Chapter 152: Master ball

The magic capital in September is a continuous rainy season with more shade and less sunshine.
In the morning, light rain and gloomy weather.
Cao Yan held the umbrella with one hand and yawned while walking. Last night I accompanied the stick to the sea to play. I came back too late and suffered from severe lack of sleep.
Even if I wake up in the morning and sit quietly for a while, I feel a little tired.
He was walking through the rainy street at this time to the pet teacher association.
When the big stick was born, Cao Yan was an expert in making animal catch balls. He must have tailored a animal catch ball for him. The tools and materials were not complete, so he had to go to the association to buy things.
The first floor of the Puppet Masters Association has always been open to all pet masters, with a business window, selling various pet master related items and materials.
Cao Yan entered the association and went to the article sales office on the first floor to buy materials.
"Mist gold, sixty grams of Mithril, thirty grams of five-colored glazing, the highest density of supermetal is 120 grams, and the metal thinner is twenty grams ..."
When he came to the sales window of the association, Cao Yan reported the required materials to a salesperson.
He is preparing a trap for the big stick this time, which is a little different from the past. He does not plan to use ready-made semi-finished traps. Instead, he wants to buy raw materials and build a trap from scratch.
After Cao Yan reported the materials he wanted to buy, a female salesperson sitting in the window actually knew him. The probe looked out of the window and rejoiced, "Are you Cao Yan? I always heard colleagues from the association talk about you This is the first time I have seen a real person, but you are really young. I am 21 this year, how old are you? "
Is this the rhythm of chatting across the window?
Cao Yan said: "I am 17" The body that the heart traversed was 17, but I was originally 26, um, the age of the soul was 26.
"Then I'm four years older than you," said the salesperson, Ms. Yi, who continued. "My sister is studying at Modu College, and it's hard to get a seat in the class you teach. The next time you go to the college, you can Can't leave a place for my sister in advance? "
It turned out that the real purpose was to walk through the back door. I just talked about these things as a prelude.
Cao Yan said, "Yes."
The sales lady immediately smiled. When Cao Yan settled the bill, she secretly gave him a small piece of gift materials. Although not much, she expressed her heart in place. Watching Cao Yan took something away, the sister smiled cheerfully. stand up.
Cao Yan bought all the materials and came to the underground of the association to crack the dark blue studio.
When Supervisor Xiao Xiao is not working, there is usually no one in the underground studio. Cao Yantu is quiet and wants to do animal trapping here.
I waited for him to enter the studio. Director Xiao was not there, but Ji Wen and the assistant men and assistant women were all there.
"You have jobs," Cao Yan said with surprise.
Ji Wen snorted softly: "Are there any jobs? These two days are the repair period of the elemental symbols of the magic capital. Director Xiao said that such a trivial matter does not need to bother him or find you, but let us three be here Hurry. "
Ji Jiwen's words seemed to be complaining. She always felt that she could find herself with hard work and hard work, so she was discouraged.
The assistant men and the assistant women also looked at Cao Yan with eager eyes.
The large array of element symbol protection in the magic city is a huge project. When the large array is opened, it can build symbolic element walls inside and outside the city wall to protect the magic city. It is formed by the continuous improvement of countless generations of supernatural professionals. The purpose is to defend Dangers such as beast tide may appear in the jungle.
The repairs to the Dazheng Formation are carried out every year, with the participation of major associations.
In the absence of damage in the large array, the repair is equivalent to routine inspection and maintenance, and does not require much skill, so Director Xiao was handed over to the three of Ji Wen to overhaul the various areas according to the drawings.
三个 The three of them are having a maintenance meeting at this time to discuss their respective divisions of labor.
After Ji Jiwen complained, his eyes turned to Cao Yan. Like the assistant men and assistant women, they all hoped that Cao Yan would stay and help. After all, everyone knew his level of semiotics. If they could stay, they would be much easier.
Cao Yan stayed but stayed, but not to help.
He went to the side by himself, took out all the purchased materials, and started to make the catching ball.
工作室 This studio is fully equipped, has everything, and is all high-end goods, which is perfect for making beast traps.
Cao Yan needs to fully dissolve the material first.
溶解 The material dissolving tool in the working room is a melting furnace with dense and dense element symbols. As long as you input mental power and touch the element symbol on the furnace wall, you can release high-temperature flames.
There is also a mouthpiece of high-temperature-resistant transparent utensils above the stove.
Put the materials in and you can start working.
Cao Yan started the melting furnace and added the materials one by one to the upper vessel.
The dissolution furnace has undergone special treatment, and there is a layer of element wall around it to seal the firepower. The internal temperature is high, but it will not leak out.
Plutonium material gradually dissolves in the vessel, changing from solid to liquid.
Cao Yan saw that the various materials in the container melted into a liquid, slowly became transparent, and the impurities became less and less. Then he picked up another container, poured the dissolved liquid into it, and then used the mold to make the liquid Solidified into a hollow sphere.
The surface of the cooled sphere is polished and subjected to a process similar to polishing to form a hairy ball of a trapping ball.
On the entire sphere, the cloud pattern naturally formed after the metal material is diluted can be seen vaguely, which has a special aesthetic feeling.
Cao Yan took a moment in his hand before using the animal bone pen to trace the symbol upwards.
Cao Yan's description process is as skilled and accurate as ever ~ ~ Efficient and fast, and soon completed the first stage of work.
"Cao Yan, why did you start symbolizing on the forged Mao Pei ball? What kind of beast ball do you want to make?" Ji Wen turned around to see his production process and asked.
"I want to make a master-level beast-catcher ball, which requires multiple symbolic depictions to overlap the element structure." Cao Yan said casually.
"Oh," Ji Wen rolled her eyes and looked at the assistant men and assistant women.
Master traps are the best breeding hotbeds for Warcraft, making them very difficult. At least Ji Wen and the three of them cannot complete them independently, but Cao Yan said that he wants to be a master trap. .
Cao Yan's performance after joining the association, they have met more than once.
At this time, with the addition of a master catcher, the three did not find it strange. They looked at each other, and then the actions were neat and uniform. Look at Cao Yan, so as not to be stimulated ...
The studio was quiet and the four worked individually.
The animal bone pen in Cao Yan's hand fell on the surface of the animal catching ball again, and began the next stage of the production process.
之后 The following steps became a repetition of the above process. Cao Yan accumulated a number of symbol overlaying treatments, and finally traced on the surface of the animal catching ball a complex structure in which symbols are linked to each other and work together.
When he dropped the last stroke, all the symbols on the surface of the sphere flowed out of the gleam, pulling the elements of lightning and water into the ball.
叮 "Ding ... Congratulations to the host for the first time to complete the dual-attribute animal trap production process for the first time, to achieve a small achievement of master-level animal trap production, reward a special animal trap production drawing."
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