways on the body of the succubus, but the original indifferent pupil is now exuding a bear red light, and she almost abuses the succubus almost madly!
The succubus originally wore a thin piece of clothes, and I didn't know how many lashes she had thrown, so that her clothes were torn, revealing her exquisite body, and she could see that she was wearing nothing, but she never Caused the pity of the ghost woman, but after seeing the appearance of the other party, the body was not shaken by the Lord, the whip was like a violent storm, and it was thrown towards the other party!
The suppressed screams sounded!
The clothes of the succubus had been torn completely, there was no good skin on her body, the sharp barbs of her whip cut through her skin, a trace of blood flowing down the body along the ground, and soon the succubus was caught by the blood. erosion.
The milky skin was scarlet plasma on it, which undoubtedly gave people a strong visual impact. This pain seemed to be unbearable to the succubus. She could not help biting her inner lip and letting her mouth be full of blood, but did not say A word of mercy.
Not a succubus, but a ghost!
In the process of violence, the ghost woman seemed to get some kind of satisfaction, her face became flushed, her eyes were filled with bloodshot, and her arms that whip the whip accelerated again, it seemed that each whip exerted her strength, as if every A whip is the last wave in her life!
Another bloodstain appeared!
The succubus may finally be unable to endure this kind of torture, and a groan from the blood-stained red lips could not help but at this moment, the ghost woman stopped moving, she looked at everything in front of her excitedly, like a tireless machine , Finally completed the work needs of the unit.
She needs a break.
The ghost woman just fell to the ground with a contented smile on her face. Her original cold eyes still seemed to remember the enjoyment of a few seconds ago, even if death was not an unacceptable thing for her.
"Have you seen enough?"
The charm-filled voice was revealed from the mouth of the succubus. She suddenly opened her eyes. There was no fear or jealousy in those eyes, but there was a wisp of joke and smile. It seems that Chen Feng's small movements have been discovered for a long time without any piercing.
It's easy to misunderstand.
It's like a crowded carriage. You witnessed the invasion of a werewolf against a girl, but after a while, the girl did not blame the werewolf, but turned to look at you, and said gently, "Does it look good?"
good looking.
But this reveals weirdness everywhere.
At this time, the succubus in front of her no longer concealed her power, and with the light of a little energy gathered on the girl, the unique power of the legend permeated her, and the chain bound on her body broke one by one. Put on the robe and put it on, and then seized the long whip in the hands of the ghost woman.
She stood there, smiling brightly, but at this moment Chen Feng was like an enemy, no longer deliberately suppressing the power, and the breath belonging to the strong began to spread.
"I just passed by."
After that.
Chen Feng turned around and left in the other direction. The succubus kept watching Chen Feng's back, his expression seemed a little curious, but he finally gave up his intentions. Anyway, this ritual was just held once a month, and it was used too much. , On the contrary it will not do much.
The legend has strong resilience, and felt the wounds healed little by little. The succubus's face showed a touch of satisfaction. She crossed her legs together and everything around her fell into silence. This moment belongs to her. world,
Chen Feng can determine one thing.
The opponent is a legendary powerhouse.
Judging from the way in which the other party is happy with abuse, 80% of the evil gods she believes in may be abusing girls, Lauvita.
Lauvita is an aggressive, domineering and fearless goddess, guarding all torturers, sadistics, and bullies. Her nature is both cold and calculating. The suffering girl is passionate about pain, and she is able to accurately hit the gap in the victim's faith. Unlike most bullies who use violence to yield, she perfectly uses human selfishness to advance her plans.
The priest who abuses the goddess will lash herself with a whip in the morning, then kneel and pray for divine magic, and her followers will perform a ceremony called one day in January-the priests will step barefoot on barbed wire, pointed corners Or on broken glass, chanting and dancing in a circle.
And the high-ranking priests will make some people use the long whip to lash themselves, they firmly believe that this will be closer to the goddess and get the favor of the goddess.
And the church that killed the goddess was criticized by some righteous people as a code of sin.
The world is full of pain and torture, so the only thing we can do is to face these unavoidable pains and to pay more to those who cause us pain.
Kindness is the best companion for hurt and suffering, because only kindness can deepen the suffering of torture. Keep in mind that the endless cruelty and torture will only allow the abused to rise up, so occasionally stop torture and give them unexpected comfort and medical treatment to make it impossible to understand the goddess's will. In this way, ignorance People will be more eager for the mercy of the goddess of abuse.
Whips, flames, and cold are the three most useful tools Goddess gives to believers. Whenever believers inflict torture and punishment, they should preach Lauvita's teachings. Pain is the most comprehensive trial, it can strengthen the tenacity of the spirit, and let the people who have passed through the torment get real joy. Only those who know the goddess' rules can impose real punishment and abuse. Wherever there is a whip, there will be Goddess Lauvita. Awe of Lauvita, and longing for her grace.
Demon, abuse, long whip.
These signs indicate that the succubus ’beliefs originated from the goddess of abuse, and the abyss rarely has a formal organization of three perspectives. Those evil gods clearly have good power, but because they have lived in the abyss for countless years, they have been infected with a ray of chaos. factor.
There are customs that you can't imagine, just like just now, a legendary powerhouse is willing to bind himself to a bullying bully on a high platform.
Maybe she is completing one-time sacrifice ~ EbookFREE.me ~ but in Chen Feng's view, this is so incredible.
Legendary succubus.
"Maybe you can try to give her some information. The other party has the power of legend and must have a good right to speak in the church. She will most likely have the ability to pray like a like Erwin."
A thought emerged from Chen Feng's eyes.
This is a good way.
Touching fish in muddy water, even if Chen Feng has the legendary power, he cannot control the trend of this conspiracy. Instead, he can make this pond completely muddy. By then, he can naturally increase his chance of survival.
However, Chen Feng could not talk to the other person in person. The ghost knew whether the other party was the object of Dengshicheng. In addition, even if the other party was not an ally of Dengshicheng, he lived in the abyss for countless years. The most basic trust has long been lost.
Just listen to thirty minutes, this is the most basic common sense of the abyss!
Chen Feng shook his head. After thinking for a while, he finally gave up the idea. He has disclosed the news to Rose. Even if the other party did not respond, this does not mean that the other party did not pay attention to the matter. At that time, the killing of the girls came in person, which would undoubtedly make Rose's goodwill to her.
Compared to a wandering demon without a residence, Rose is a ruler at one level. Both the strength and the believer are not on the same level.
Chen Feng gave up the idea of ​​revealing the news to the succubus, and he chose to become an onlooker. He would witness all this happening and witness their death.
At this time, Chen Feng's mind even emerged with some bad tastes. If the existence behind the council gave the succubus a whip, would the other person laugh as brightly as he did just now.
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