Chapter 1386: My daughter is a star 2

I do n’t know at the Dragon Boat Festival at the competition residence. My dad has begun to make money. I just hope that my nurse and sister can take good care of my father. After I get the bonus after the competition, I can buy more medicine for my father ...
Because of the unique look at who has blushing skills, Zhou Duanwu was assigned to Class B. The young ladies and sisters in this class are very nice. They take great care of Zhou Duanwu, and they are called Zhou Duanwu little sister-in-law. Dragon Boat Festival has a sister's face, but has a loli heart? Let the lady here take care of Zhou Duanwu.
"Tomorrow is going to record the video of the theme song. Are you ready, sister-in-law?" This is An Yicai from Group B, and the best dancing girl in Group B. Do n’t look cute, but it ’s against B Everyone in the group is very responsible. She helped with the dance of the Dragon Boat Festival of the previous week.
"That's it, Yi Cai, how about you?"
Turning to look at An Yicai on the right side of the bed, Zhou Duanwu has been practicing constantly throughout the week, whether he is dancing or singing, he has done a good job.
"I'm almost there, but Jiaqi is still practicing. She is so desperate, I think we are a bit lazy ~ but can her body persist?"
An Yicai was a little worried that Meng Jiaqi, a little girl in the same bedroom, was too poor. Even with the help of people in the same group, she was still struggling. So even if everyone rests every day, she is still practicing. It can be said that It's very hard.
"This ... I don't know, but everyone always has something they want to pursue, Jia Qi wants to be a star."
Zhou Duanwu said seriously, then nodded, seemingly affirming his words.
This kind of appearance makes An Yicai a little helpless. For a charming and innocent face, but a naive and ignorant Zhou Duanwu, sometimes An Yicai doesn't know what to say.
"What about you? You don't want to debut from this show, do you want to be a star?"
The girls who come here are all for dreams, all for red, in order to become stars, everyone's purpose is the same.
Zhou Duanwu heard this question, but shook his head seriously.
"I'm not like being a star. In fact, I'm a little scared when I see the camera. This is probably called camera phobia, but my dad is sick. He must have money to cure the disease. Our program is divided into two parts, as long as we can survive Thirty, by that time alone, it should be enough for Dad to heal ... "
After careful calculation of Dad's situation, Zhou Duanwu gave an answer, but it surprised An Yicai, and then worried.
"So, is your dad seriously ill? Do you need a lot of money?"
An Yicai is the kind of girl who will go home and inherit the family business if she doesn't work hard as a star. The family is rich, so she expresses her deep sympathy for Zhou Duanwu's affairs.
"Well ... a lot of it, I don't know if I can do it, anyway, Yi Cai, thank you for your help these past few days, I will definitely work hard! Both of us will work hard!"
In fact, Zhou Duanwu did n’t even know if she was suitable to be a star. After graduating from the past, she found a sickness just after finding a job, but she had no choice but to join the show. In fact, she did n’t dance or sing through the system. I practiced dancing as a child and singing in college when I was a university student. If you count it up, she should be the only one who is weaker.
"Well, of course we have to work harder! Dragon Boat, I believe you can do it, Uncle's disease will be better! Everything will be fine!"
At this moment, the two girls are looking forward to the future. After all, some people are to dream, some are to get money. In this entertainment industry, as long as you can be red, everything you want to do can be done.
The side of the program group is also watching the current situation of the program, and found that the first period of clicks from the broadcast to the present, there have been 300 million views!
"Give me a shot of this Dragon Boat Festival in the future. How is she singing and dancing?"
The director looked at Zhou Duanwu in the video. I didn't expect that there were so many girls. This girl who did not sing and dance made the headlines first, and also took their show more and more hot. Many people came to see Duan Wu. In the show, I want to see how this beautiful young lady blushes people.
"She's not bad. She works very hard during the practice and sings well. It doesn't go through systematic practice. I think it will be a good seed to cultivate in the future."
The general camera also looked at Zhou Duanwu. I think this girl has a talent for plastics, because the so-called celebrities can rely on more than just their faces. The most important thing is the audience. Some celebrities look beautiful and perform so many plays Everyone just can't call her name, but some people are born with audiences, they can be remembered at a glance, and they can call their names!
