Chapter 762: I am amnesia not brain disabled 8

Zhou Zekai also did not expect that what he originally suspected would turn into a simple car accident! !!
When the Zhou family and the Liang family knew about this, they were also very surprised, and thought it was a little strange. What should I say ... It's like Zhou Zekai disappeared, and everyone decided that the case was murder, and they were constantly searching for the murderer. I finally found my son. My son lost his memory first, so let's not talk about it. Now that the police have caught the murderer after a few months, it turned out that the murderer really escaped because of a car accident ...
Escaping after drunk driving, boasting that he had been killed in another drunk man, he was arrested!
All this made people laugh and cry. When Liang Xiyin and Zhou Zekai came out of the police station, they were a little bit embarrassed. It turned out that they thought too much and complicated simple cases ...
But who made this happen to Wei Xueyan? If there were no Wei Xueyan, then there would not be so many strange thoughts, but no one had ever suspected that someone was targeting Zhou Zekai. If Wei Xueyan suddenly took Zhou Zekai away, it would have disappeared for ten days, and everyone would not think Too many ...
Fortunately, the result of this final decision still let everyone put their hearts in their stomachs.
Although my son has amnesia, but he is still okay, and now the family is doing well, so there is nothing to say.
Liang Xiyin was also very fortunate. After this happened, she contacted Zhou Zekai almost every day, not to check the post, but to determine Zhou Zekai's safety.
Zhou Zekai understands that Liang Xiyin's fear is naturally to appease the other party. For the other party to call often, it is also a happy look. Over time, it makes everyone think that this week's husband and wife are really loving and enviable hate.
The murderer who escaped by drunk driving has already been in jail, and the Wei family has also been jailed. Although the sentence is not long, they also paid the price for their actions.
Zhou Zekai has not yet restored his memory. Compared to the family who has become accustomed to him now, he is somewhat unaccustomed. He needs to know what the wishing man has. In this case of amnesia, he does not even know what the wishing man has. What kind of thoughts and what happened to the former wisher, so although such a bland and warm day, Zhou Zekai always hopes that he can think of the past, so he always goes to the doctor.
Liang Xiyin will accompany Zhou Zekai to see the doctor. Whenever she sees her husband says that she wants to remember her previous experience, she is touched and distressed because the treatment process is painful. Various treatments have been tried. Useless, even the most dangerous hypnosis, Zhou Zekai tried, but the memory is still only layer upon layer.
As for why to say this ... For example, when Zhou Zekai was getting along with his family, occasionally his mind would show up with his family. When he was with Liang Xiyin, he would even think about what Liang Xiyin was like. Moreover, when Liang Xiyin danced to him, it reminded him of the time when two people were in love. These memories gradually recovered but were incoherent, making Zhou Zekai even unable to find the real idea of ​​the wishing person. This feeling, really It's wonderful.
This is also this long time. For the first time, Zhou Zekai lost memory in the mission world, lost the wishing person ’s memory, and did not know the wish of the wishing person. However, in some cases, Zhou Zekai felt that all he was doing now was correct.
There is a warm family, a loving wife, a lovely son, and a career that he likes very much, all of which made Zhou Zekai very satisfied.
How to say It's as if all motivation has been lost. There is no one about the wish of the wisher, only his own thoughts.
Time is always the most inaccessible thing. Two years later, Liang Xiyin became pregnant again. This time, after ten months, Zhou Zekai ushered in the second child of his life, a girl, named Zhou Aiyin by Zhou Zekai. , Meaning that Zhou Zekai liked Liang Xiyin's meaning.
Although Liang Xiyin uttered a lot of soil, she still fully accepted her husband's love. After all, it is such a happy thing to love someone, love someone ...
Just as the Zhou family said, if there is no memory, they will create memory, and they will create more and better memories for Zhou Zekai.
The flash of time is twenty years. Zhou Zekai has created more memories with his family, wife, and sons and daughters. That intermittent memory also made Zhou Zekai know a lot of things, but he still did not remember the wish of the wishing person.
Whenever Zhou Zekai came to the world, it was because the wishing man made a wish. This time, Zhou Zekai has come to this world for twenty-three years, but he still hasn't remembered what his mission is.
"Dad, what do you think of how I dress today?"
Zhou Zhuo, also the son of Zhou Zekai, is 25 years old this year. After graduation, he started an online company. Now he is a small boss. The company just signed a big order some time ago. Tonight is Zhou Zhuo ’s celebration party. day.
The young and energetic Zhou Zhuo, like Zhou Zekai when he was very young, made Zhou Aiin on the side happy.
