Chapter 985: Refreshing and transparent

"Developing according to the current trend, I am afraid that it will trigger another divine melee, and eventually all planes will be involved. It is terrible."
   There are spectators staring at the sky, the confrontation of the three gods of the light and the void, and their faces are full of worry.
   There were countless gods died in the battle of the gods a long time ago. It was a terrible time when everything was withered, and the memories were full of blood.
Another deity disagrees: "Is there no need to worry about whether the divine melee will happen? I think the sky divine system is really happy this time. They can go to war with the light divine system because of the death of the Titan God King. Afraid of powerful enemies. I want to join such a system!"
   The people who eat melons watch and talk.
   "What's the matter with the Void God System, come back after leaving?"
   "They wanted to go first just now, so as not to be caught by the Lord of Light."
   "But after I ran, I found that the Sky God System declared war on the Light God System, and that the Lord of the Sky and the woman with the head of the snake could compete with the Lord of Light and Hera, the queen of the sky. They changed their minds and ran back to join in the fun."
   "They came back to participate in the battle as a hidden calculation. The position of the battle is not close to the core area at all. They want to throw the hard bones to the sky gods to cheat. They are always ready to pick up the bargain."
   "Sure enough..."
  Many strong people among the spectators, whispered analysis.
   "By the way, who knows the identity of a woman with a human head and a snake body? Can confront the Lord of Light, the hidden power of the Sky God is unfathomable."
   "She doesn't look like the sky god..."
   At the heart of the battle, the Ship of Light.
   Cao Yan came out of the temple this time, his strength increased by leaps and bounds. Hera had already been joined by him and the demons, and she had the courage to kill her.
   Especially Dandan appeared in the void, posing a great threat to Hera.
   Under Cao Yan's offensive, she began to retreat and avoid.
   Angels rushed over and shot, trying to give Hera a chance to breathe.
   However, the angels approaching, without exception, were killed by Cao Yan in coefficient, and there was almost no enemy.
   During the fierce battle, Cao Yan still had enough energy to pay attention to the changes in the battlefield.
   On the boat of light at this time, there is a melee everywhere.
   The Lord of Light and the Mother of Life, who determine the outcome of the battle, are located in the depths of time and space, and no one can see their battle.
   "The mother of life deliberately moved the battlefield to the depths of time and space in order to buy us time... the opportunity is fleeting!"
   Cao Yan's thoughts flickered, and he passed on to Asazli: "We will cooperate for a wave and kill the existence of Hera or the twelve main gods."
   Asazil was fighting against the existence of the three twelve gods including Hestia and Mercury, but he was able to respond quickly: "You said, I cooperate with you..."
   "You find a chance to come over, let's join hands to get rid of Hera first." Cao Yanyan said concisely.
   "We guys, let's her a girl..." Asazil muttered.
   At this time, Hera kept avoiding and retreating. Suddenly she escaped from the boat of light and boarded another ship near the main seat. Cao Yan chased after him and saw Hera hiding in a cabin.
   Cao Yan followed up in the cabin, did not see Hera, but found Dio standing in the cabin.
   The two hit each other, and Dio subconsciously pointed to the position of the window, which meant that Hera ran out of the window, and then woke up, doing this by herself is equivalent to colliding with the enemy.
   She stunned herself.
   Cao Yan was about to chase Hera, Dio stomped anxiously: "Wait, you just left, I have nothing to do. Everyone knows our relationship."
try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Neuropathy, what do we have to do? Listen to what you mean, want me to beat you up?" Cao Yan frowned, this girl has always been somewhat stay.
   Dio: "You came here aggressively, but you didn't shoot me. What do you think we are?"
   The saint closed her eyes and raised her head, with a generous death expression: "You can hit me, or you can take me back as a prisoner, or I can't explain it clearly."
   Cao Yanshan walked out of the cabin and ignored her.
   Outside the cabin, Asazli teleported in mid-air, and just blocked Hera, the two were crackling each other.
   Seeing Cao Yan chasing up from behind, he wanted to join forces with Asazil, pinching herself one after another, Hera was shocked.
   Suddenly, Cao Yan leaned up from behind.
   Dan Dan also showed his figure on his shoulder, and the dark gold lines on his back were intertwined, and the marks of four time and space symbols appeared in succession.
   The four symbols of light circulate, and in accordance with the attributes of Dandan, an illusory and obscure cobweb-like halo spreads quietly.
   Within the scope of the halo, time and space are also affected by the power of Dandan, and they have come to a standstill!
   Time and space stagnation is one of the attributes of time and space theocracy!
  Hera was affected by the stagnation, and was hit by Cao Yan and Azazile in the chest cavity and the back of the head from the front and back, cracks appeared on the head suddenly, and death was falling on her.
   At this time, Hestia, Mercury and other gods rushed over and stopped Azazel and Cao Yan's subsequent offensive against Hera.
   Cao Yan sneered, and appeared on the Mercury flank attacking Azazel.
While fighting with Hestia and others, Azazel suddenly retreated and slammed into Mercury with his back, echoing Cao Yan's attack before and after, hitting Mercury almost at the same moment, and smashed together. Up his defense.
