Chapter 190: War of ants

Just as Cao Yan took out the maze locket and prepared to release the ants, the fake system suddenly said:
"These two bone pieces are the remains of Warcraft, the guardian of the cat spirit department in a certain historical period. The bone fragments have been inherited and held by the people of the cat spirit department for generations. The tribal guardian spirit of Warcraft remains in the bone pieces, which implies spirituality, but only the core staff of the cat spirit department can wear it.
The host can choose to give one of the bone fragments to the spaceship to enrich the spaceship's gene bank and achieve new achievements. "
"Closing," Cao Yan said happily.
"Also inform the host, the spaceship has opened a new host space, and the host can enter and view at any time."
The spaceship finally opened up a new space.
Cao Yan had many speculations about the 'alien' inside the spacecraft, whether it is Avatar or Transformers, of course, it is also possible to have a gourd baby ... and what other areas of the spacecraft will look like?
At this time, a new space was finally opened, which meant that it was possible to learn more about the spacecraft. For Cao Yan, it was a very high expectation.
The downstairs was close to closing time at this moment. Wang Li may come up at any time. Cao Yan suppressed the urge to immediately enter the spacecraft and re-looked at the bone piece in his hand.
Two bone fragments, one to be handed over to the fake system.
The other one is for the ants to try as they just thought.
Cao Yan conveyed the order. There was a shimmer on the labyrinth box, and an entrance was revealed with a bang.
Little ants lined up from the line, their small eyes were slick, and when they came out, they stared at Cao Yan's bones on the table.
Soon, the queen resembled the Empress Dowager Cixi, surrounded by a group of guarding ants, and climbed out of the locket. When it came out, he greeted the master first, and put a small tentacle on his forehead.
The queen queen is constantly evolving while she breeds her group.
It is a lot bigger than when Cao Yan first saw it. Holding a big belly, she is pregnant at any time, and she can't afford to look at it.
The queen stared at the bone fragments a little farther, and looked at the bone pieces for a while. The tentacles on the forehead shook, as if giving the ants orders to eat the bone pieces on the table.
The first little ant bravely got near the bone piece, and the two sharp jaw feet clamped on the bone piece.
However, the bone was dense and hard like steel.
The little ant did not successfully crush the bone piece, and even a black gas flowed out of the bone piece. A totem-like pattern emerged, and the little ant was strangled by the black light instantly, lying there and losing his life.
The queen was furious and the small tentacles of her forehead quivered.
The ant colony was silent, without any agitation, but rushed to the bone pieces one by one.
On the bone pieces, the black light flows, the second, the third, the fourth ... Many ants are dead, but they are fearless and continue to pile up until the twentieth, the thirty ... Finally, the bone piece was repeatedly bitten by an ant, dripping like a stone, and was removed by a ant to remove a small piece.
Very small, so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye.
However, more ants swarmed up. They were tireless and had no fear of death. They were willing to dedicate their lives to the queen and the community at any time. This is the mission of every ant, which is imprinted in the genes.
嚓 ~ click.
The faint sound that only the ant world could hear kept ringing.
The bone pieces took the upper hand and strangled the ants one by one, until they were besieged by many ants, disintegrated, and bitten.
The bone pieces started to get smaller, and the black gas in the strand of bone pieces ranged from the blackness of ink at the beginning to the lightness of smoke later, from the easy strangling of ants in the beginning to the food and nutrients of ants.
The battle of the ants was thrilling in the absence of life.
Cao Yan breathed a sigh of relief and watched the battle between the ants and the bones. Unconsciously, more than an hour had passed.
Wang Li also came downstairs after closing the shop during the period, standing next to the table where the bone pieces were placed.
She followed the ant colony's war on the bones, and at the same time, she sighed with Cao Yan and patted her chestnutly, "Is this your ant? It's great."
Some wonder: "Are they considered Warcraft? Why didn't you help them just now."
"Well, it's the little Warcraft I raised. They also have their own pride. They just hoped to solve it with their own abilities."
Cao Yan thought for a while and thought, "Don't tell others about my ant colony of Warcraft."
Wang Li blinked in black and white, and hesitated for a moment and said, "You don't like the person named Beilihui?"
Cao Yan took a moment to say, just now the flash of Beili's face really flashed in his mind, reminding Wang Li that he was also afraid of Beili's drawing into the house of the devil's pet, and he got news from Wang Li.
Wang Li is very smart. From his indifferent attitude towards Beili painting, plus this admonition, Cao Yan's potential intention to say this sentence can be judged.
She raised Cao Yan's charming eyes and glanced at Cao Yan: "I have everything in my heart that I haven't even said to my family." Puppy.
Cao Yan smiled and took out the small pockets one by one from the badge of the pet master on his chest: "This time I went out to the tribes in the jungle and brought back many tribal specialties, dried meat of Warcraft, and wild animals in the jungle. Preserved fruits. "
Immediately, Wang Li's beautiful eyes narrowed into a meniscus, and she took away the small pockets taken out by Cao Yan and opened them one by one.
At this point, the ants had broken down and ate more than half of the bone pieces. Inside the bone pieces, the black gas was thin and almost disappeared.
The decomposed bone fragments were transported by the ants to the queen, like the tribute, and the queen began to eat.
Its absorptive capacity crowns the ant colony and eats more and faster.
Soon, the bone pieces were completely eaten.
The queen shook her tentacles with her master ~ ~ and, under the protection of the ant colony, climbed back to the maze locket.
When it is full, it begins to work and is ready for the next wave of spawning.
After a while, the entire ant colony crawled back to the maze locket.
"Your follower didn't come back with you?" Wang Li held a puppy and chatted with Cao Yan, suddenly asked Taohua.
"Oh, she has something else," Cao Yan said.
The night was getting dark. Wang Li yawned, went to the bathroom, and went into the bedroom. The puppy was also taken care of by her.
When Wang Li fell asleep, Cao Yan was preparing to get up and enter the spacecraft. The assistant of the pet master suddenly pushed out a message: "The queen queen absorbed the energy from the tribe's inherited bones, and the number of eggs laid was 1,267. At present, the total number of ethnic groups is 22,176. Spawning, the ethnic group has a new combination modeling method, the host can view at any time. "
"A new look of ant colony?"
Cao Yan took the labyrinth box and disappeared into the workshop on the second floor, entering the spaceship.
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