Chapter 121: Muffled fortune

Inside the ruins, Cao Yan walked out of the core area leisurely.
Outside the ruins, the time is in the afternoon and the sun is shining.
Just now, he successfully opened the last box.
This also indicates that Cao Yan's visit to the ruins has completed the work of the association.
有人 There have been people around these days. At this time, when work is over, it ’s rare to be idle. While nobody is there, Cao Yan is ready to take time to do his own thing.
He left the core area. Instead of returning to the camp above, he turned into a fork and walked briskly in the ruins.
This relic has a long history and is seriously damaged. After being excavated by the two major associations, many bearing columns have been added in the area that has been explored to prevent collapse. Walking in it feels like entering a construction site.
Cao Yan chose a deserted fork and quickly walked out of the association's exploration area.
The silence around it was dark and ugly.
Cao Yan took out a crystal ore for lighting, took out the beast catching ball, and released the big cat.
The big cat yawned, even lazy. Before he was summoned, he was sleeping in the trap.
Shaking his body, the big cat got up and walked in front of Cao Yan.
Not long after that, behind the marching Cao Yan, a shadow emerged silently, attached to the shadow behind him, and disappeared.
Shadows are ridiculous.
And in the fork road not far in front of Cao Yan, there was a place where the dirt was turning, and a little ant crawled out from the ground, his tentacles trembled, very clever.
接 One ant behind one after another.
Finally, the maze locket was carried out by the ants.
After the emergence of the cricket ant colony, they quickly lined up and evolved into a huge butterfly. They carried the labyrinth box on their backs and flew towards Cao Yan.
The beard was cricket, and the ant butterfly came to Cao Yan.
He reached for the maze locket on the butterfly's back.
I came here this time because I received a spiritual message from the queen. The ant colony has explored a lot of good things in the ruins. Some things are not easy to carry, so the master of the messenger took it.
When Cao Yan took the labyrinth locket in his hand, the surface of the locket shimmered, and a hole appeared.
The queen queen's huge body was squeezed out of the locket.
After the number of Dai groups exceeded 10,000, the appearance of the queen also changed.
A tiny red line appeared on its blue and black body, exuding a weak magic wave.
As the ruler of the entire ethnic group, the queen is now a special little Warcraft.
Its evolutionary direction has only one purpose, that is, to increase the speed of childbearing, and continue to advance on the road of breeding ethnic groups.
"What good things have you found?" Cao Yan said.
The queen queen climbed onto the labyrinth box with her fat belly, raised her two front legs towards Cao Yan, pointed to the depth of the passage, and signaled that one of the things they were looking for was in front.
The formation of the small army under Cao Yan's army changed. The big cat changed from the forward to the back of the temple, and the ant butterfly fluttered to the front of the team as a guide.
For the next time, Cao Yan, led by the ant colony, began to search for treasures in the ruins.
Ruins somewhere after more than ten minutes.
Cao Yan was removing a pair of dark silver faint armor from a huge bird and bird of Warcraft bones.
Some pet masters will create beast armor for magic pets to protect their relatively weak positions.
This is in front of my eyes. During the ant colony's inspection of the remains, the bird's bone was found, and elemental energy was sensed from the breastplate worn by the bone, so he brought Cao Yan to take it.
Only after this long period of time passed without any damage to the beast armor, he knew that its quality was very good.
Cao Yan gladly closed it up, took out another animal catching ball, and collected the whole bone of the bird.
A quarter of an hour later, he appeared elsewhere in the ruins.
This time, under the guidance of the ant colony, a dead tree root system was dug out from the ground.
树木 The roots of this tree are black throughout, and the special thing is that it still exudes a strong dark element after the wither.
"The roots of the dark plant devil's pet remains after death, good magic material."
Cao Yan thought for a while, and let the egg use the limbs and feet to destroy the root system, and finally found a black seed from the inside.
As expected, the plant's vitality is strong and strong. Even if it dies, it will leave vitality and wait for rebirth.
The tree species of the dark nature planting system preserves the last vitality under the ruins, which is quite a rare good thing.
After the trance, Cao Yan continued to follow the ant colony, and in the ruins, the corners of the two associations that had not been surveyed made a muffled sound and made a lot of money.
Wu Caoyan felt that the ant colony should set up a treasure hunt team in the future to be responsible for this area of ​​business.
After half an hour.
Cao Yan looked at his feet with some scorn, there was no road ahead, but an underground cliff.
This ruin is located in the cliff of the magic rock valley underground. It is a ground fissure in itself, and it is not surprising that the ground fissure fault appears again in the ruins.
The cliffs brought by Cao Yan by the ants colony are about 20 meters wide and more than 40 meters in the horizontal direction. The cliffs are dark and chilly, and the specific depth is unclear.
In the past few days, the ants colony once flew across the cliff ~ ~, and there still seems to be some remnants across the cliff.
In other words, is this ruin divided in half by the cliff? Cao Yan's heart moved slightly.
How he went across the cliff was easy for him.
Every egg throws a ray of spider silk and sticks to the opposite side of the cliff wall. It first goes along the spider silk to explore the circle opposite the cliff wall to make sure it is safe. After returning, it hangs Cao Yan with the spider silk. The swing swing successfully went across the cliff.
Opposite the Yanyan wall, there is indeed another part of the ruins, but the area is not large. Cao Yan only found a fist-sized crystal, exuding a faint elemental atmosphere.
晶体 This crystal is obviously not the core of Warcraft crystal, otherwise it will not be so large.
Cao Yan hasn't figured out exactly what it is for.
To his surprise, when he took the large crystal and returned to the other side of the cliff, trying to input mental power into the crystal, a false system notification suddenly sounded in his consciousness: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the remains exploration mission, mission The reward has been issued. Please check with the host. "
"So the ruins are divided into two sides by the cliff. I went across the cliff and walked around to meet the mission requirements?" Cao Yan was surprised.
"The ruins did break into two halves due to some underground shock, but the mission was completed because of the lock of the ruins in the host's hand."
Is this crystal a lock of ruins?
Cao Yan looked down at the crystal ball in his hand, and was a little puzzled. Wasn't this mission required to enter the core area of ​​the ruins, why was this crystal completed?
The fake system continued: "The host enters the spaceship, try the crystal in your hand to understand."
Try it, how?
Xun happened to be no one around, Cao Yan directly chose to enter the spaceship, and his body disappeared out of thin air.
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