   And Dandan's limbs and feet are as fast as lightning, using the power of stagnation to hinder Mercury's evasion, piercing through the back of his head and piercing his eyebrows to complete the lore.
   Azazel laughed, turning his hand and Cao Yan, who rushed up from the side, slapped a palm. The two cooperated in a tacit understanding, uniting Dandan. Not only did Mercury die to death, but Hera over there had already had more air intake and less air. Seeing that it was going to be cool, the results were impressive.
   Cao Yan and Azazil exchanged positions during the retreat, and Cao Yan met Hestia.
   Azazil immediately turned from retreat into it, and went hand in hand with Cao Yan. The two once again formed a joint force, killing Hestia twice.
   These changes happen quickly.
   In the eyes of bystanders, Cao Yan and Asazil joined hands, and immediately overturned Hera and Mercury, and then began to tear Hestia.
   There were voices from the crowd watching the battle.
   Mercury among the twelve lord gods was killed, Hera, the queen of heaven, was severely injured, and the death of the Titan King... any one of these news would be enough to make countless planes unrest.
   The cooperation of Cao Yan and Asazil attracted the attention of the onlookers.
   But at this moment, Cao Yan and Asazli received a transmission from the Mother of Life at the same time: "Go, the Lord of Light has used the Light of Origin again and will return soon..."
   Cao Yan and Asazli immediately withdrew and rushed to various places on the battlefield to help some of their weaker people to get rid of their opponents and prepare to evacuate.
   "Children of the Sky City, let's go." Cao Yan's voice shook the star field.
   As soon as his voice came out, the order was forbidden, and the personnel from various battle groups immediately took action.
  The members of the Sky City often follow Boss Cao in raids and are good at playing sap. They have their own set of procedures for retreat. The one that moves fast, runs after the fight.
try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Cao Yan’s voice is falling, the various parts of the Sky City are coordinated, and some people who have the upper hand will help their companions who are entangled by their opponents get away together . However, Boss Cao and other big guys are responsible for personally breaking the post, so the whole team can go together and work together to come and go like wind.
   In a short period of time, the gods of the sky completed their evacuation and returned to the Net Red Number one after another.
   The Net Red smashed into the void and galloped away like the stream of light.
   Cao Yan and Asazli, the Lord of the Starry Sky, the God of Darkness and others joined forces at the back of the palace, and followed Po Kong to leave.
On the other side of   , the Void God System is also shrinking the formation, running not much slower than the Net Red.
   During the chaotic confrontation, it disappeared after a few breaths, and the crowd watching the game was dumbfounded.
   Fuck... this speed.
   At this time, above the boat of light, a dim light emerged, and the Lord of Light walked out of thin air.
   The battle is over, and the crowd watching the battle is still not exhausted. While dispersing, they are still talking in twos and threes.
   "Unexpectedly, this would be the result. The Titan King was killed, and Sky City immediately took action and openly attacked the Light God Element."
"Among the twelve gods, Mercury was killed. Hera, the godson, Geyel, and some other gods of light were severely injured. Life and death are unknown. Although the battle of the king was won by the of light, the of light was not It didn't take much advantage."
   "The style of the sky is amazing!"
   "Well, it's really amazing..."
   Green jungle world.
   The net red number jumped out of the void and shuttled out.
   On the boat, Cao Yan, Asazli and others stood side by side, and the mother of life was also there. There was a wound on his back, which penetrated the whole body, and half of his cheek was burned through by the
   "How are you?" Cao Yan asked.
   Mother of Life: "As long as the deity is intact, I will continue to exist, and I will return to the main body later, this body will disperse, and only one incarnation will be lost."
   "I thought the Lord of Light would catch up, but I didn't think there was any movement." The God of Darkness.
Mother of Life: "He has not yet completed the deep integration with the Light of Origin. Every time the Light of Origin is activated, the time for his promotion to eternity will be delayed by thousands of years. This is also when he fights against the King of Gods until the end. The reason for using the light of origin is compelling.
   He didn't want to chase us and trigger a fierce battle with my deity, so he didn't chase him. "
Castle in the Sky.
   After everyone returned, they took a rest.
   Cao Yan returned to the study alone, and after sitting down in a chair, he let out a long sigh.
   After severely injuring Hera and Mercury, the grief and anger brought about by the death of the Titan King were able to vent a little.
   Cao Yan sighed out, and his heart became refreshed and transparent.
   In the previous battle of the King of Gods, the Titan King’s eyebrows were broken and the moment he pushed the chaos to burst, the entire wild star field was swept by chaos and fell into chaos. At that time, a ray of divine light rolled back along the spreading chaos and fell into Cao Yan's hands.
   At this moment, he spread his hand, and in his palm there is a fragment of consciousness circulating in chaos, which carries the spiritual experience left by the Titan King and some of his long life.
   Cao Yan checked the remaining content in the fragments, and soon he accidentally discovered that the remaining consciousness of the Titan King actually had a origin from the Temple of Era!
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