Chapter 1201: I am Yun Bei tire 6

For such a long time, Zhong Bao has been in the Liang family. Naturally, she knows what kind of person Mrs. Liang is. Mrs. Liang must be strong, and everything must be the best. From her education of Liang Jingchen, she can know that she is a person How high the requirements are, let alone husbands and sons. Think about future daughters-in-law. At least they are all well-known. It is best to graduate from a strong university and have a strong wrist. In the future, I can help my son handle the company's business. Even the maid's family should be strong, so that you can not hinder your son.
In the past, Baby Zhong had heard her mother read it, saying that Mrs. Liang had always been worried about how to find a target after Liang Jingchen, and she had no idea how many times she had heard from her mother for her daughter-in-law.
From the value point of view, his mother is an employee of the Liang family, and his father is a driver of the Liang family. Mrs. Liang must not despise it. She said that school and baby Zhong are now attending ordinary colleges. It's just an ordinary little girl. How can there be such powerful means?
Because of this, Zhong Bao was the first person to think of not telling her parents or killing her child after she became pregnant at this time, but she wanted to keep this child!
And she's leaving too! Otherwise, if his belly is found by Mrs. Liang, it will definitely be embarrassing Master ...
Zhong Bao believes in the lie that Liang Jingchen loves children, but just thinks that Liang Jingchen just ca n’t resist Mrs. Liang, so she just said so, so she does n’t want to lose this child, as long as she hides away and no longer appears, so wait After giving birth to this child, she must have been able to tell Mrs. Liang Jingchen well, so the lady will forgive herself and the young master! They are just in love, they are just involuntary ...
Holding this idea, Zhong Bao went to check the card the next day. Liang Jingchen usually had a lot of living expenses. This time, he gave Zhong Bao this card with 500,000, which made Zhong Bao even more I think Liang Jingchen also likes this child, or she won't give so much money, so Zhong Bao took all the money out, and she already thought of the idea.
Parents must not be able to tell. When parents just bought a house recently, they were most grateful to Mrs. Liang, even if they said something, their parents were definitely not willing. If their own affairs were exposed, this child would not exist. !! Therefore, after Zhong Bao got the money, he went to school and proposed to suspend the school. Although there were no parents, Zhong Bao still successfully suspended school.
After leaving school, the first person she thought of was Zhou Zekai! The first man he met.
In fact, women's sixth sense is very strong. When encountering danger, they will rely on their instinct to want to rely on people who feel that they trust, just like the nature of animals.
Zhong Bao didn't think there was anything wrong with her thoughts. In her opinion, Liang Jingchen is now oppressed by Mrs. Liang, and she must also feel uncomfortable. If she tells him, she will also be confused. If she is unmarried in China, she will definitely be punished Pointing and pointing! As long as you are abroad, you just have to go to the United States and meet Zhou Zekai! Zhou Zekai will take care of himself! There are also their own children. When they have given birth to a child in a foreign country, they will return to the country with their children at that time. In this case, Jing Chen will not be embarrassed ...
Thinking of this, Zhong Bao only felt that his plan was seamless. He had wanted to contact Zhou Zekai by phone, but the phone could not be reached. He could only go to Jian Jiayang, Zhou Zekai's good friend.
Jian Jiayang was also a bit surprised at the appearance of Zhong Bao, because Zhou Zekai said when he left. If Zhong Bao came to him, he must be asking about his whereabouts in the United States, and he must tell her at that time.
At that time, Jian Jiayang wondered whether Zhou Zekai had a lingering affection for this woman. As a result, after seeing Zhou Zekai's ridiculous smile, he did not feel that the other party had any lingering affection, and there must be some plan in mind.
"Aren't you with Liang Jingchen now? Why suddenly ask Kai Kai's address? Don't you worry about Liang Jingchen getting angry?"
Jian Jiayang looks down on this woman. When she was with A Kai, she didn't get along well, and she was derailed. If A Kai didn't let him do it, he would have already done it. For such a woman, Jian Jia Yang looked very much at him. No, it's like a person like him, and he won't hook up with another person when dealing with one person. When dealing with one person, he is devoted to personal rules of love.
When Zhong Baobao heard Liang Jingchen's name, she was a little embarrassed, but she still tried to calm herself down, and said with pity.
"I really just want to know if Ah Kai has arrived in the United States, OK, Ah Kai has been away for more than a month. I am very worried about him, and the phone can't be reached all the time ..."
At this time, her unruly behavior was even more disgusting in the eyes of Jian Jiayang. In his opinion, a woman broke up with a man. It is better not to have any connection, and this woman is still a kind of split legs. Why? Will make people forgive?
Now that this woman is looking for Akai, there must be something to ask Akai, but remembering what Akai looked like when she left, Jian Jiayang also knew that Akai should have seen through this woman and would definitely not help this woman anymore.