"Brother! Don't ask Dad, you ask me! You just broke the sky today !!!"
Zhou Aiyin, who is five years older than Zhou Zhuo, is twenty years old. Now it is just summer vacation. The weather outside is at least forty degrees, but my brother is in a straight suit, and I do n’t know if it will die.
The girl in shorts had long legs on the sofa and looked at her brother leisurely.
Zhou Zekai laughed when he heard it. He was wearing a shirt and glasses, and glanced at his son in a straight suit.
"Well, it's handsome."
Today, Liang Xiyin went to a foreign lingerie seminar. She intends to learn the way abroad to show the beauty of underwear, just like those foreign models wearing underwear to show their beauty.
"That's OK, today is our company's celebration party, Dad, I made a five million list for the first time! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ago, am am certain I am thrilled !!!
Zhou Zhuo's company has only been open for a year. The previous orders were also hundreds of thousands. The net profit before one year was almost two million. Now I have negotiated a five million order. Zhou Zhuo was happy for several days without falling asleep. After all, this is not dependent on his parents' achievements, which makes him particularly proud.
Of course, there is no way. Grandpa and grandma at home are mid-range clothing companies. Dad is a pioneer of Taobao clothing, and mother is underwear. Zhou Zhuo, a man who has been interested in the Internet since childhood, did not like these things at all, so he graduated. After that, he took away five million yuan from Zhou Zekai as start-up capital and started his own Internet company.
Unlike Zhou Aiyin, she is now studying fashion design, and plans to take over the home business in the future.
After arranging his clothes again, Zhou Zhuo accidentally saw his watch, and was suddenly nervous.
"No! I'm going to be late, Dad, Xiao Yin, I'm leaving!"
Then he went outside, but Zhou Zekai got up from his chair at the moment, put down the book in his hand, and followed.
"Xiao Yin, you are at home today, and when grandpa and grandma come back, you say I'm going out with your brother."
After Zhou Zhuo came out, as soon as he got to the car, he found his father behind him, and suddenly he was stunned.
"Dad, I'm going to a celebration party, are you?"
For his father, who is almost fifty years old and still looks like a model, Zhou Zhuo is very helpless. How do you say? Dad supports his own business. He is very happy, but whenever he has a banquet, his father always picks up the car. Is he a kid?
"I'll send you over."
Zhou Zekai smiled and groaned and ignored his son's rejection, which has formed his habit. I don't know why, he always felt that if he did not do this, something strange might happen to the son.
This weird sixth sense allows Zhou Zekai to choose to accompany Zhou Zhuo every time he attends a banquet in Zhou Zhuo, and when he needs to use a car.
Zhou Zhuo was speechless, thinking that he was twenty-five years old, and was driven by his father when he drove a car. He was tired, but did not refuse Zhou Zekai. After the two got on the car, they had driven from the former Zhou Zekai to the current Zhou Zhuo .
Zhou Zhuo was quite stable. The two men talked about some company matters on the road. Zhou Zhuo was very happy that he could win this list. Zhou Zekai also encouraged the other party to say that he would definitely achieve greater achievements.
With his father's encouragement, Zhou Zhuo was even more happy, but they did not expect that when the hotel was approaching, a girl in a white dress suddenly rushed out of the roadside, and Zhou Zhuo was startled. The car stopped soon, and the girl didn't know if it was hit and sat on the ground.
Instinctively, Zhou Zekai felt that things were not simple.
"You're in the car. Don't go down. I'll see what happens."
Directly accounted for his son, and then opened the car door, Zhou Zekai felt that this was indeed a coincidence. The car went well, why did he suddenly rush out of a woman?
Where does this woman come from?
With this idea in mind, Zhou Zekai got out of the car and walked to the girl sitting on the ground over the front of the car. He looked at it in the past, there was no blood, and it seemed that he was not injured, so he was relieved a lot.
"Miss, are you okay?"
Zhou Zekai asked, the woman sitting on the ground slowly raised her head, exposing a delicate and stubborn face. At this moment, there were tears in her eyes, but she tried hard not to let the tears fall. The beautiful fingers were holding The skirt, the voice is an indescribable softness.
"I, I'm fine ..."
When seeing the woman's face, Zhou Zekai felt that his head was stunned, and suddenly the pain was so severe that he passed out directly ...
Zhou Zhuo in the car saw his father caring about the woman, but before he saw it clearly, he found that his father had fallen to the ground, scaring Zhou Zhuo from the car and getting out of the car. Holding Zhou Zekai in the car, he drove directly towards the hospital ...
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