Vol 2 Chapter 794: Meet the evil god

In fact, there are some similarities between Chen Feng and Mara, both rely on killing to enhance their strength.
Chen Feng uses the body of the deceased as a sacrifice to call, and Mara can directly absorb the soul to make up for the strength he needs.
Everything in front of him has proved Mara's ambitions, he tried to hold a hunting ceremony!
If everything goes well, the opponent ’s strength will leap to a mighty realm, and sacrifices are made with the life of a city. Chen Feng originally thought that the opponent is no better than a half-step epic. After seeing everything in front of him, his brows could not help but frown. , If you really let the other party complete this sacrifice, Mara will fully enter the epic!
And this is why Chen Feng decided to take a shot!
It's definitely not a wise move to retaliate against an evil god, but this is a time of chaos. Only by continuously accumulating strength can we face all the difficulties in the future.
Without provoking each other, Mara will naturally not become his ally, and killing the other party may result in unexpected gains.
After weighing, Chen Feng chose the latter.
A group of powerful thoughts fluctuated in mid-air, and this group of powerful thoughts caused many airflow fluctuations.
Under the influence of powerful thoughts, the air flow changes from time to time, condensing, and vaguely showing a variety of ghosts, there are stingy demons, huge beasts, and orcs holding steel forks, with two pointed Toothed vampire, ten-meter-tall towering giant, weird and eerie race.
These ghosts are without exception the strong.
But in the end, scarlet plasma was flowing on these strong men. Obviously, all these beings were Mara's prey!
At the moment when the powerful thoughts fluctuated and quieted, the true face of Mara also gradually emerged from the ever-changing air waves.
This feeling is like going from illusion to reality, and it is like a fantasy world coming out, it is extremely shocking, and there is a sense of destruction from nothing.
"This is Mara?"
At this point, Chen Feng muttered to himself, only to feel that his voice was slightly hoarse.
Because of his own assassination, the other party did not complete the absorption, but was forced to interrupt the sacrifice, at least 40% of the sacrifice power was lost.
But even so, the strength of the opponent is still so terrible. This is a deterrent more powerful than the lava giant. The opponent is a pure hunter. In the wild, most of them will use the lurking method to hunt prey. Found by the prey, he will not choose to escape, but head to head, biting the prey's neck.
At this point, Chen Feng really understood what is called an evil god.
The physical decay and short life are no longer insurmountable for them.
Terrible thriller erupts in the body!
Chen Feng couldn't help shaking for a whole person, as if he had entered an ordinary man into the wild jungle, and was stared at by a horrible monster!
Chen Feng felt a great sense of urgency. He didn't expect that even if he didn't step into the epic, the strength of the other party exceeded the old lava giant.
Chen Feng pressed down at the fastest speed, the palm of his right hand clung directly on the head of the hider, and a circle of blood-colored ripples appeared around him.
A moment later, a coffin appeared in front of Chen Feng.
The demigod mummy who signed a fair contract with Chen Feng appeared, and it was still tied with a yellowish cloth. It looked like a corpse buried for countless years, but it was located at the position of two eyes at the moment of being called. , Suddenly reflected two black lights.
Eyes like black holes shot at Mara, trying to grab his soul and bury him in his coffin.
-Soul Devour!
As the top powerhouse, the fighting talent of the demigod mummy is quite amazing. Even though it is equally clear that Mara is terrible, it needs to obey Chen Feng's order in the next few minutes due to the contract.
The black hole was refracted in the air and transformed into an illusive arm, like a ghost purgatory, with sharp nails on the arm, and sharp nails locked the trace of Mara, wanting to trap it in place!
Mara also waved her right arm, and those black energies were suddenly shattered by brute force. Then, a black shadow ejected from the ground, wielding her claws to the side of Chimera.
too suddenly!
The last second was the battle between Mara and the demigod mummy, but now, his goal is on Chimera!
The faucet in the middle of Chimera was immediately cut out of a terrible wound, and the blood was like a fountain, forming a mist of blood in the air!
Mara ’s movement did not stop. Its cheek made of unknown beasts was exposed at this moment. Chimera was about to fight back. Her body was severely damaged again. She saw Mara jump up and fall, He broke Chimera's spine with one foot!
It's gone!
It is 100% certain that Chimera has been abolished. Not only has the faucet been severed, but even the spine has been severely wounded. Even if it is cured, it will take a long time to recover.
In the face of siege, Mara chose the most violent and most direct way, which is to fight back. The other party succeeded. Not only did she avoid the attack of the half-length mummy, but she also abolished Chimera ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ The land is wet with blood!
Chen Feng stood aside for a moment, because the opponent's counterattack exceeded his own cognition. Even if it was only a clone, he had the power of combining legendary orcs and stashmen.
The opponent is not only powerful, but also faster than the average level, as if entering a realm of shock!
Mara raised her head. This time, she focused her eyes on the half-length mummy, as if still worried about the previous attack. She suddenly raised her head and pointed forward, and a strange mark appeared on the mummy's chest.
next moment.
A vision of a claw emerged in front of the demigod mummy, followed by the broken voice.
The phantom claw that appeared in the air suddenly penetrated the demigod's mummy's chest, and the yellow cloth outside was torn, revealing one of the pure black corpses.
It's like being immersed in a special potion, and the skin of that dry corpse even has some elasticity, just like it just died!
After each powerful undead enters a certain level of strength, the same idea will arise, that is, resurrection!
Obviously, even in the long slumber, the half-length mummy can't stop the resurrected wild, but just don't know, how does the other party keep the vitality and bathe the blood? Consume the soul? Or some cruel magic?
This is confusing, but nobody is paying attention to it, because Mara has a new action, it raises the other arm, this time the target is the neck of the demigod mummy!
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