Look at this week's Dragon Boat Festival, which is called a sister-in-law by fans, with such a beautiful face, but it has no intention. No wonder the audience can like it so much. After all, one's eyes are the window of the soul. Just look at the eyes.
"That line, give her a little more shots in the next issue. Now her online voting is very high, and she is already in second place, and she is an individual applicant. There is no brokerage company, which is better."
The director was very satisfied with Zhou Duanwu. After all, this girl brought so much traffic to the show. Of course, the director really liked it.
Zhou Duanwu did n’t know that he had lost his luck, and when the theme song was recorded the next day, he played well. The mentors evaluated the theme song of these students for the first time, and Zhou Duanwu upgraded from B to A. No way, who gave her such a beautiful face?
Of course, in addition to the weekly Dragon Boat Festival, Class A Yi Cai and Kang Caiyue also entered Class A, making them very happy, because they all know that as long as they can stand in position C, this stage is the most prominent. Places, then their votes will be more, and they will not face elimination in the next issue!
After a week, the show of "Perfect Goddess" was broadcast again. Zhou Duanwu was undoubtedly your favorite girl. Seeing this girl practiced so hard, she finally stood in the c position through her own efforts. They are all very happy.
Zhou Zekai, who has left the hospital, also watched the program for the first time and determined that his daughter was doing well in the program, and then continued to make money.
During this week, Zhou Zekai didn't do anything else, just made a simple game, and then used rogue software to embed major mobile phone apps, so that this simple small game downloads exceeded one million in a week. Of course, this game is simple, but if you do n’t want to use your brain, you still have to spend money, so the top-up money is Zhou Zekai ’s income ...
In addition, Zhou Zekai also did a lot of things, for example ... he created a gossip account for himself! A fan has more than 4 million gossip accounts. This account is from Zhou Zekai's Heihe account. As for how it came to be black this year, there is no secret that cannot be said? Once threatened with these secrets, this account belongs to Zhou Zekai.
After the second episode of the program, Zhou Zekai, while speculating in stocks, was seeking the rhythm of the sailing army. He also used his gossip account to hype his own Dragon Boat Festival, and once again made Zhou Dragon Boat a hit! What week's Dragon Boat Festival c debuts, and so on, it is to strive for everyone to see their Dragon Boat Festival as soon as possible.
Sure enough, under Zhou Zekai's capital operation, Zhou Duanwu's votes were all over, and he directly counterattacked to the first place. From voting 12 days ago to now, the number of votes has reached more than 8 million, which is far behind the second place. More than 4 million! Although the money cannot be said to be real gold or silver, even if all are free tickets, Zhou Duanwu has already sat in this position.
Although this method is cheating, Zhou Zekai feels indifferent because other players' companies have also helped the operation. His daughter does not have a company. What can he do to help?
The program group of "Perfect Goddess" also discovered Zhou Duanwu's mass marketing. Although this marketing company could not be found for the time being, but from this point, it can be seen that Zhou Duanwu may not be as simple as their investigation. However, the show crew opened and closed their eyes for these. After all, as long as the ratings of the show crew are getting higher and higher, that is not a problem.
Over time, the first phase of elimination is coming!
Zhou Duanwu stood in front of all the younger sisters and sisters in group A, watching the instructor read out the rankings in turn, ninety-nine people, this time will eliminate twenty-nine! How cruel! Worry a lot of people.
"Your votes are obtained through the voting of netizens. It is only through the likes of netizens that you can determine your stay. Now, I am about to announce your ranking. Ninety-nine people will be eliminated. Nineteen! That is to say, the remaining seventy people can stay on our stage, so I declare that the sixty-ninth place is ... "
The instructor stood on the stage, looked at the nervous little girls below, then announced the names of everyone, and watched these little girls either lost or surprised, and in the seventh place, thought of An Yicai.
"Yicai, you are so good! Come on!" Embracing An Yicai, Zhou Duanwu was actually very nervous. She was afraid she would be eliminated, and netizens would not like her ...
An Yicai also embraced Zhou Duanwu and said with a smile.
"I believe you must be in the top five! I believe in your charm!"
After she finished speaking, she walked to the stage, and then asked her mentor to express her feelings. Then she was sixth, fifth, fourth ...
I saw the second place, and when the name I read was not my own, Zhou Duanwu already had some nervous fingers trembling. She never thought that she might be the first place, but now, except the 70th place, she is the first place Now ...
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