Chapter 910: My daughter is a child star 4

Zhou Zekai thought that those things that Ji Wanyun had done before were perverted enough. However, she did not expect that the term "lower limit" was refreshed specifically for each other. Such a woman, a woman who studies photography, even took drugs. Zhou Zekai could not even imagine ...
Zhou Zeyi is in the business and has a wide network of people. He also knows people who are well-educated in the three religions. Therefore, after knowing his brother's affairs, he went to Ji Shiyun, Ji Shiqi's mother, for the first time. This investigation was improper. When my younger brother comes into contact with this first woman, I feel a little uneasy about what happened, so I will ask the first time after Zhou Zekai returns, fearing that Zhou Zekai will also touch that kind of thing ...
"You do not know?"
Looking at his brother who was so old at the same time, Zhou Zeyi felt that he had broken his heart, but his brother was still clean, so he said again.
"My mother used to listen to you on the phone and said that you and Ji Wanyun are not in a relationship. How did Qiqi come from here? This child is indeed cute, and she inherited her mother's grandmother from generation to generation. The looks are very similar. What happened last year? "
Zhou Zekai knew that even if the parents didn't ask about this, the big brother who cared about him would ask about it, and looked at his brother's concern, helplessly.
"Brother, I really didn't fall in love with Ji Wanyun. I don't even know who she is. I just debuted seven years ago, and it became popular afterwards. Who knows to go outside and be chased by fans? At that time, I met Ji Wanyun, Ji Wanyun said to take me to hide the fans, I was also silly at the time, followed her obediently, who knows that after drinking water in her room, I do n’t know well, then wake up later You also knew it at the time, but I did n’t know who Ji Wanyun was at that time. Until this filming, I suddenly felt that Qiqi looks similar to myself. I remembered what happened seven years ago and asked Bai Zhen to help me secretly. Check it, but brother, since I know that Qiqi is my child, I must not let her stay in Ji Wanyun's hands. People in the industry say that Qiqi is Ji Wanyun's cash cow ... "
With an indignant appearance, Zhou Zekai may still feel that this thing is more shameful when he was young and vigorous, but now it doesn't matter. In order to protect Ji Shiqi, what if it is exposed? He knew that if Ji Shiqi was taken away by herself, Ji Wanyun would never let go of Qi Qi, so she must find a way to deal with her.
Zhou Zeyi looked at his brother's worries. He only felt that his brother had grown up a lot because he had a child. He knew how to protect the child. Thinking of the materials he had investigated, he felt that this matter could not be resolved.
"I have already investigated this matter. Ji Wanyun still has drug abuse behavior. She almost used Kiki's performance costs to take drugs, and I want to tell you one thing. Although Qiqi is seven years old in the information, But I have n’t been to school. I think the script is also taught by the company. Ji Wanyun is not worthy of being a mother, so you do n’t need to care about it. I will let people deal with Ji Wanyun's affairs. After all, I treat this kind of drug use People, reporting to the country, are the qualities that a good citizen should possess. "
I haven't figured out things before, I already figured it out. In fact, in the entertainment industry, such things are not absent. Many people who write articles or are engaged in art, like to come here and want to start from I found the so-called inspiration in such a thing, and Ji Wanyun is probably the same. It was only after breaking the jar that I would think of doing that kind of thing. Thinking of this, Zhou Zekai felt that it was very safe to give it to his brother.
"Then please take care of you."
After the two brothers talked for a while, when they returned to the lobby, they found that Zhou's family had been playing with Ji Shiqi, and Ji Shiqi was not afraid of everyone anymore. He always giggled when talking to everyone, so that the Zhou family got on. People of all ages don't like it.
Towards noon, Mother Zhou also asked Ji Shiqi what she loved to eat, and then let the chef cook the meal. After eating together, she played for a while, and Mother Zhou coaxed the child to fall asleep.
After being sent upstairs to the room specially prepared for Ji Shiqi, the Zhou family began to interrogate Zhou Zekai together.
Regarding Ji Wanyun, everyone already knows, so you don't need to ask more, mainly speaking about Ji Shiqi.
"Akai, this child is a child of our Zhou family and should not be left outside. Besides, it is when the child is studying that this child is too tired."
Mr. Zhou thought of the cute and lovely appearance of the little girl just now, and only felt that she liked it tightly. In addition, she felt that the girl must have been wronged and spoke carefully, and her eyes looked as if she could speak. .
