Chapter 68: Crazy illegitimate meal 4

When a person is facing a lot of public opinion, she can only move forward instead of backing down. The number of female fans in the live broadcast room has exceeded 200,000, which is simply that she cannot have the number of fans in her life. These fans all came to watch her jump from the building. Wouldn't it be a shame if she just went on so easily?
This female fan admits that she used to play live broadcasts before, and this time she came up with a way to jump off the building to attract popularity, but she also really likes Zhou Zekai! Why did Zhou Zekai suddenly want to retire? She didn't believe that Zhou Zekai was sick. The agent must have lied to her!
Hu He was also mad by the words of this female fan. It was never expected that this female fan would say such words, which made him even more unexpected. Many fans of Zhou Zekai in the live broadcast room. Even they think that this female fan is right. If this female fan can force Zhou Zekai to come out, that's fine. They love Zhou Zekai so much, why can't Zhou Zekai love them a little bit?
"Agent Hu! You tell me Kai, I must see him today! If he doesn't come, I will really jump from here! Even if the bones are not there, I will tell everyone that I am true I like Zhou Zekai! I don't want him to retire like this! He just got the actor's trophy! There is unlimited future !!! "
In this world, there are some people who are always doing something that disgusts you under the guise of being good. Hu He's eyes are going to spit fire. Why can't he hear it, the threat in the other person's words, but Still patient, said.
"Calm down first, I know that many of your fans can't understand the issue of Kai Kai's withdrawal, but I want to reiterate that Zhou Zekai's withdrawal is because of a psychological illness that needs treatment! If you continue Staying in this circle will make his condition worse. Do you understand me if I say that? Even so, do you still have to be stubborn and let Zhou Zekai return to this circle? Or is it like the fans in your mouth like this Superficial and so shallow? "
Finally, I couldn't help but started chanting fans. Thinking of Zhou Zekai's situation in the past two years, Hu He was the best known. He was threatened by fans to send gifts, installed bugs and cameras at home, and secretly mixed into the studio when Zhou Zekai was filming. This kind of thing can be done with these illegitimate meals. What is the need for such unreasonable fans?
The questioned female fan had a moment of dullness and emotional struggle. She opened the hands-free. Fans who watched her live broadcast quickly also wanted to ask her about Zhou Zekai's situation, so the stubbornness seemed to disappear. A little bit, her voice was shaking.
"No, no, I, we all love him. I, we don't know that he is sick, and even if he is sick, can't he be treated? Why have to retreat? If he can't see him in the future, We will all be very sad ... "
Tears flowed from her eyes. This female fan was still a little girl. After being said to be superficial and shallow, she still felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't know what to do.
Other fans are more concerned about what happened to Zhou Zekai. Is it a serious psychological problem?
"I know you are sad. Actually, Ze Kai chose to leave this circle, why isn't he sad? He alone has more than 70 million Weibo fans. This is a lot of star artists who ca n’t even come across their lives. Amount, but his body is really unable to support it, he needs to rest, I have consulted a psychiatrist, he needs at least five to ten years to recover his mental state, otherwise he will really go crazy . "
This is the first time that Hu He has exposed Zhou Zekai's condition to the media. Although he told a small fan at this time, he believes that there must be countless media watching around this fan. If Zhou Zekai's condition is exposed, then I am afraid that there should not be many people stopping it.
He deliberately said the condition was very serious, so that Zhou Zekai's fans were scared after listening. However, many fans in the live broadcast room asked why Zhou Zekai would suffer from mental illness. Did Xingguang Entertainment have hidden rules for him?
This kind of question that could not be placed on the bright side was actually asked by the little girl who had flooded her head.
"Akai has always been good before, isn't your Starlight Entertainment company bad for him? Does your company have hidden rules?"
Ask these words, the rescued people were shocked by the little girl ’s unique IQ. I ’ve seen stupid, seen silly, never seen such a stupid and silly, even if there are hidden rules, they will Tell you?
Are you stupid?
He He reluctantly heard this remark, so he replied.
"Our starlight entertainment company's treatment of Zhou Zekai is obvious to all. Little girl, Weibo has exposed our company's signing agreement with A Kai. I think the above information can already prove our innocence. Besides, little girl you It was also said that A Kai is a film emperor, and everyone is asking him to make a movie. Why is there such a thing as a hidden rule? "
I tried hard to appease this fan, and was talking, but I did not expect Zhou Zekai to come over wearing slippers at this moment, watching Hu He look carefully with a phone and asked.
"Is the company's phone?"
The slightly husky voice passed through the mobile phone to the other end of the phone, making the facial expression of the female fans standing on the top floor momentarily excited became very strange.
