Vol 3 Chapter 937: Candidate

Saruman stood aside, it was already a half-step epic, naturally he was not keen on this elixir, but he had other things he wanted, and then his eyes flashed, "The Cai Jing thought he was right, even if he didn't take it. Will work for you, he has been blinded and thought he could be the darling of this era, but he never dreamed that he was just a hog in your captivity! "
"This kind of person can't really conquer, but you're right, we wait for him to become strong, and then deprive him of everything. When there is nothing to be deprived, I will make it into a corpse. It can be comparable to the general strongman, I really don't know what happened to him, but he can be so powerful. Mobile phone side "
Saruman is a ruthless person who can make himself into an undead. Therefore, instead of opposing Chen Feng's proposal, he agreed with both hands, and even stated that he would use Cai Jing to make an undead species, and To be sure, Saruman is not kidding.
"Huh! There is definitely someone behind this person who is pointing. I don't know if the other hand has this elixir. This kind of elixir actually got a lot of gifts! It seems that I have to take it from him and give it all to his men. Take it. By that time, there are more than a dozen powerful people, and no force can compare with order. "
Chen Feng said with a cold voice.
If all of his men stepped into the body to form a new realm, how great the increase in power would be, even he could hardly imagine.
Between words, he clicked and pinched the skin of the elixir.
After the red skin of the beating elixir was broken, the flesh of the beast was pulled away, revealing its flesh. When holding it, Chen Feng seemed to feel the elixir, breathing slightly in his hand. Now, it seems to be doing the final struggle.
"It's wonderful. I haven't seen this elixir in the abyss. I don't know from which dimension it can be made. It's unclear. Is there an elixir that can be taken in half a step?" After that, will you enter the epic level directly? "
Chen Feng was caught in this meditation and lost in thought, but he also knew that this was something that could not be met. If the other party really had such a treasure, he would not succumb to Cai Jing, but would appear directly and appear in this order. It's up!
As for who to give this elixir to, Chen Feng already had a candidate. After a while, Xu Zhe appeared in this room.
"Adult, please call me?" Xu Zhe is still the same, with a gentle and elegant appearance. After being cultivated by Tiancaidibao, the other party already has the strength of the golden peak, only one step to enter the pass, but only, Like a person using a supplement from a small body tonic, it is a three-drug poison. After repeated tonics, Xu Zhe's body has reached the limit. It can be said that if there is no elixir, he will stay in the golden rank forever!
Xu Zhe's talents are different, and the ability to awaken is not available to other professionals. The golden order can organize the order in an orderly manner, and there is no flaw. It can be said that order can have the appearance of today, and there is no small job for the other party. After waiting for his biography, artificial intelligence computing systems should be able to be planned, which will have greater benefits for order development, overall strategy and local battles!
Lu Wei is different from Wei Xun. The other is a fusion of the blood of the devil and the body of a beast. The promotion pass is not rampant. What is missing is some time. Moreover, there is no shortage of soldiers in the order now. You can summon temporary posts, so thinking about it, Xu Zhe taking this elixir is more meaningful.
Thinking about everything, Chen Feng no longer hesitated. He briefly talked with Xu Zhe and passed the elixir to the other hand.
This is a place where the strong survive. If it is possible, who wouldn't want to be stronger? Xu Zhe is no exception. In particular, he trusted Chen Feng extremely much, and knew that he had worked hard in the past two years, and he also had credit for his hard work. Moreover, Chen Feng was so powerful that he resembled Xun Peng and Xiaoyu. This situation.
Having figured everything out, Xu Zhe didn't have any hesitation. He took the elixir from Chen Feng and put it directly in his mouth, but at this time, Xu Zhe felt that the elixir was not a dead thing, it seemed like a mass of meat. When you feel the danger, you have to jump out.
This made Xu Zhe think of a recipe called Sanzhe.
