Chapter 991: Alleged Phoenix Men 10

Zhou Hongfeng and Cai Suxiang were really shocked. I just felt that this hospital was really a place to eat people. It was just an operation, so much money! It just makes them incomprehensible.
So two people stopped at the same place, how could they not move, they didn't really come over to pay ...
The nurse looked at the two people and knew that they believed. In fact, Zhou Zekai didn't spend much money from the operation to the hospital, not to mention the donations in the company, and now there are donations from the university, donations from the society, Even if Zhou Zekai needs to stay in their hospital for a long time, it is estimated that he can live for two or three years with a caregiver.
It ’s just that the other person can stay in the hospital for two or three years, and maybe he can wake up in the future. If someone is brought back by Zhou ’s family, I ’m afraid it ’s just waiting for death.
The deceptive nurse was not guilty at all.
"Let's go to the director's office."
She said that she turned her head and walked forward, but Zhou Hongfeng and Cai Suxiang did not keep up, and did not want to say anything to the nurse, turned around and walked out.
And it was the kind of quick step out of Anu.
They are here to make money! Not here to lose money! This hospital is really a black heart hospital! !!
Thinking about this, the two fled the hospital and did not notice that their every move was photographed by reporters who came to visit Zhou Zekai, and they even reported on the incident.
In short, the Zhou family does not want this vegetative son! !! !!
Zhou Hongfeng and Cai Suxiang fled in horror here. After Zhou's father returned home, he saw a mess in the house, the glass was broken, and the door was marked by prying. He was worried about his daughter.
Hurrying into the house, no daughter was found, shouting in a hurry.
"Manzhen? Manzhen?"
Zhou Manzhen also had a very bad time these days, because her parents' affairs were exposed on the Internet, and her brother's affairs did not know who was said to go out. She kept refreshing her mobile phone and found that the above said that the bamboo shoots Good shoots, as if only the second brother is the only good person in this family, which makes her even more complaining, but even so, she can do nothing.
Things on the Internet still affect the reality. Everyone she knows knows that she was pregnant and had a childbirth, and now she despise her family and kill her son one by one. There is no idea who heard about her. Come knocking on the door, Zhou Manzhen was scared to move, the glass windows were even broken!
In the past few days, Zhou Manzhen didn't even dare to go out. The news on the Internet was enough to make her feel scared. Everything that happened in the real world made Zhou Manzhen all plants and soldiers. The door didn't come out. Now when I heard my father's words, tears came down He hurriedly opened the door from the room, and then saw standing outside, seemingly because of some embarrassed father after being closed, and his father seemed to have some white hair on his head.
When he said that, he cried to his father, and made him frightened. He quickly pacified his daughter. He didn't know what happened on the Internet, except because he was closed at the police station. Enjoy playing those advanced smartphones.
"What's wrong? Manzhen, why is our glass rotten?"
It ’s okay not to say this, and once talking about this, Zhou Manzhen was crying miserably, and hurriedly said.
"Dad, you and the mother are all in the news. As a result, netizens are picking up our family. Not only did the elder brother fight in school before being dropped out, but everyone also knew about my abortion, so you did n’t When I came back, someone kept harassing me in my house, saying that I was a broken shoe ... "
She said, choking and cried again. Many times, as a girl, when she encountered something, she could only rely on her family.
When Father Zhou heard this, he couldn't believe it. There were not many people who knew about it at first. Only the boy had a hospital at home. Why did the matter come out? And that anyone else knew about it?
"How can it be known? Isn't this a good thing?"
In the past few days when Zhou Manzhen was at home, I actually had some resentment against my father. If it wasn't for the father to go to the second brother and beat the second brother, the so-called video would not be exposed and would not be known by so many netizens The situation, whether it is the big brother or her, now her classmates and the men he knows have known about her abortion, even the man she likes to pursue is also aware of this. Pulled her out.
All this makes Zhou Manzhen unacceptable. Why can't good things turn into such things?
"It was exposed on the Internet that you went to the second brother's company with your mother. Dad, everyone saw you hitting the second brother, so everyone said that you were fierce, because you and your mother were partial to your brother, so you picked the skin, and then It hit me ... "
That's right, Zhou Manzhen just thought that this time the incident was affected by her, and she didn't do anything bad for her second brother, so what is it about her? Why do netizens pick her up? How can she find someone to marry and marry?
