Vol 3 Chapter 906: prophet

As night fell, Chen Feng found a comfortable place to stay.
The surrounding area is plain, which is almost deserted. This is also within the planning scope of order. However, it will take several years or even ten years to expand here. Therefore, some wild mutant animals and insects can still be seen here. .
The insect's ability to reproduce is still the same. Even now it is winter, the insects continue to mate and reproduce. If the weather is warm, this phenomenon is more frequent, especially if it is between dense forests. There are more than a dozen half-meter-long cormorants fled everywhere.
The doomsday field is full of crisis!
This is not like the survival of the jungle in the peaceful era. Just follow a guide who has a survival in the wild and you can solve all the problems. Like this kind of wild wilderness, some small changes may cause death.
After staying in order for a long time, Chen Feng almost forgot about the life in the wild. Today, he had a whimsy and wanted to relive the feeling of the past, so he came to the wild alone.
The place of residence is extremely simple, a giant tree with no leaves at all, this is his short break today.
With a few pieces of dried meat and a few mouthfuls of water, Chen Feng didn't even ignite the fire, so he solved a simple meal.
The dark night in the wild is too dangerous. For a soloist, any wind and grass may attract some weird existence.
Fire light will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. For a mature soloist, the first thing to learn is to endure darkness.
Leaning on the trunk, Chen Feng carefully thought back to everything in his memory. The battle of the undead had not yet erupted, and the deep sea monsters had not landed. These disasters that changed the order structure had been crushed one by one under the powerful iron fist of order.
The Battle of the Undead, which originally broke out in the fall of the next year, gathered more than 500,000 zombie species. The leader was a legendary skullless and skullless battle rider, and five gold-level undead species, including even a ghost dragon. And the figure of the zombie war dragon beast.
The forces occupying here in the previous life, more than 13 strongholds were destroyed, leading to the displacement of more than 100,000 people, the first line of defense completely collapsed, of which tens of thousands of humans were reduced to the food of the undead. This is a large-scale, prepared battle. Behind it is a zombie with real wisdom in control of the battle.
Deep sea monsters are in the winter, that is, at this moment, the coastal facilities are attacked by sea animals. Some marine life does not know when it has evolved the ability to breathe on land. More than 100,000 mutants have swept the south, and have just calmed down the zombies. Before the line of defense was fully restored, it was torn again, and the ship was destroyed by 90%.
In those years, Chen Feng's memory has always been related to the escape. The survivor base is being destroyed every moment. In addition, the camp is also powerful. Except during the war, the professionals will gather in Together, they can be assigned on weekdays.
It is undeniable that the military dominates 60% of the forces, but 40% of the professionals are still beyond their control. In that case, the military always keeps an eye on those professionals. Close one eye.
What does this cause?
Chen Feng likes law, which is also his central idea of ​​establishing order.
He believes that law is the best thing that humans have ever invented.
Humans are complex animals.
Man is the sum of divinity and animalism. It is that it is better than you can imagine, and more evil than you can imagine. There is no right or wrong, this is human.
Therefore, Chen Feng's favorite law is particularly lovely. No matter where you can get better, it restricts you from being evil. It knows that everybody has something dirty in their hearts. Think about it, but it doesn't work. The law is more like a human guarantee, and it is a compulsory cultivation. It's not like religion requires you to keep your eyes open and tell you what it should be, at least. Humanistic and cruel.
It is conceivable that when the law ceases to exist one day, what will the world look like? Without the most basic restraints, people standing at the highest point have always looked at all species in a bird's-eye view. They think they are the existence of intelligent creatures and have completely become a group of real beasts!
The beasts have no pity. With their super strength, they will break into other people's homes for nothing, commit adultery, and do no evil!
In order to vent the darkness in my heart, no matter how cruel things, those thugs can do it. The atrocities that occurred in the early stages of the order are compared with those times, and they are basically a little and a killer with countless blood on their hands. Nothing comparable at all!
It was also because of that experience that Chen Feng went to darkness step by step, because he knew that if he wanted to survive in that environment, he had to dye himself black, like a person like Wei Bin. In order, he glowed. Fever, even many people use him as the object of worship, but in the previous life, when everyone had black skin and heart, suddenly a figure like the holy light came to everyone's side ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ So what are your options?
Perhaps it is not accepting the fact that they are blackened, or it is pure pleasure to torture, none of the holy ones have survived.
The environment affects everything, no matter when and where, when a lone person stands on the opposite side of a group of people, there will be some important costs!
Closing his eyes, Chen Feng repressed those memories, even if he had been born again, but what he saw and heard in those years has become a lingering demon of Chen Feng.
Those memories are like a knife engraving, deeply imprinted in the deepest part of Chen Feng's memory, blood dripping, and the engraved wound never healed one day.
If this situation is still the case, Chen Feng may really be on the verge of collapse. Fortunately, he has worked hard to establish order!
Because of the order, many previous disasters have been uprooted before it happened. For example, the Zombie Legion originally did not have no chance. However, there were many civil wars in the previous life. Therefore, the best time to disrupt the other party was lost. Different, all forces and forces are united together, just like a fist, held with five fingers, and suddenly waved out, any snake insects and ants are hammered into flesh!
And like an undersea monster? Chen Feng also took the lead in establishing a port and developing the ocean. The surrounding sea beasts had made several attacks, but they had already been defeated by humans who were ready for everything. Several times, sea beasts suffered heavy losses and naturally did not affect the order.
In this case, Chen Feng was even called a prophet by some people, because before every disaster, Chen Feng can always plan ahead, once or twice is fortunate or beware, then three, four and countless times later? This is no longer a cautious explanation, but it really has the ability to peek into the future!
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