Chapter 1103: Pretend to be a rich second generation 7

One week later, Manhattan Pictures officially held its first holographic film conference in the United States, inviting all famous reporters in the United States, as well as reporters who came to the United States from various countries. Zhou Zekai followed Manhattan. Sittel for the first time as the Manhattan family. Attended the press conference and introduced the holographic film as the father of the holographic film.
"The holographic film is to make all the movies that the audience see become real, and our company will also screen the films that can be made for holographic films, so that everyone can feel the charm of holographic films."
At this press conference, all reporters have experienced the charm of holographic films. Even after they tried such black technology, the things about the future and the technology in their minds are constantly emerging. Holographic There are movies, so can the holographic other things be too far away?
Zhou Zekai successfully conquered all journalists with his own black technology. The next day's national newspapers and news on the Internet broadcast events about Manhattan Pictures. Zhou Zekai successfully occupied the front page of the newspaper. Headlines, and the domestic side is also aggressive, many other people do not know who Zhou Zekai is, but the rich second generation who had been with Zhou Zekai was shocked one by one.
After all, when I met Zhou Zekai just now, I just thought that Zhou Zekai was a Chinese American returning from abroad. It is estimated that there is not much money to go. Usually, Zhou Zekai is not a person who likes to show off. Everyone is together to create a future. Suddenly seeing Zhou Zekai's unique identity now makes everyone more aggressive.
In addition, a domestic self-media network bought the copyright of the shooting at that time, and published the holographic technology conference on the domestic Internet. In this way, everyone was reposting crazy, and then they were just moving. When you can see a real holographic movie, it has become the most timeless topic for everyone.
Regarding this matter, in fact, Manhattan Pictures is also discussing this matter, because the birth of holographic films will represent a variety of differences, so in this case, choosing the type of film has become more important. thing.
After experiencing the technology of the holographic movie, the company strongly requested that the "Star Wars Team" be re-released, in addition to the expressive power of "Star Team" after being holographic, but also because "Star Team" originally used its excellent The audience of the plot is more buying. Now it is testing the water for the holographic movie. I do n’t know how many people buy it. If you choose a new movie, you may destroy a movie. So the best choice is to use "Star River Team" to Testing the water, this matter made Zhou Zekai very supportive. He really likes "Xinghe Clan". In his eyes, "Xinghe Clan" is also a very good work.
Foreign countries are discussing about holographic films, and domestic is also all kinds of remarks, especially those who once had a company with Zhou Zekai, they knew before that which Zhou Zekai might be the rich second generation, and it didn't look normal at all. People, but no one thought Zhou Zekai was such a great person!
Zhou Zekai's house is still rented! The landlord also saw this news. At first, I did n’t understand why Zhou Zekai looked very rich and did n’t buy a house, but now look at the grass, people are not not buying a house, they are home abroad, and they are living there at home. a bit?
The He family naturally also paid attention to this matter. Others paid attention to the holographic movie, but they paid attention to their daughter's boyfriend. After all, no matter what the big thing is, the daughter's boyfriend is not as important.
Zhou Zekai has been very busy abroad recently. He is busy handing over the technology of holographic films. Of course, he will also contact his girlfriend. After all, all he does is to be with his girlfriend.
In the following days, because of Zhou Zekai's busyness, He Sietian didn't bother him often, but he waited quietly for her boyfriend to return to China, but he hadn't waited for him to return. Suddenly, he got an international express delivery, which was sent from the United States.
The things were delivered directly to the company. As soon as He Sitian heard that it was from the United States, he knew that it was from his boyfriend. He rushed to get the office and opened it by himself.
Inside are cosmetics that He Sitian likes, as well as jewellery and clothes. There are several sets, so when they were sent here, the whole company was curious about what it was.
After receiving the things, He Siantian received a message from Zhou Zekai saying that she would pick what she likes, and then she can pick him up in new clothes.
This sudden sweetness made He Sitian only happy, and the white roses that followed brought the company a sense of happiness. After all, the boss fell in love with a good mood, but he would not If you swear, if you don't swear, the company's situation will be more friendly.
Things on the Internet about the Manhattan family have attracted everyone's attention. Zhou Zekai's identity has been exposed, but many people have begun to dig deeper, because the Manhattan family is really rich, it is completely indescribable ...