Father Zhou was blinded by the whole person. I didn't expect it to be his own family affairs this year. He was so worried by so many outsiders. I felt really annoyed. No wonder other people looked at him strangely when he came back. It turns out that because of this, does everyone know what happened to hit Kai?
"I haven't been partial to your older brother. If I have been partial to your older brother, I won't let your second brother go to school all the time, or even get ahead, and be able to live in a big city ..."
He didn't know if it was for his daughter or for himself. In short, he wanted to say that he was not biased.
Zhou Manzhen couldn't care less, she just wanted to know when this matter could pass, pulling her father's arm.
"Dad, is the second brother really a vegetative as the news said?"
She didn't go to see Zhou Zekai and was afraid to meet reporters. She begged to look at her father at this time. If the second brother was okay, then everything would be solved. If the second brother really became a vegetative, she could hardly imagine her future home. What will the process look like.
The life of the Zhou family is not as complicated as expected. Zhou ’s father is old and he has no job. Zhou ’s mother has always been a housewife. Zhou Hongfeng has found a job outside for less than 3,000 yuan. Zhou Manzhen ’s Applying for a clothing store job, less than two thousand a month, now Zhou Hongfeng and Zhou Manzhen have resigned.
In the past, Zhou Zekai gave 5,000 yuan to Zhou's father and mother. Zhou Hongfeng and Zhou Manzhen did not pay a dime to the family. They still had to let their parents back. But now, these two people have no work. If there is no more than 5,000 After the Zhou family, they will only be able to sit and eat ...
Under such circumstances, Zhou Hongfeng and Cai Suxiang returned. When it was known that Zhou Manzhen's news of the abortion was exposed by netizens, Cai Suxiang really had red eyes and tears kept falling, because as a woman, she could feel that if If a woman's birth is exposed, how bad her daughter's life will be.
As long as she thinks so, Zhou mother feels very distressed.
Zhou Hongfeng was also very annoyed. He was dumped by his girlfriend and talked about things that he had lost his job. It was just that his father and mother did not know what to say.
On the second day, someone knew that Zhou's father and mother were back, and Zhou's mother went out to buy food to call her neighbors. In the past, everyone knew that Zhou's mother was very prosperous. The son who works in a big city likes to talk to her The contact, especially knowing that the son is very filial, took a lot of money to the family for a month, and proved that he would make money. After this kind of thing happened, everyone knows that the Zhou family is living so well now, all It was relying on the child to stick it down. Now the couple of the Zhou family turned out to be the vegetative son for the marriage of the eldest son. This is too cruel! Let those who are parents definitely not have a good opinion of Zhou Father and Mother.
Zhou Mu naturally also felt the eyes of others and couldn't say anything. She could only bear it. She was a housewife in her life. She had more things to bear, but she became a habit long ago.
Zhou Hongfeng and Zhou Manzhen are both young people and dare not go out. In Zhou Hongfeng's circle of friends, everyone knows that Zhou Hongfeng's father forced his brother to borrow a loan shark in order to get Zhou Hongfeng to marry. As a result, his brother was vegetative. ...
In short, the Zhou family ’s life is not so good. The more so, the house leak happens to be rainy night. The lawyer hired by Zhou Zekai came to the house. After knowing that the other party was going to sue them, the Zhou family was even more shocked. They never thought about it. There is even such a law.
The reason people from Zhou Zekai came over was naturally asking for money, and as long as they asked for money from the other party, Zhou Zekai would be able to get a good treatment in the hospital. If Zhou Zekai, a vegetative person, returned to Zhou's house, he would sooner or later be tortured to death.
Where did the Zhou family see this kind of battle? Under the bluff of the lawyer, they gave money neatly, not much money. What they just wanted was the money that Zhou Zekai worked for two years. After all, even they There is a relationship between father and son, but his father almost lost his life to you. What is the money?
Is a life worthless?
The company here really cares about this matter. Through the publicity of Zhou Zekai, many young people have begun to put resumes on the company side, and the company side also has to prove that they are responsible for their employees.
The most important thing is that after knowing what happened to Zhou Zekai, they all thought that Zhou Zekai's child was really miserable! As the only good bamboo shoots in this group of Zhou bamboo, how can they be treated like this?
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