"Grandpa, that's for sure. Although she is now a celebrity, it is used by her mother, so I plan to recognize her and let her follow you and your parents. In this case, she does not need to be bullied. "
Zhou Zekai would not give Ji Shiqi to Ji Wanyun at all, so he had already made a decision.
"That's fine, but the name isn't very good. It's going to change. I've talked to your parents and renamed her. Did you tell her about her life?"
Many of the seven-year-old children will say they are sensible, but Father Zhou found that he had spent this morning with this seven-year-old child, but found that the girl was precocious, and if she said that, she would definitely be able to say clearly Not only can I make it clear, I can certainly let the little girl know who is her family.
"I haven't had time to say this. Since I have brought her back, I plan to tell her in the past two days. I believe she is no longer a sensible child. I know what I mean. Regarding Ji Wanyun, that Women have never loved Kiki, and always want to use Kiki, so I think Kiki should still like me very much. "
Zhou Zekai thought of the cute little girl upstairs and felt a little self-confident, oh no, maybe it shouldn't be said, but he felt that his father should be very popular with his daughter, right?
"Okay, you have to say this quickly. I discussed it with your parents. You and your brother are both Ze, and took Qiqi's birth date for fortune telling. When she hit lack of sun, she named her Zhou Qingmeng. You What do you think? "
Qingmeng ... Qingmeng ... Zhou Zekai read the name in his mind, and thought that the name was really good. After raining in Tianqing's dream, thinking of wishing people seeing the news of Qiqi's death, Zhou Zekai felt this Changing the name is really good.
Zhou Zekai's family has already given her son's daughter a new name, and Ji Wanyun finally has time to remember to call Xiao Zheng and plan to inquire about her daughter.
When Xiao Zheng received this call, his cold sweat was coming down. I thought Ji Shiqi was following Zhou Zekai and he really didn't know how to explain it.
"Xiao Zheng, how is Kiki's performance in the crew? Are you good? Are you upset?"
Ji Wanyun's words scared Xiao Zheng's mind, but he hurriedly said.
"Sister Ji, Kiki is well-behaved. Now I'm filming. It's a very important drama. I can't tell you more. After two days of filming, I will send you back immediately."
Xiao Zheng concealed the truth, and Ji Wanyun did not worry. After all, Ji Shiqi was taken out by her assistant when she was two years old. Ji Wanyun was taken out the least often, usually remotely, and only appeared when she talked about the cost. Now it's just a routine check.
"Well, let her do the acting. Don't bother her, I'll hang up."
After talking, I hung up the phone and let Xiao Zheng's heart be put in my stomach. This is no way. After all, the child was taken away. If you let Sister Ji know, Sister Ji won't scold herself. Dead?
Anyway, sister Ji doesn't like Kiki, he sees that Zhou Zekai likes Kiki very much, and the other party is a big star, and he won't do anything to Kiki. Thinking of this little girl, Xiao Zheng is uncomfortable.
Why do you say that? Take their company as a child brokerage company. Generally, parents take their children and sign a contract with their company. Their company is responsible for the matchmaking and gradually pushes these child stars out, because Ji Shiqi really looks like a little angel, so Since the first time I took a milk powder advertisement, it has become red. Later, it became longer and more delicate, and more things can be taken. However, other people's parents are anxious to follow the child at any time, but Ji Shiqi is always an assistant to follow. For example, this time, the company assigned Xiao Zheng to come and bring Ji Shiqi.
Seven-year-old, can you believe it?
Such a seven-year-old child eats, wears clothes, and combs his own hair. It doesn't look like a child at all, but it gives Xiao Zheng a big man a lot of relief. Before, Xiao Zheng had always been afraid that he would not How to comb the child's hair well, and now that Ji Shiqi is not disturbing at all, she even feels that this person is really incomparable to others. This child's popularity is definitely not false.
As for Sister Ji, Xiao Zheng heard from the girl staff in the company that she spends all her money with Kiki's money all day, saying that she is looking for inspiration. Who does n’t know that it ’s going out all day, and she is also mixed with wild men This child is so beautiful and clever, it is really Bai Blind to Ji Wanyun.
Thinking of the cute Kiki, Xiao Zheng hoped that Zhou Zekai would never make any moths! Na Qiqi is the most popular and small artist in their company.
Ji Shiqi, who was worried, was awakened by Zhou family after being awake in the middle of the week, and was then embraced by Zhou Zekai on the swing in his garden. The two sat on the swing, watching the flowers in the yard, and began heart-to-heart communication ...
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