One plate of newborn mice (live), one plate of seasoning. The eater eats the live mouse with chopsticks, and the mouse will "squeak" (this is the first squeak). When receiving the seasoning, the rat will squeak again. ), When put into the mouth of the eater, the rat issued the last "squeak" (a total of three squeaks). The recipe is simple, and the eater needs infinite motivation and courage to taste this dish.
Xu Zhe felt that taking this elixir seemed to eat a cruel famous dish and put it in her mouth, and that beating elixir seemed to be making a final beg for mercy!
"This is just a panacea, it actually seems to be a living creature!" Xu Zhe was stunned and never saw such a weird thing, but it was because of this that he believed more in those words of Chen Feng just now , Can completely help yourself, promote your dream state!
But let Xu Zhe chew, he did n’t have the courage. He was afraid that if he took a bite, the elixir would make a baby-like cry. Until then, he would not have the courage to take it. Therefore, he chose the most direct way , Swallowed directly!
The elixir passed through the throat and slipped into the stomach. Xu Zhe only felt that his stomach was beating twice, and he was silent.
In this way, Xu Zhe waited patiently. About half an hour later, Xu Zhe's body became hotter and hotter. The body seemed to be burning a boiler, and every pore was exhaled with hot air.
A lot of sweat flowed out, and Chen Feng's body seemed to be a leaking water pipe.
Extreme thirst, dizziness, and uncomfortable feelings made Xu Zhe's tempered will almost impossible to resist.
Fortunately, Chen Feng had already prepared and handed out some royal jelly to the other party and let Xu Zhe drink it. This royal jelly has a strong life element and can timely supplement the functions needed by the body!
Xu Zhe also suffered, but at this time, there was an irresistible illusion.
At the same time, sweat kept out, drinking royal jelly constantly, there was a feeling of collapse. Later, the sweat turned slightly red, as if the sweat had dried up, and it was bleeding!
The blood was sweaty and extremely unpleasant.
"This change has never been seen before!" Chen Feng witnessed all this and could not help but praise it. This elixir seems to be taken only by the strongest peak of the golden order, because only the golden peak can just meet the standard of taking, If not, change to any other realm, at this time the physical body may be directly exploded and become a pool of real rotten meat!
This elixir is not a step-by-step, only the extremely powerful professional ~ EbookFREE.me ~ can take it, otherwise, the internal circulation can not be accelerated at first. Die immediately!
Chen Feng knew that after this pass, Xu Zhe cultivated for a few days, and his body would gradually enter the realm of transmission!
This elixir is mixed with a breath that makes Chen Feng feel cautious. Obviously it is epic blood, but this elixir has been specially refined and its danger has been diluted to the extreme. If not, the epic realm is strong. The blood is even full of consciousness. Although the mysterious thing of robbing oneself will not occur after being infected, the infected person will also be affected by the blood, and all kinds of behaviors are more inclined to the strong one.
Like good schizophrenia, a different personality will slowly appear in the body.
Xu Zhe also never expected that this elixir would be horrible and overbearing. If swallowed for three hours, the inside of the body seemed to be burning, and sweat was not as good as the blood. Even the blood in the body passed from the pores. Seeped out.
This powerful and overbearing medicinal power is simply the "tiger and wolf medicine" of medical ethics. Strong attack, reborn.
After half an hour passed, Xu Zhe's whole body didn't have any itchiness, and her stomach seemed to be full of knives. Xu Zhe even suspected that she had been severed by her limbs without such pain.
Such pain is simply not tolerable by humans.
However, Xu Zhe's brain has been strengthened one step further. At this time, he forbears his mind, which can only contain the pain at this moment.
Although Xu Zhe has a firm mind and has long been used to life and death, but feels that he does not want to be tortured in this way. This is not a discipline of the mind, but a self-abuse, but he has persisted until now, and now let him give up. Second, I'm sorry Chen Feng, no matter what the purpose, he can't flinch!
"Just hold on!"
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