"Come on! I want to talk to Akai! I want to talk to Akai!"
There was a crazy and sharp voice over the phone, Hu He said helplessly.
"Your fan, now she asks you to answer the phone, will you?"
Considering Zhou Zekai's mental condition, Hu He did not say that the other party was preparing to jump off the building.
Zhou Zekai did not expect that some fans knew Hu He's phone number, but it was a little surprised, but Hu He asked so, he was not good to not say hello, so he reached out and took Hu He's cell phone over.
"Hello, my name is Zhou Zekai."
As long as normal people can hear this hoarse, Zhou Zekai is sick, let alone Zhou Zekai's fans?
"You, are you sick?"
After listening to Zhou Zekai's voice, the female fan seemed to become a little sheep in an instant, and carefully asked, listening to Zhou Zekai's hoarse voice, but felt bad.
"Well, I have a cold, but it will be all right." Zhou Zekai's voice was calm. He didn't know that the female fan on the other side of the phone was standing on the top floor and wanted to commit suicide. He thought he was an ordinary fan ~
"Then you must take good care of yourself." Could not help but explain, the female fan after all liked Zhou Zekai, listening to the voice of the idol, she could not help but soften her heart.
"Well, thank you for your concern, I will take good care of myself."
I have to say that Zhou Zekai really has a different kind of charm, which made these fans crazy. The police officers on the side saw the female fan calm down and hurriedly tried to find a way to make a breakthrough, but did not want this fan to entangle with Zhou Zekai. Things.
"You ... why are you back out?"
Obviously the answer to this question has been known from the agent's mouth, but after hearing the voice of a real person, the female fan still wants to ask it again.
After hearing this question, Zhou Zekai said with a smile in his voice.
"Actually it's because I'm sick, and the situation isn't very good. I want to take a break and rest for a few years to raise my body. Now I have some problems."
This thing is not hidden, in order to prevent these fans from doing extreme things, Zhou Zekai does not mind exposing his illness.
"What about us? What about us fans? When you say you're out of the circle, do you think about us? We like you so much! You can't leave for us?"
Finally, I still couldn't resist saying the most selfish words in my heart. I didn't want Zhou Zekai to leave the circle and didn't want Zhou Zekai to leave. He could be treated if he was sick. Why should he leave them? Leaving their sights so that they never see this person again is really cruel to them fans ...
The voice of the female fan was crying. It was just this questioning that made the surrounding media and police officers feel cold. This is a so-called fan. She says she likes it, but hurts the person she likes. They said they were sick, but they didn't understand it at all. Is this selfish?
If it was Zhou Zekai before, I'm afraid he would be threatened by this fan, but now, Zhou Zekai doesn't care anything.
His voice came firmly from the phone. For the first time, everyone in the room and the people in the live broadcast room heard Zhou Zekai's unfriendly voice for the first time.
"I will not stay in this entertainment circle for fans. My psychological problems have reached the limit. If I stay in the circle again, I may become a lunatic. Would you like a lunatic?"
It's like a sharp-edged word that sticks directly into the hearts of all fans, yes, his illness is not the kind that can be cured right away, he is a psychological problem, a psychological problem that may go crazy ...
However, Zhou Zekai's words immediately stung the female fan who was holding the mobile phone live broadcast. The ruthless refusal of the other party made the female fan feel that her previous likes were all blind, but there were more and more people in her live broadcast room. She must not let Zhou Zekai leave like this!
"No! We like you no matter what you become! None of us here want you to leave the circle! Your illness can be cured, why would you leave us?"
The female fan has lost her mind. After Zhou Zekai heard this, she looked at Hu He and learned from Hu He's mouth that the fan jumped off the building because of his withdrawal, so the voice became even colder.
"Where did my psychological problem come from? The company and my agent know the best. From the moment it became popular, now illegitimate meals not only track me, but also put monitors and cameras in my private residence. Things that will hurt other people come into the company. Since I debuted, I have n’t wanted to mention the number of times I have been followed by fans. I just changed the apartment forty times, and I was sneaky shot in the bathroom in the hotel more than sixty times. My psychological problem is because of your omnipresentness. I have just learned from my agent that you are jumping from the building now, so I can only advise you to say a word, whether you jump or not, it doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter to me. For your part, your favorite is just a knife that justified me and hurt me. Now, I don't need your favorite anymore. "
After talking, the call was hung up directly, and the female fan was left holding the phone that had been hung up, and then the police officer on the side moved quickly to quickly get the female fan down from above ...
It was just Zhou Zekai's words that remained in the hearts of all fans.
Your like is just a knife that rightfully hurt me. Now, I don't need your like anymore.
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