Chapter 280: Caught 1

The ghost egg embedded above the wall of the cave is six or seven meters high from the ground and has a hemispherical shape. Only a part of it is exposed, and the rest is trapped in the top wall.
That egg seemed to be able to sense Cao Yan's approach, looming a kind of spiritual fluctuation, full of hostility and warning about Cao Yan's approach.
Cao Yan stopped and looked for a moment before he said, "This is not a pet egg, but some ghost-like creature that forms an egg shape and hides in it to evolve."
If a magical creature wants to evolve, it must first find a secret and safe place.
Forming an egg shape is equivalent to a layer of energy wall, which can shield the energy dissipated during the advanced process and ensure the privacy of the advanced process, so as not to attract the peeping of other creatures.
After Cao Yan made his judgment, he waved his hand, and the stick that was eager to try behind him rushed to the front immediately.
At the same time, the strange egg embedded in the top wall felt the crisis and suddenly buzzed, the egg shell cracked, broke off the top wall, overflowed a purple-black breath from the egg, and quickly stretched and swelled into a behemoth.
The creature inside the egg looks like a giant horse, but it is much taller than a horse, and it is more than three meters away from the ground. The black and purple mist filled the body, and the purple flame was burning, the momentum was extremely fierce.
In its deep purple eyes, the flames were burning, burning with the raging fury of the advanced interruption.
"This is a nightmare beast, also called a nightmare." Even Taohua recognized this distinctive creature.
[Species] Nightmare Beast (Nightmare Beast, Hell Horse)
(Note: The host found that this species is a fifth-order ghost, and this species also has two types of undead genus and demon attributes. They swallow and merge with each other, which can promote its evolution to the monarch-level monster.
[Category] Phantom genus, hazy elemental spirit body, odd hoofed order, beast-shaped group, individual creature
[Habit] Likes darkness, naturally floating existence, can invade dreams by virtue of skills, so it is called a nightmare beast, the habit is fierce, and he must report, moving like the wind ...
[Main habitat] The green eyed abyss of the green jungle world, the shadow area in the northern part of the eternal jungle is even visible, and the number of ethnic groups is scarce ...
[Capturing difficulty] C
[Skills] Dreaming, Death Gaze, Breathing Breath, Evil Haunting
[Weakness] Fear of Thunder and Divine Attack
When the pet assistant sent a message, it was already open there. At the same time that the nightmare horse appeared, a large club gave it a flash of lightning.
After the fifth level, the ability to control the lightning properties of the stick is significantly improved. The lightning that is split out breaks out of the air, the current flashes, and the drawing is generally turned into a terrorist power grid with an area-covered attack.
That nightmare was interrupted during the evolution of the fifth order, and the evolution was ended in advance. It only barely reached the fifth order. The evolution was incomplete and the breath was unstable. And the lightning property restrained it naturally. When the power grid fell, the nightmare horse didn't dare to connect it hard, fluttering and running to avoid the attack of the stick.
But it ran quite fast, like a fire storm, while rushing towards Cao Yan while avoiding the attack of the stick.
Cao Yanchi set up a spiritual mark leisurely, turned his hands to sacrifice.
Ghostly creatures are immune to most mental attacks, and Nightmare has not evaded.
However, when the spirit mark penetrated the flame outside of it and imprinted on it, the nightmare stopped the impact on Cao Yan immediately, shaking his head frantically, and the pain seemed unbearable.
Cao Yan used the fifth-order pet master technique, spiritual puncture, specifically to deal with Warcraft, the purpose is to weaken its resistance ability, easy to capture.
The more the pet teacher's career develops, the more diverse the ability to capture pets, and the more methods emerge.
When the nightmare was shrouded in skills, Cao Yan threw the beast catcher ball and loaded it into it. The stick also followed, and with the restraint of ghosts on lightning creatures, the stick was enough to make a nightmare a fool.
Cao Yan retracted the violent shaking, holding a large stick and a nightmare catching ball, walked to the position where the cliff had evolved into an egg shape before the nightmare, and looked up.
At the position of the cave wall where Nightmare emerged, there was a pit that was several meters deep, and there was a bright spot shining with a dark purple light inside, like a tiny star.
Eggs fluttered the spider silk, stuck the bright spots on the top wall, and pulled down with force.
In the crack of the top wall, the light was dragged down by Cao Yan and given to Cao Yan.
This is something less than the size of a walnut, like a purple crystal, and like a core of Warcraft crystal.
"This is the piece of debris that fell from the sky and caused the abyss to explode when it rubbed against the ground."
The fake system actively explained: "This thing contains special energy, which is good for Warcraft evolution."
So the nightmare chose to evolve here because it found the star debris, and the place was hidden here. It formed into an egg shape and embedded in the top wall. It wanted to absorb the energy of the star fragments and promote its own evolution.
Cao Yan glanced twice and put away the star fragments.
This fashion nightmare trap ball has stopped shaking, and the big stick shakes his head and swings out of the ball. The nightmare horse is obviously stricken by it and kneels.
Cao Yan's heart: Nightmare also has the reputation of a fantasy-level riding beast, but this one has no entity and is a ghost-like creature. It seems that it can't ride.
When I got down, I caught a nightmare and got a star shard, which was a good harvest.
Cao Yan immediately took the peach blossoms and the magic pets and left the underground space that captured the nightmare.
The location where Nightmare evolved was hidden behind a boulder at the end of a passage. It was narrow and concealed. Unless it was the ant colony's pervasive search ability, it would be difficult to find such a place ~ ~ and before Cao Yan came, The news also said that when the ant colony searched in the underground cave, it found a team of other adventurers.
At this point, a branch of the ant colony is tracking the team.
Cao Yan took the magic pet and peach blossom away from the place where the nightmare was captured, and was ready to see the team of adventurers following the ant colony.
Cao Yan took out a bag of snacks as he walked, and clicked and ate, and it sounded crispy when he heard the sound.
Taohua blinked her eyes and asked, "What are you eating, boss?"
"I didn't eat at night and I was a bit hungry. Do you want to eat?" Cao Yan handed the snack bag to Taohua.
Taohua took a look at her hand, but it was a kind of food she had never seen before. She took one piece and put it in her mouth. The taste was crispy.
"This is simply noodles." Cao Yan took out another bag.
These foods were brought out of the space of the pet master's badge, which he called
Earthly Featured Spouts
from the catering machine before he left the spacecraft.
Before crossing, Cao Yan hardly eats snacks. I was infected by Wang Li for a while, and it was considered a daily pastime to eat nothing.
Cao Yan is the only one who eats earth snacks in a different world.
Almost a quarter of an hour later, he and Taohua walked along the aisle under the abyss, approaching the position of the ant colony tracking the adventurer team.
From a distance, you can hear the sound of fighting in front.
"It seems to be up front?" Cao Yan and Taohua glanced at each other.
At this moment, Taohua looked at the assistant attendant who was shaking on his wrist: "Dai Huanyu will also come."
Taohua's assistant's assistant stretched out the screen, Dai Huanyu dressed in a dark red mage robe, walked out of the catcher ball that was cast in, and looked around. The charming eyes fell on Cao Yan and Taohua. On a bag of snacks, Weird said, "Are you traveling in the abyss, and still bringing snacks?"
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