Chapter 418: Fusion, Super Elf

Pushed out on the screen is the undead witch who was hit the battlefield before he was left by Ersa.
The witch was wounded and escaped, and the ant colony followed far behind, and transmitted the picture to Cao Yan in real time through the assistant system.
The witch was severely wounded, and was soon followed by a giant bird after fleeing the battlefield.
The giant birds are the giant worms hovering in the air during the fierce battle between the big bugs and Ersa and the sea tribe.
When Cao Yan and others looked at it, they saw a bird's unique beak, breaking the mist, and carrying a vortex-like storm, and descended from the cloud, piercing the head of the demon witch in one stroke. Take out the blue soul flame of the witch and swallow it.
On that side of the world, the sound of birdsongs shook the Quartet.
The giant bird eats the spirit flame of the witch, and a breather is found in his mouth. He walks around the surface of the witch's bones, and then withdraws. The witch's bones are immediately decayed, the essence is completely lost, and they slowly fall to the ground.
The giant bird flapped its wings, rolled up the wind, and flew deeper into the ancient continent with the surging cloud air.
Coincidentally, in the other direction, after chasing and killing multiple tiger sharks, the big worm gave up and continued to entangle the tribe of the sea tribe. At this time, it was also moving deeper into the ancient continent, and its body soon disappeared into the dense fog.
"The body of that giant bird just hid in the clouds all the time, without revealing the whole picture. I do n’t know what species it is, it is so horrible. Even if the undead witch is not injured, he is not his opponent. You say that if it meets a big bug Who wins? "Taohua said.
Dai Huoyu: "I am curious about another question. What mysteries are hidden in the ancient continent that led to so many monarch-level creatures gathering?"
After seeing the picture pushed by the assistant's screen, Cao Yan didn't talk to the servants. He waved his hands and used space to deliver, leaving the net red number.
On the deck of the bow, there were peach blossoms, Dai Huanyu and Ao He. Eggs had returned to the trapping ball, and followed Cao Yan away.
"Auch, isn't your injury inconvenient? I'm going to hunt down the four remaining saints. Will you both participate?"
Dai Huanyu turned on the attendant's screen on his hand, pushing out the picture that the ants were dispersing and tracking the four saints' remnants.
Auch: "It will take some time for my injury to recover, but I haven't delay in hunting down the saints and remnants."
"Let's go in three directions, killing a saint each, and whoever finishes first will kill the last saint. After killing four people, let's meet near the bone mountain?"
Taohuahua directly delivered through space and disappeared at the bow of the ship, followed by Dai Huanyu and Aohe.
The tent was silent, as before leaving.
Cao Yan returned and looked at the big cat first.
It was still hanging in midair, like a thick black mist, expanding rhythmically.
After entering the ancient continent, things went on and on. Rarely, this time would be free. Cao Yan sat down comfortably in the tent and took out a bottle of Merinda to drink.
On this trip to the ancient continent, the harvest has been very rich so far. Only the bones of the monarch class have been obtained. (Ancient giants and python remnants surrounding their bodies. Bone dragon remains are all included in Cao Yan's pocket), the value is incalculable, plus some things found by the ant colony and attendants. The gains from this trip to the ancient continent are enough to allow Cao Yan to set foot in the tyrant class in the green jungle world.
He pondered that he should digest these gains after entering the ancient continent, and turn them into his own strength as soon as possible.
Right now Peach Blossom has just entered the sixth stage, and Cao Yan himself, as well as the big stick and Auch are all stuck on the edge of the advanced stage.
If Oghe can break through, he will become a demon lord, and the strength will change substantially.
Cao Yan drank Perfect Nianda, took out a beast-catcher ball, and released the stick.
When the stick first entered the ancient continent, the evolution value approached the sixth order. These two days were not very active, it was Cao Yan who kept it in the trapping ball to breathe the elemental atmosphere in preparation for advanced.
The area of ​​the tent is not large, and the stick comes out.
He blinked his eyes and looked at Cao Yan. Huo Huo shook his thick tail, and turned his eyes to the black gas floating in the tent.
It could feel the smell of big cats in the gas, and leaned over its head to sniff the past, smelling the gas. Turning back to Cao Yan, seeing that Cao Yan did not stop it, turned around and used two small whip-like tentacles to poke the black gas in front of him.
Cao Yan laughed absurdly. He had already induced induction. The fusion of Big Cat and Domogady was nearing the end. The behavior of the big stick did not disturb him.
A sudden lightning flashed out from the tip of the big stick's tentacles into the mist of the big cat's incarnation.
The mist trembled, and a screaming meow was heard.
The big stick was very happy at this moment, and instantly retracted his head back to Cao Yan's body, staring at the black gas.
While the big stick poked at the black gas with lightning, the black gas turned upside down.
The big cat's head evolved from the mist first, and then turned back into a cat's head.
This article doesn't care about anything else, first look down at Xiao Ding Ding's position, wait until you see the body and Ding Ding have manifested from the mist one after another, and change back to the entity. Then he looked up and gave the stick a very resentful look.
"Tip the host, your initial fusion of the big cat and Domogadi is over, and it has transformed into a new species, Gidola, a nightmare, which can also be called an elven cat!
[Magic Pet Message Tips]
[Nickname] Sheriff (elite level 5)
[Species] Gidola Nightmare, Elf Cat
[Category] Super-powered semi-elemental Warcraft, Elven, Chordal Animal, Feline
[Habit] This creature has the characteristics of both mammals and elemental elves, and can be transformed in a fixed form between illusory and entities, with special characteristics. This creature can infiltrate into the dreams of other species for spiritual invasion (Note: The elven cat of the host has evolved a unique bad taste skill. It is very curious and likes to induce the spring dreams of other creatures. If the other is a The female cat will be rubbed and rubbed by her in a dream ...
Cao Yan was so angry at the big cat, this product ... is so special.
[Main habitat] None (this creature is a cat-elf generated by species fusion, and does not have a conventional habitat)
[Talent Skills] Dark Dreams (Domain Skills), Gaze, Spiritual Invasion, and Soul Eater (This skill has been upgraded to the third stage. Active skills can swallow the divine power. You can also spiritually colonize the target and steal the target. Mental strength, solidify and increase one's own mental strength)
"Super Energy ..."
Cao Yan read the big cat's message and found that the word super-energy appears in its classification.
The superenergy system is a very rare element attribute classification ~ ~ refers to the force control attribute beyond the conventional element system.
The big cat merged with Tamogadi to obtain the dark element attributes of Tamogadi, transformed and evolved into a new elven species, based on the original, became better at controlling mental power, and can use the dark attributes as auxiliary, manufacturing and invasion Dreams are a capability beyond the conventional elemental system, so they are classified as super-energy systems.
Cao Yan also took a closer look at the specific message of the big cat, and said, "Evolved into a new species, but still stays on the original level."
"It is a fusion of gene sequences in the body. It has nothing to do with the enhancement of power. Naturally, it will not advance."
The fake system said: "However, this elven cat has greatly improved its combat effectiveness. And it has evolved a special skill, do you find it?"
"Special skills?" Cao Yan froze.
The fake system hasn't responded yet. The complete integration of the big cat and the movement caused by the appearance of the big stick caused the Pandas and Yude outside the tent to open the curtain and probe together to check.
When they saw the big cat and the big stick, their eyes brightened at the same time.
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