Vol 2 Chapter 797: Breeding despair

Mara was shirtless, waving his arms and fists and collided, making a "slamming" steel muffler, which made the onlookers around the eardrums hurt, and surging blood was flowing under his strong muscles. , As if the mighty power might be sprayed out like lava at any time!
Blending Divinity!
Faced with the siege of Chen Feng and the summoning beast, Mara finally let go of everything and even drove the divinity to defend his dignity in this land.
Divinity is the supreme energy.
Once urged, the energy is immediately immense, and the power is as powerful as destroying God. It seems to be able to lead people into a barren world. Tens of thousands of beasts are besieged and killed, making people unable to raise the slightest resistance. courage!
Who would have thought that the power refracted by Mara actually reflected various illusions in the eyes of everyone, whether it was the incendiary or inferior demon, they had become a member of the prey, and they could vaguely see that the surrounding heads were surging, it seems In the next second, there will be countless evil hunters holding cold weapons and naked bodies!
Roaring and roaring, the explosive explosive energy spread violently in the air, the overbearing steel male suddenly flung forward, his hands spread out, as if covering the sky, he can completely wipe out any enemy that exists !!
"Demigod Mummy!"
Chen Feng has the Ring of Frost Cold, the palm of his hand holds an endless sword, and with the illusionary eyes in his eyes, he can clearly see the changes in Mara. In the face of today's Mara, anyone's end is miserable. This kind of assassination is basically random. Fura will die, the incendiary devil will die, and even the bad demon will be severely damaged. The source will be damaged, causing the realm to fall forever.
These summoned beasts are the finished products of their own hard work, and under the circumstances, they will be left to Mara's arbitrary destruction.
The two evils take precedence.
Instantly, Chen Feng made preparations to use the power of the fair contract to drive the demigod mummy forward, but when the demigod mummy rushed forward, Chen Feng blinked and came to Chimera's side, he stared. The summoned beast, which was severely damaged by Mara, permeated the coldness like frost. In the next second, a glow of heat flashed in the air.
Just as everyone was fully focused on guarding against Mara, the sharp blade in the hands of Chen Feng also pierced down!
Many summoned beasts became very weak in the face of this fierce blow from Mara. Even if it was the incomparable incinerator, their steps could not help but step back.
Meet the brave on the narrow road to win.
This step happened to mean the terribleness of the evil gods. With the power of the evil gods and divine power, Mara successfully turned a group of fierce and summoning beasts into a little deer only licking the water by the stream, and he was that The fierce crocodile lurking in the river is terrible.
Fortunately, when the inner world of many of the summoned beasts completely collapsed, the demigod mummy did not dodge, and also extended his hands to collide with Mara's beast claws severely, and immediately heard a loud noise !!
The fierce smoke and dust flow suddenly lifted from the sand and stones on the ground, and a violent sand storm rose within ten meters of the circle, accompanied by a circle of energy ripples spreading in all directions.
The smoke was hazy, and few people could see the battle situation inside. Almost everyone's eyes were widened, and they tried to penetrate the smoke to see the results, even if it was a bad demon, now raising their necks, can't wait to see who has the upper hand.
A gust of wind blew, and a huge skeletal dragon appeared in midair, and below it was a figure and a dried corpse.
Legendary Bone Dragon!
This is also the fair contract summoning beast of Chen Feng!
In the crisis-like situation just now, Chen Feng must abandon the to protect the car and count on the demigod mummy? If you do, the other party will not be oppressed by Mara just now, and his neck will be severed!
As for Chimera's death? No one will feel sad.
Compared to artworks such as inferiors, these beings summoned by flesh and blood were originally members of the sacrifice list.
Summoning beasts should dedicate everything to the master, and Chimera naturally died well!
Bone Dragon seems to remember the hatred of the previous one. It just started to scream from the neck and appeared to the extreme state of anger. It seems that in the next second, Chen Feng will be completely killed.
However, the last time when Bone Dragon was summoned, Chen Feng was just the pinnacle of gold, and now he is a true legendary summoner!
Although the fair contract has many restrictions, during the period of being called, the bone dragon can only obey Chen Feng's order, without any rebuttal!
The smoke finally dispersed, but on the battlefield where the depression was cracked, the demigod mummy fell to the ground, the opponent's half-length body had been destroyed, and the black pus with peculiar smell was flowing, and those pus dripped on the ground, like The blood that has been placed for countless years is filled with a frightening stench.
Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!
The demigod mummy with half-step epic strength can't hold even a single blow under the Mara's offensive. All of this is simply a nightmare, shrouded in the hearts of everyone!
The demigod mummy has existed for countless years. In a long time, it even witnessed the rise and disappearance of an epoch in the coffin. The other party is an undead body. It has always been invincible. No one can really compete in melee. Make it so embarrassed, but now, it is like a tamed horse, trampled by horses!
It was a punch on the cheek of a demigod mummy, and if the big head was smashed in half, it accumulated many years of original power, so it blew into the air at a very fast speed.
But compared to the origins of the general strong, it is doped with countless vitality, even if it is absorbed by a worm, it may be mutated ~ EbookFREE.me ~ There is a great chance that it can evolve into a high-level demon, but half The mummy is an undead. The power it possesses is destruction and death, so that when these energies spread to the surroundings, all the flowers and trees will wither, and even the bluestone will become black and become poisonous!
Do not say that these stones are touched by ordinary people, that is, ordinary professionals touch it, they will ulcerate their hands and feet, and will be covered with poisonous sores and die!
The demigod mummy roared in the bottom of her heart, gauze spewed a fiery white smoke, it resented Mara, and even more resentful that Chen Feng drove herself before she fell into such a field!
If it is possible, it is not Mara that the demigod mummy wants to kill most, but Chen Feng on the side, but the contractual force is still there, and he cannot shoot at Chen Feng at all.
Feeling the power disappearing little by little, the demigod mummy felt despair. It had accumulated countless years of power, but it was ruined at this time.
Even more, the original consciousness gradually became blank as the head was destroyed. The eyes, like black holes, took Mara into it. The next second, the body of the demigod mummy suddenly swelled with almost no signs, like It was a landmine that was accidentally touched. It was just a moment of loose feet, and a loud bang formed a powerful explosion!
And Mara, in the moment of the explosion, still did a posture of raising his feet. Because of the siege, he was angry with these enemies in front of him. He tried to end the life of the demi-mummy in the most cruel way. So much so, that in this unprepared situation, Mara was enveloped by the explosion and drowned completely!
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