Chapter 1273: Giants abandon less 5

While exercising with her own body, she was in touch with Chu Xiangxiang. Recently, Zhou Zekai was very busy. Chu Xiangxiang also formally submitted her resignation statement after meeting Zhou Zekai. Although the manager is a pity, Chu Xiangxiang is a good employee, but listen to her. After pursuing the person she likes, she also knows that she shouldn't stop, this girl is indeed the age to fall in love.
Chu Xiangxiang, who resigned from the company, went to a cram school to make pastries as soon as possible. Although she would also make those pastries, but when she wanted to go to the coffee shop to help, Chu Xiangxiang felt that she could not handle this. I found a very good teacher to teach, and it cost more than 10,000 yuan a month alone, but the thing that has made her most happy recently is that she and Zhou Zekai will talk about WeChat if they are all right. This feeling makes Chu Xiangxiang It feels wonderful.
Zhou Zekai also knows that Chu Xiangxiang is now learning to make pastry again, but she did n’t say anything. After all, the cafe is real, and it is also true to ask the other party to work, so Chu Xiangxiang takes this matter seriously, which is to Zhou Zekai. , Is also a very good thing, this girl is a sincere girl, the character is very passable.
After more than half a month, Zhou Zekai's physical exercise had an effect. Originally adding Zhou Zekai's longevity tactics and adding exercise, the effect was more obvious. Zhou Zekai himself prepared a lot of things for himself. , Such as bullet-proof jackets, and some materials with better materials, cold weapons such as Tang knives and Swiss army knives ...
According to the memory of wishing people, the world in space is a world of zombies. Although humans have also worked hard to resist, there are still many zombies, and the zombies have also been upgraded. Many high-level zombies can be a zombies Destroy a city, human beings have not even evolved abilities, even if they are injured by zombies, they will become zombies ...
Such a world is destined to be very dangerous, both for the former wisher and for Zhou Zekai.
The last-day world, Zhou Zekai, has been here before, but at that time he had a golden finger, and there was no pressure at all, but this time he was relying on his own ability, so Zhou Zekai needed to be careful and careful, so as not to hurt himself.
Of course, in addition to these things, Zhou Zekai also brought smoke and chocolate, compressed biscuits, and water. These things are all necessities that want to survive in the last days. Sugar can replenish energy in a person's body, biscuits fill the hunger, and water is To keep a person alive, these things Zhou Zekai brought a bag, and of course, sugar and other things, he was not sure where he would appear in the last days.
After preparing everything, Zhou Zekai cut his finger and dripped the blood into the jade penetrating. Seeing that the blood gradually merged into this jade penetrating, then just in front of Zhou Zekai, a blue vortex appeared. This vortex Opposite is a strange eschatology ...
Unlike the original owner ’s first fear, Zhou Zekai was very calm, and then went in. After walking through this blue vortex, the military boots on his feet felt like he was stepping into the mud all at once.
Sure enough, in the darkness, no one saw, a man suddenly appeared in the blue vortex appearing out of thin air, at this time it was raining in the sky, and the ground was muddy, and Zhou Zekai came here suddenly and looked Looking at the blackness in front of me, I was a little caught off guard, but I quickly turned on the wrist lamp. This lamp is on the watch, not only waterproof, but also the role of the compass, which is very powerful.
Suddenly there was a hint of light in the darkness. There was no one around, except for the sound of rain, and not even a zombie. Zhou Zekai raised his vigilance and walked forward. At this time, he knew he should not stay. In situ, the best way is to find a shelter.
The raindrops fell on Zhou Zekai's hair, which quickly made him wet, but Zhou Zekai walked forward and found that he was in an old city with a house in front, just to avoid the rain.
Quickly entered the hallway of the house. After entering, the surrounding area was still quiet, but when he saw the words on the wall, Zhou Zekai froze.
Because there are a few big characters written in spray paint-we are on the fifth floor, help! !! !!
It seemed that someone was asking for help, but at this time, Zhou Zekai couldn't help him, so after entering the corridor, he found that the door to the left room was open. Since no zombies appeared at this time, it proves that there are no zombies at this time. One thing that comes to mind is that the wisher's diary once wrote that zombies will evolve through rain, so every time it rains, the zombies will gather together to catch the rain. Generally speaking, they encounter a group, If you do n’t meet it, you do n’t have one.
Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai was relieved a lot. He originally planned to enter the room and wait for tomorrow. Then, after thinking about it, he decided to take a look at the fifth floor.
At this moment, the elevator in this building had been broken for a long time, so Zhou Zekai could only go up the stairs. Sure enough, I still saw the distress signals left by these people and did not know how many people were on this fifth floor.
So after walking around for a while, Zhou Zekai came to the fifth floor. Even on the fifth floor, it was very quiet. Only Zhou Zekai's footsteps sounded very strange.
In the room 501 on the fifth floor, in fact, someone had seen Zhou Zekai's lights for a long time, because after this end of the world, everyone did n’t dare to turn on the lights at night. It ’s definitely a strong person like this kind of light. It must be very strong. Awesome, so a few young people in 501 have seen this light coming towards them long ago, there must be no light on the zombies, then it proves that the people coming are humans! !! !!
"Here he is!" Said a chubby boy, turning his head to look at the others in the room, although a little excited.
"But he seems to be alone ..."
It doesn't look like it's saving people ...
"Boss, do we want to open the door?" A thin man looked at the red-haired man in this room. This man was the boss of several of them. Before the end of the last days, several of them escaped from the school to go to the Internet cafes to go online. Suddenly erupted, zombies bite people everywhere, a few people still had to take weapons from Internet cafes to escape all the way to the present, but until now, they have not eaten, and will encounter zombies when they go out.
But there was nothing to eat, and no energy to beat the zombies, waiting for them, sooner or later it was death ...
Hong Mao ’s name is Jiangxi. In fact, the family is very rich. He wants to go home and see how the family is doing, but they have five people in total. Now they have no food to eat and go out. It's useless, no energy to hit the zombies, no car, nothing else, how can I go home?
That's why they spray paint in the corridor, just to see if they can meet good people and save them.
"Let me ask."
Being treated as a big brother by everyone, of course, Xi hoped that the people who came this time could save them, so at this time I heard everyone's problems, walked over, leaned against the door, and then saw the lights outside through the cat's eyes. It's human! Absolutely human!
Thinking of this, Xi Xi breathed a sigh of relief, then knocked on the door and made a sound.
Zhou Zekai, who was walking outside, also heard a 501 voice, walked to the door, and heard a dull voice of the boy.
"People outside, are you here to save us?"
At least it is certain that there is someone in it. Although Zhou Zekai is not a kind person, when it comes to this strange world, it is better to have a few friends and friends, so he answered.
"Yes, how many of you?"
He is not afraid of these people. According to Zhou Zekai's current level, a dozen or ten is easy.
"Five!" Opened Xi, thinking for a while, still reached out and opened the door, with some care, only to see the lights outside and the man standing at the door.
"Can I go in?"
Zhou Zekai saw the five children in it at a glance. They were definitely not over 25 years old. Everyone's face was childish. If they were adults, they would not believe a stranger like this.
Taking a glance at the man, I just felt that the man was extraordinarily mysterious. He was too clean. In such an eschatology, a man could be so clean, only to prove that he was strong enough and scary. And not afraid of zombies.
Zhou Zekai walked into the room, and the door was quickly closed. Zhou Zekai, who looked particularly reliable with his bag at this time, accepted the attention of five children, while Zhou Zekai raised his hand, one by one with the lamp on his wrist. I glanced at these children and found that they were pale and had cracks on their mouths. They must have been hungry for a while and they were short of water.
He took the mint directly from his pocket and handed it to the children.
"Eat some sugar first to make your mouth feel better."
Peppermint can stimulate the secretion of saliva, and then adjust the body's moisture. A few big boys watched this stranger hand over the sugar at this time, and they didn't care about the other. The sweet smell instantly filled the mouth, making everyone feel like they were alive.
It has been three months since the end of the last century. As long as there are shops or other people's places around, what should be searched has been searched, so there is nothing to eat at all. A sugar is enough to make a few children happy.
Watching them eating sugar, Zhou Zekai opened his backpack and took out five compressed biscuits on the table, as well as water.
"Hungry for a long time? Let's eat first and introduce ourselves after eating. I'm Zhou Zekai, a businessman."
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