There is no Manhattan family on the Forbes list, but this is even more proof of the power of the Manhattan family. The domestic side, such as He Sitian's home, has assets of more than 10 billion, but the Manhattan family is Hundreds of billions of assets, and people are dollars! Zhou Zekai, who was exposed in this case, is really a diamond bachelor!
Even the people in the United States began to inquire whether Zhou Zekai has a girlfriend. Instead, they let netizens find He Sitian on Zhou Zekai's Weibo, and determined He Sitian's relationship with Zhou Zekai. After that, He Si Sweet and Zhou Zekai's love has made headlines!
One is the youngest son of the Manhattan family, whose specific value is unknown, at least more than 5 billion, and the other is the only daughter of the real estate agent of He's Enterprises in Mingzhou City. In the future, the entire He's Group will be owned by others! What's this called? This is called a strong marriage!
After seeing this, netizens just want to say that really rich people are playing with rich people, and good-looking people are also with good-looking people. Poor people like them have no chance. Opportunity ...
Because of her daughter's relationship with Zhou Zekai, even Grandpa He received a call from an old friend. After all, this thing is relatively large, and Manhattan is such a famous group, so if you can really become an in-law, then to the He family The impact is huge.
Regardless, time hastened and Zhou Zekai has completely given the holographic technology to the people in Manhattan. Of course, he is not without anything. He got a job on the Manhattan side, that is, the Manhattan movie theater in China and the Manhattan film industry in China. The president, in other words, as long as Zhou Zekai returns to China, all the domestic market will be his.
Why is Citel so generous? In fact, it is not generous, because the president is the president, but such companies are bluntly funded by the state, and it seems that the revenue is hundreds of billions of dollars, but it is a lot for the country alone, so Zhou Zekai got the president, which actually contains gold It is only a few billion. For Zhou Zekai's dedication, it is nothing at all, because everyone knows that after the holographic movie is released, the storm of the film and television circle is enough to exceed billions! !! !!
Of course, there are still two billion yuan directly transferred to Zhou Zekai's account and distributed by the country himself. Now Zhou Zekai is no longer an ordinary person. His status as a super hacker is enough to be treasured by the country. There are eight bodyguards around him. They are all veteran special forces. They are excellent.
Zhou Zekai can do anything with these two billion, because everyone who has dealt with him during this time thinks that if he wants, he can easily invade any bank in the world, and then take all Money.
The real strength of hackers is not money, but control of information. Zhou Zekai's ability is enough to prove that no matter how much money the country gives, he is willing.
Two months later, Zhou Zekai, who was back on a private jet with Citel, was calm, but He Sitian, who had come to pick him up, was a little uneasy. He knew that his boyfriend was coming back three days ago, and he still took Manhattan. After Sitel, He Sitian has been very nervous, and it took a lot of effort to calm himself down.
The pick-up place was a private airport. After the plane landed, I did n’t know how long it took. When Zhou Zekai and Sittel by his side came over, He Sitian stood up all of a sudden, his heartbeat was out of control, with his boyfriend The excitement of reuniting, and the feeling of seeing her boyfriend's parents, made her overwhelmed.
The bodyguards on the side were calm. After Zhou Zekai passed, he held He Sitian in his arms, and then felt the girl's trembling and kissed her hair gently.
"I am back."
Listening to the boyfriend's voice, He Sitian only felt that a heart was suddenly placed in his stomach, and the original fear seemed to be gone. After the embrace of the two people, he looked to Manhattan.
"This is my father Manhattan Seatel. You can speak Chinese directly."
Zhou Zekai introduced, and He Sitian hurriedly smiled at Siter.
"Hello uncle, my name is He Sitian, and I'm Akai's girlfriend. I'm glad to meet you."
Her looks are very beautiful, and very temperamental, it seems that Citelle understands why Zhou Zekai would be willing to give up freedom for this woman, because for a hacker, nothing else is the most important thing, the most important thing is freedom.
It is precisely because of this that many hackers are unwilling to be compiled by the state. Now that Zhou Zekai has thrown himself in the net, Sittel is naturally very satisfied with He Sitian.
"Hello, I'm also glad to see you. After hearing from Kai Kai, you are as good and beautiful as I thought."
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