Vol 3 Chapter 939: cruel

An unprepared war is equal to suicide.
Wesson knows the strength of the indigenous people because they are a decentralized tribal system and their habits in the jungle, allowing them to exert more power in the jungle.
He didn't want endless wars, so once they started fighting against the indigenous people, they had to be defeated by the thunder, otherwise this group of guys would hide from harassment and become a nightmare.
Wei Xun has no extra time to waste on such things. It is not that he does not have the confidence to play a tug-of-war with the opponent, but that his mind is all on order. The war department is his true belonging. Compared with order Arise, this land is still too peaceful.
Order now has a population of over one million, and there are 50,000 people in the Blood War Department alone, of which there are thousands of professionals. In simple terms, Wei Xun is like a general in order, and here he is Just a thousand captain.
People go high, and water flows low. This is the eternal truth.
Wei Xun is now like a high-efficiency machine. All his mind is focused on completing the orders issued by Chen Feng. He is waiting for Chen Feng to come back and see all his efforts.
The best ending is that the adult is satisfied and then returns him to order.
And what Wei Xun has to do now is to get results in exchange for his return chips.
These indigenous people are first-class warriors and hunters. They are quite dangerous and more dangerous than many professionals. They can be regarded as warriors trained from an early age. Proficient in stealth, bow and arrow, tracking, etc., and most of their tasks are hunting and fighting.
The war among the indigenous tribes is cruel and very bloody, and it frequently occurs throughout the overseas islands.
The day passed quickly, except that the jungle was a little deep a day ago. At this time, a raging fire was set off. In addition, the air smelled of strong plasma.
The fire did not cover up the smell of blood, and it was also mixed with some barbecue smells. However, when you think of the figures burned by the fire, even the most orderly soldiers, you can't help feeling retching at this time, and your stomach is turned over. .
Wei Xun stood side by side with a solemn expression. He looked pale, as if he had a serious illness, but he had no wounds on his body. Obviously, the cricket at this time did not come from flesh and blood, but from the soul.
He personally ordered the burning of tens of thousands of indigenous people, apparently even Wei Xun could not bear it for a while.
Aborigines are not bugs, nor are they furs and claws, but beasts, but they have a similar appearance to humans. They also walk upright and have the same features. In a sense, they are indeed a kind of intelligent creature.
Because of this, their wisdom also blessed to the highest point.
Even though Wei Xun had been prepared for this siege, he did not hesitate to talk about Nayarians, and mobilized a large number of professionals and advanced equipment. But ... he still underestimated the determination of indigenous resistance.
Just as human beings broke out in despair in the face of zombies and insect siege, indigenous people did not blindly escape in the face of an attack from Wei Xun, but instead strengthened their courage and launched a crazy counterattack.
In addition, there are unique creatures in this jungle, corroding ants.
Strictly speaking, these ants are the most dangerous existence. These ants have very sharp insects. Even if they are only the size of a thumb, they can be endless in number and have the ability to secrete special acids, allowing them to move in groups. Can eat any enemies that stand in front of you.
In addition, those acids still have slight but toxins that enter the target's body, making the enemy's speed slow, even if it is a golden-level heavy armor giant, it will be swallowed up in a short time.
Indigenous people have lived here for many years. Even if they can not control the corrosive ants, they have the ability to avoid the other party ’s attack. They will apply a thick layer of vegetation sap to the body, and the corrosive ants are naturally disgusted with these juices, so they will not Indigenous attack.
However, for other invaders, the corroding ants will not show any kindness. They used to rely on professionals and guns. Wei Xun's army has advanced a third of the jungle, but the emergence of corrosive ants has broken the original Unexpected victory.
Corrosive ants appeared too quickly, and by the time Wesson was ready, more than a dozen professionals had buried their ant colonies.
The ants that erode the ants are extremely sharp. When they bite on the target, they will instantly disintegrate the enemy's defense. It is meaningless to rescue. The naked eye can see that the companions who accidentally fell into the ant colony were eaten by the flesh and blood. Bones.
Professionals have extraordinary strength, and they still have such damage, let alone ordinary soldiers. Even if they have transformed their bodies due to energy, their reactivity is slightly weak after all. When facing corrosive ants, there is almost no chance to escape, exceeding More than 300 lives were lost to Huang Quan.
Wei Xun ushered in a rare failure in life!
Facing the two-sided ambush of indigenous and corroding ants, more than 2,000 people brought by Wei Xun have been reduced to more than 1,300 ...
One third of the combat power is reduced, and war will kill people. Wei Xun already understood this principle, but now victory and defeat are related to his transfer. Wei Xun does not allow any person or thing to hinder return to order. the reason.
Wilson is crazy!
Indigenous people are difficult to tame.
Their exclusivity is quite strong. If you are not afraid of them, they will treat you as a soft persimmon.
Wei Xun could not tolerate this rate of death and injury, so he chose the most vicious method, fire attack!
Once the fire attack is launched, the indigenous casualties will become uncontrolled.
But at that time, Wei Xun had no energy to care about indigenous life and death, and there was only one thought in his head, which was revenge!
The things left by Chen Feng are actually very complicated ~ EbookFREE.me ~ contain almost all the necessities of life and fighting.
A special type of oil that increases animal fat, it even has a part of the ability to resist water.
This means that the fire is hard to put out and time will soon pass.
Wei Xun watched the rare solemn atmosphere in the camp, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it seemed cruel.
"Clean the battlefield!"
He looked up into the distance and murmured, "Live natives grabbed and depreciated them into slaves, and all the rest was cut off their heads to make the Jingguan Tower. I want the remaining indigenous to understand a truth ..."
"There is only one idea for adults. Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die!"
For Wei Xun, the indigenous people still have a lot of meaning. The development of forces requires a large number of slave labors. One failure is nothing, after all, there are other forces on this island.
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