When I think of this, Jian Jiayang feels a bit refreshed. After all, some women are born to think that these men can prepare them for the cloud! Come whenever you want, leave as soon as you want, be beautiful! !! !!
"Akai changed the phone. Of course you can't be contacted, but Akai also explained before leaving. If you ask, the address can of course be given to you, but if you can contact me, it's up to you."
After speaking, he handed Zhou Zekai's address to Zhong Baobao, remembering that A Kai said that he would return to China soon, Jian Jiayang was in a very good mood.
"Thank you, thank you!"
After getting Zhou Zekai's address, Zhong Bao was very grateful, and then went through the formalities of going abroad as quickly as possible. Of course, the address is the address where Zhou Zekai is. With Liang Jingchen's 500,000, it is certainly possible to go abroad.
how to say? Although Liang Jingchen found out that Zhong Bao was not at home, she didn't care, but she felt that the other party should obey his own words and go to have a baby. After all, a woman had to take a break after having a baby, and the money on the card was gone. Liang Jingchen was very relieved, because he really didn't want any illegitimate children before marriage.
Sitting on the plane flying to the United States, Zhong Bao was very nervous. She longed for a new life and hoped that she could raise the baby in her belly well. Also, A Kai, who was so gentle, would definitely understand herself. Will definitely be willing to help raise this child ...
Zhou Zekai didn't know that Zhong Bao had already boarded to find his plane. He was already preparing to return to China, especially when he knew that his neighbors were also returning to China.
The two were sitting on deck chairs in the garden, while Caesar was playing frisbee on his own.
"I have been abroad for a long time, and it is time to go home. Although my parents did not remind me before, they are getting older now, so I hope I can return I want to go home at the end of the month. If Caesar is, I plan to see if I can find a good adopter. It is difficult to bring Caesar back from abroad. "
Speaking of this, Fang Shilan frowned, her eyes flashed a little bit of perseverance, looking at Caesar, she also wanted to take Caesar home, but she was confident of many institutions, there was no way, although Caesar had a dog permit , Health proof of these things, but in a place like the Great Emperor, Fang Shilan, a Chinese, it is difficult to do things, even if you have the money, it is impossible to do it.
"Oh? In fact, I just want to go back at the end of the month. Caesar, if you do n’t mind, let me take it. I ’ll see if I can contact my friend to go back on his private jet. Shi Lan, if you have n’t bought it yet, In the case of air tickets, I invite you to join me. "
Zhou Zekai admires Fang Shilan very much, because this girl has learned a lot, so when chatting with this girl, almost everything can be talked about, whether it is finance or play, plus the cuteness of Caesar, It makes Zhou Zekai's trip very meaningful.
"Doesn't this bother you?" Fang Shilan was a bit surprised when she heard about the private jet. In fact, during this time, she had a certain affection for this man, especially after knowing that the two people came from the same place. Even more, I feel that two people can develop. At this time, when she hears the invitation from the other side, Fang Shilan said that it is absolutely false to not touch.
"Do not disturb, I am very welcome, and I will be a bit lonely when I go back alone, I am not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I came out this time because I was emotionally hurt and came here for a vacation. I did not expect to meet you, let me I feel better. "
Zhou Zekai's words were actually ambiguous. After listening to Fang Shilan, she felt that she had been provoked, and she was curious about Zhou Zekai.
"Oh? Then you seem to have let go of this thing now, I wonder if I have a chance to know what happened to you before?"
The two wise men tentatively tested each other. If a man likes Fang Shilan, he will definitely speak up.
Zhou Zekai was very fond of Fang Shilan, so naturally he gave the result for Fang Shilan's problem.
"Well ... that's a more trivial story, how do you say that? I accidentally drove into a little girl before driving, and that little girl smiled very cute, and then my heart moved, and it didn't take long before, with that The little girl was dating, and introduced her to my brothers. But after a while, the little girl broke up with me. She said that she fell in love with one of my brothers. I saw it at that brother's house The two of them kissed before they realized that the girl was the daughter of a maid in my brother's house. Later, she felt ridiculous and went abroad to relax ... "
A few words told everything that happened before, so Fang Shilan heard it did not expect that such a thing would happen to Zhou Zekai. Such a wise and elegant man who also respects women, how can there be women who don't like it?
"That girl is also not good, Akai, you are excellent and deserve better people."
Fang Shilan's words are very clever, about as Mrs. Liang said, the meticulous Miss Jin Jin always puts her EQ at the highest position, which Zhong Bao will never have.
"I think you are also very good in Shi Lan. There must be many people chasing you, right?"
Zhou Zekai turned back with a smile and looked back, looking at Fang Shilan's cheeks red, and her eyes were full of smiles. He liked the time with Fang Shilan because Fang Shilan would always be a comfortable girl and treat her Together, every minute and every second is very relaxed, there is no need to worry about other things ...
