Vol 3 Chapter 883: Perfect misunderstanding

"People want to be cruel?"
Chen Huan's body froze, apparently did not expect Wei Xun to explain to himself like this.
Wei Xun is determined to train the other party into his successor, stay here to take charge of everything for Chen Feng!
And Wei Xun's will to Chen Huan is very direct!
Here is the end, which can be said to be a flesh and blood mill. In this world, we will fight and fight every day. Weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest, humans have evolved from barbaric culture to a civilized world in hundreds of years. Under the washing of the skin, it suddenly became incomplete.
Wei Xun's goal is to inject Chen Huan with some higher-level ideas.
I have seen too much abandonment, such as some old, weak, sick, and straightforward. Except for wasting food, its real role is minimal. This is a real world. In the face of interests, the so-called human rights and democracy have no The slightest effect.
If you encounter some extreme generals, even if you push these people out of town, it will probably not cause much public opinion. On the contrary, as long as you do a superficial article, saying that everything is done for the better living of others, presumably no one will. Take the lead in resistance and accusations.
In an environment of no guarantee, Our Lady? mercy? This is even scarcer than diamonds of the last century.
Too ruthless.
Standing in a high position, the vision is different, and of course there are differences in the way of doing things. For ordinary people like Chen Huan, I don't know how to recognize the new ideas given by Wei Xun for a short time.
But for Wei Xun, in the past two years, he has experienced too much. He has also seen some good people. Those forces are distributed around the order. The ruler believes that people can win the sky. Inside, a large number of ordinary people are still housed, and day-dreaming relies on collective power to overcome danger.
Reality gave them a heavy blow.
At the beginning, those refugees still knew how to be grateful, and even praised the givers by giving them a great illusion of relief. But as time went by, those people ’s ambitions began to swell, and food, clothing, and shelter were given After food and clothing, they are increasingly eager for the measures around them.
There is no end to the mind.
Slowly, gratitude began to deteriorate and became a matter of course. The more they demanded, the more those givers needed to fight more monsters and bugs to maintain their lives.
Finally, when ambition was better than gratitude, those maggots showed their true colors, and a temporary riot broke out in the camp. That night, when hundreds of angry eyes turned red and roared, the former friendship disappeared. .
The so-called selflessness in this era is basically a joke. The more you dedicate, the more you will promote the arrogance of those people.
Therefore, after witnessing numerous cases, Wei Xun has already stood in front of Chen Feng's thinking!
Chen Feng believes in natural selection. He formed forces to consolidate more power to fight the catastrophe, not to be foolish, to sacrifice his own interests for the so-called belief.
"The superiors are ruthless. Two years ago, the death toll I saw was 100,000. Two years ago, the Zerg attacked the city. When we arrived, many survivors became food for the worms, stumps everywhere, everywhere. It ’s all blood, internal organs, and a feast of flesh and blood. You can't imagine how thousands of insects gnaw at the remains of humans. What a picture! "
mercy? Sad or angry? What's the use, since then I know that if the strength is not strong, even if you build a town for the poor? Under the attack of insect tide and corpse sea, it is simply hitting eggs with stones, there is no possibility of resistance. "
"Like your comrades! If you are strong enough, you can save the other party when you are in danger, instead of watching the other party slaughtered!"
"The strongest in this world are respected, and strength is a prerequisite for everything!"
Wei Xun's voice thundered loudly, every word, like a hammer, hit Chen Huan's heart.
This can't help but think of the scene where Chen Zi and those relatives and friends died tragically in front of her, even now that she is so worried.
Chen Huan's expression was a bit painful, and there was an irresistible sadness in his eyes, but Wei Xun obviously didn't mean to be fragrant and cherish. He stepped forward and continued: "You are the object selected by adults, naturally you can do what you can ! "
"You are no longer the surviving survivor, but you have the power that ordinary people cannot peep at. In this case, I have an obligation, and you have a responsibility to become the help needed by adults!"
In the frenzy of drums of war, the Nayar rushed forward like a tide, and immediately shook the defensive formation of the beast. Wei Xun promised enough benefits to allow the other party to participate in this besieged battle.
Destroy death beast!
This is definitely a crazy idea!
However, Wei Xun still acted!
The blood of order will not flow in vain. Whether it is the human world or this alien world, this is an unchangeable principle and principle!
"This volcano has no meaning anymore!" Wei Xun looked at the calm volcano in front of him, his voice was extremely cold.
This is the stronghold of the death beast. To be precise, it is one of the strongholds of the death beast. As a social creature, the death beast ranges from a dozen to thirty. As the top of the island food chain, They will also enslave a certain number of beasts as their subordinates, responsible for past patrols!
According to the clues that the Naya people searched before, the strength of the most powerful leader of the dead beast here has broken through the legend. To deal with this monster, the masters of ordinary strength are naturally not good, so Wei Xun spent countless promises, and moved the female chief. This is the courage to launch this attack!
Wei Xun wants to prestige!
From an unknown little man to today, he naturally knows what the most cohesive way is to hold a grand war!
War will make people pit their enemies in a short time!
Wei Xun is not reckless ~ EbookFREE.me ~ In addition to the original professional of the sea god's house and the Nayya, the other card in his hand is Chen Huan!
He knew the horrible aspects of Chen Feng, and was able to give Chen Huan such strength from a world away. Obviously, the strength of the adult had broken into a force that he could hardly recognize.
This is a perfect misunderstanding!
If Wei Xun knew everything he thought, even when Chen Feng couldn't explain, how would he think about it?
But now, both the female chief and Chen Feng have given him strong confidence in disguise. As a highly aggressive creature, the death beast is the number one resistance to order development. Wei Xun's goal is to eradicate the island. All of the beasts of death are like the battle that is about to happen now. This is not the first game. Naturally, it will not be the last game!
ps: I just came back from Beijing today. There is only one chapter. I owe three months this month. I will start paying off the code tomorrow!
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