Vol 2 Chapter 745: Despaired

The mud around it seemed to be drenched with blood, as if it could not bear the pressure, and the void surrounding it was the sound of evil and destruction, and it seemed that the dark and blasphemy words surrounded the devil's leader.
The dark energy attached to Chen Feng, at this time, seemed to be attracted, and suddenly gathered towards the monster who spit out Caro!
"It hurts!"
Although Chen Feng avoided great damage because of the dragon, but because of the horrible explosion, a part of the dark energy was splashed on himself. When he left, those dark forces seemed to be a group of hungry monsters. , Took a bite of flesh on the attached wound.
Fortunately, those injuries were still very shallow and did not hurt themselves.
But the legendary powerful men in the front have already been stuck inside by the dark energy. In the face of this horrible suction, except for the flesh and blood, even the internal organs are swallowed together, and they form a kind of minced meat, and rush towards the monster.
In this single hit, six legendary powerhouses died completely from internal organ damage.
In the entire battlefield, there are only a few survivors. This picture is just like hell, which makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.
Those dark energies gathered on the monster's body. Under the horrible energy intake, the monster's head suddenly formed two energy eyes. The green and dark red kept changing, giving people an unusually evil feeling.
This is a huge snake-shaped creature. It has no eyes and nose, but there are dense mouths on the body. The dark energy is swallowed by those mouths. The sound of shuttle is like humans eating noodles. Appears abnormally appetite.
"the host!"
Just when the permanent ogre descended completely on this land, Gordon suddenly stepped out of the side, and then respectfully knelt on the ground!
The permanent ogre moved a step forward, and the soil beneath him completely turned into black, as if stained by the purest evil energy, and no trace of life would appear on this land.
The other side symbolizes swallowing!
When Chen Feng saw this, he slammed a gesture again, all of which was beyond his control. The sudden appearance of the devil in front of him was very powerful, and his realm was even stronger than the epic.
Now carefully recall that what Caro had just done was more like a sacrifice ceremony.
Using his own body as the cradle of the opponent's advent, in addition, he successively devoured the two legendary strong men of the vampire prince and the ogre, plus the energy just swallowed up, the power is already extraordinary!
Even if the other side's body cannot truly descend because of the dimension wall, the birth of flesh and blood has already surpassed the ordinary projection.
I do n’t know how many people have died in the entire Dengshi City. During the explosion, those dark energies have already been scattered to all corners of the city. At this time, those energies also gathered from all directions, and then all attached to the permanent ogre!
Chen Feng can clearly feel that the strength of the other party is rising little by little. Under the nurturing of this energy, it may not take long to break through the epic and enter the next realm.
"Perhaps this is also a step in the ceremony!"
Chen Feng's brain began to run wild. He suddenly remembered the previous Caro, who also devoured enough energy, and then a monster was born.
And the monster in front is also proceeding in similar steps, whether or not, when the other party ’s energy meets certain requirements, can it bring the real body into this world.
Chen Feng's body shuddered a bit, he seemed to peek into a disaster, more than 20 legendary strongmen and half of the city's life sacrificed, but just preparing for the second sacrifices, all this , Beyond the scope of Chen Feng's perception.
The energy eyes of the permanent ogre on top of his head glanced around, and the next second, Chen Feng had the feeling of being stared at by the beast.
Almost instantly, Chen Feng's body trembled involuntarily, and then a little intimidated fear appeared in his eyes.
After being promoted to legend, he almost has forgotten the feeling of fear, but now, the other party is just a glance, which makes him feel inexplicably trembling.
leave here.
At this time, Chen Feng had no other ideas. Even with high risks and high returns, the most important thing is to keep his own life.
-Shuttle plane!
This glance stayed for only one second, and Chen Feng hurriedly exerted the power of the shadow, and madly broke away from the other's gaze!
In the situation just now, Chen Feng's idea of ​​almost even moving is extravagant!
I must leave here, once locked by the permanent ogre, I have no chance of escape!
The mouth of the permanent ogre opened slightly, and it seemed to be surprised that a legendary little guy could escape his deterrence. It must complete its swallowing as soon as possible. Only in this way can the body be truly pulled to this plane. In general, it is only when she can truly die with Rose, when she swings her tail behind, trying to make the next move.
An unfamiliar energy flooded the land.
Unlike the smell of perpetual destruction, this energy is full of extremely distorted chaos!
Time freezes at this moment.
Belika, who had lost her life, suddenly opened her eyes, and a terrible divine light appeared in her eyes. Only a moment, her broken body quickly repaired. At the same time, eight terrifying spider legs appeared behind her. .
The energy of terror slowly emerged, Belika still kept her face, but the breath had already changed to another state.
It was a terrifying breath that was countless times more horrible than Belika!
"Giggle ..."
A cold and cruel female voice sounded ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Belika opened her eyes slowly, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she gently waved her hands, and the dark energy around her no longer passed towards the permanent ogre, Instead, she changed direction and gathered in the center of her palm.
Gordon's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect that the other party would appear here. The next second, a sharp pain came from his abdomen. Then, a furry spider's leg extended from it. Gordon, who can complete the reincarnation in one step, has become a hunting spider!
This is the power that gods can master!
Looking cruelly at the crawling demon spider lying on the ground, a sneer appeared on the face of "Belika": "Dreary of the glory of the grey dwarves? Have you ugly little dwarves forgotten who is it?" Real master here! "
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