If you spend a lifetime with such a woman, it should be a very happy thing.
Fang Shilan heard Zhou Zekai's tease, her heart was really tense, and her heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, but even so, she still didn't give a clear answer. In this overseas hometown, it is too easy for a person to have a world with himself. People feel friendly, this feeling often confuses the feeling of like, Fang Shilan wants to wait, when they all return home, then make a decision, after that time, Fang Shilan can determine whether he can follow this Of a man together.
After the two talked, they played with Caesar. Recently, Caesar has completely abandoned Fang Shilan, the hostess, and adhered to Zhou Zekai, who can accompany him to run.
In the evening, Zhou Zekai invited Fang Shilan to have dinner together at home, and the two cook together, but just as the meal was ready, an unexpected visitor came.
Zhong Baobao's English is not very good. After all, she is just an ordinary student. She is only a sophomore this year. So after she came to the United States, she still took a taxi here. After consulting many people, she learned that Zhou Zekai lived. Where was the address? It was only when the sky was getting dark that I found Zhou Zekai's house.
After ringing the doorbell, Zhong Bao looked forward to seeing Zhou Zekai's expression after seeing herself. Would she be very happy or welcome her to come ...
It was just that she never expected that the woman who came out of it turned out to be a woman. The woman was Fang Shilan. When she saw Zhong Bao with her luggage, she came and asked.
"็ Hello Who are you?"
Because of the Chinese people's sake, although there was a moment of discomfort in Zhong Bao's heart, a warm smile was raised on her face.
"Hello, I'm Baby Zhong. I want to ask, does Zhou Zekai live here? I'm looking for him."
When she heard Zhou Zekai's name, Fang Shilan looked curiously at this woman, guessing in her heart what relationship this woman had with Zhou Zekai. She didn't expect that the other party would be the woman who cheated in Zhou Zekai's mouth. After all, there was no woman who dared to come back to find her ex Of course, Qian Liyu came from abroad to find his ex.
"He lives here, but I can't let you in now, I need to ask him to confirm your identity."
Since coming to foreign countries, Fang Shilan's sense of security has become very high. After all, this kind of place in foreign countries is very chaotic. It is not as safe as in China. It is only when Fang Shilan was young that she believed in a person. Something happened.
Zhong Baobao didn't realize that this woman would not let herself in, and when she wanted to say something, she saw that Fang Shilan had turned her head and asked Zhou Zekai.
After entering the room, Fang Shilan looked at Zhou Zekai who was still cooking and asked.
"A girl named Zhong Bao came from the outside and said it was your friend, Kai, would you like to let her in?"
In fact, Fang Shilan was more or less concerned about the identity of Zhong Bao, otherwise she wouldn't let a girl stand outside like this, which is actually not very safe.
After Zhou Zekai heard this, she was a little surprised when Zhong Bao came, so she put down her hand and looked at Fang Shilan, only to find that Fang Shilan seemed a little unhappy, then she laughed and came and blinked at her.
"This bell baby is the one with my brother."
This answer made Fang Shilan look surprised at Zhou Zekai, then turned to look out the door, and then couldn't believe it.
"So how dare she come to you?"
Is it so cheeky?
The next sentence Fang Shilan didn't say anything, but Zhou Zekai suddenly caught Fang Shilan's waist and whispered.
"Please pretend to be my girlfriend, I don't want to be entangled with her, or else I have to be cheated twice?"
He said, a low smile exploded in Fang Shilan's ears, making Fang Shilan's ears reddish immediately, but he did not resist, and let Zhou Zekai hold out.
Zhong Bao, who was standing outside, was already very nervous. When she saw a strange woman in Zhou Zekai's home, this feeling gave her an indescribable sense of crisis. As a result, she saw Zhou Zekai holding the woman. When I came out of it, thinking of myself coming to see Zhou Zekai, I just felt terribly angry and wanted to scold Zhou Zekai.
Zhou Zekai took Fang Shilan in front of Zhong Bao, who was across the door, and looked at Zhong Bao before he spoke coldly.
"What are you doing here?"
Such an impatient sentence made Zhong Bei's wronged eyes red. She thought that she would be treated well and would be taken care of carefully. However, she did not expect that Zhou Zekai, a dog-like person, would change his heart so quickly, but a few Yue Kung Fu didn't like her anymore, and she had a woman beside her for more than a month abroad, and this woman knew at first sight that she was more beautiful than her. This kind of recognition made Baby Zhong want to cry.
"Akai ..."
She shouted Zhou Zekai's name in a crying voice. Fang Shilan, who was standing next to Zhou Zekai, looked at the girl and thought of what the girl had done. She only felt that the other person's cheek was thick enough. It's true.
From the bottom of his heart, Fang Shilan still believes in Zhou Zekai.
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