Chapter 465: Best chance

The altar is a few miles away, and there are more than ten hills rising from the ground, ranging from a hundred meters to three or four hundred meters in height. The mountain is small, but it stretches like a small dragon standing on the ground.
The altar mountain area is the center of the ancient continent, with a special ground vein and Tibetan wind gathering water. If it is explained by Fengshui on the earth, it is the core of the earth veins and the place where the aura converges. Therefore, all plants and trees are different, several low mountains are connected, and there is also a potential for dragon.
The sky on the ancient continent was as dark as the night.
Behind one of these mountains, there is a four-armed gorilla. With the help of the mountain, a huge body is hidden, the head is protruded from the back of the mountain, the huge eyes are restrained, and they are watching the direction of the altar mountain in the distance .
This is the four-armed orangutan that had attacked the altar mountain with Thunder King and Fengyi Carposaurus a few days ago, and was finally wounded and retreated. It has a violent Warcraft that pushes the mountain to reclaim the sea.
This giant beast did not leave after the ancient continent was closed, and chose to stay just to burn the altar mountain, peek at the corpse of the gods, and want to evolve itself.
From the close of the ancient continent to the present, in the recent months, the injury of this monster has all recovered.
The corpses, half-length skeletons, big bugs, and the church were moving at a huge speed when the war started. The four-armed orangutan had long noticed it, took advantage of it, and hid behind these mountains, hiding itself, observing for more than a day.
At this time, the war was over, the big bugs and half-bone skeletons, and the dead bodies were all wounded, and the four-armed orangutan's eyes showed an uneasy look, and the war was furious.
High-end Warcraft has a high level of wisdom.
It also saw corpses and big bugs, half-body skeletons were weak, and wanted to take action. It was a good time.
On the net red number, Cao Yan was thinking about how to shoot, and the method he considered was related to this gorilla.
It should be noted that the king-sized guys, such as big bugs and half-body skulls, are still extremely dangerous even if they have been severely damaged. Cao Yan never made the rush to fight with these creatures.
His first consideration is still to use the situation to create more favorable conditions for himself.
The ants distributed on the ancient continent have been tracking the four-armed gorilla for many days, so Cao Yan knows exactly where it is.
Not only that, Cao Yan also knew that in the cloud above the mountain where the gorilla was, hiding from another end of Warcraft was the wind-winged carp dragon.
It was wounded by a half-length skeleton that day and escaped into the water without any trace, but it did not leave the ancient continent, but remained.
Looking at the position of the gorilla and the wind-wing carp dragon, they can know that they have reached a certain cooperative relationship and want to join forces to target the altar mountain.
Cao Yan was wondering what to do to lure the gorilla and the wind-winged carp dragon into the vanguard, but found that the orangutan couldn't help himself first.
It has a fiery character and can stand by for more than a day. It is the result of the superior wisdom and restraint of the advanced Warcraft.
At this moment it snarled, and suddenly stood out from behind the dwarf mountain and stood upright. A pair of arms on the top circled the peak in front of it, and two arms below held the position of the mountain close to the ground. He lifted his muscles up, his legs muscles concussed, and showed a horrible force, pulling the hill out of the ground.
For a while the mountains were broken, the ground was cracked, and the sound was terrifying.
The orangutan was so fierce, he roared again, raised his arms up, and threw the mountain straight out.
The mountains sounded a deep sonic boom with frictional air, and in the whistling sound, it seemed like a thunderous thunder shook through the sky, and went in the direction of the half-body skull and the big bug.
The rumbling voice continued.
The mountains were pulled up by the orangutan and thrown out.
The sky is like a meteorite rain, and the mountains are falling.
The orangutan squatted with its legs down, then straightened suddenly, soared into the sky like a cannonball, caught in the flying mountains, and hurried towards the altar mountain together.
During the fall, it continued to walk through the mountains.
The mountains suddenly fell and accelerated, and some mountains and the air rubbed at high speed, and actually ignited a flame, showing how fast the speed was.
Beside the altar mountain, the big bug roared loudly, his head lifted up, spit out flames like pillars, and instantly burned down many mountains into fly ash.
The half-body skeleton found a mountain fall, and immediately leaned near the phoenix coffin of the corpse to protect its steady fall.
However, the world ’s trees were healed in the beginning, but their resistance was quite weak. They barely propped up a layer of wooden elements to protect the wall. They were impacted by the great force of the mountains and fell apart. The trees were crushed by the mountains and some branches just recovered. Broken a lot again.
The battle in the Altar Mountain area opened again.
At this time, in the upper sky, there is a scale with a sea-blue scale, antlers and fish tails, a muscular body, and a mighty dragon-shaped creature ready to go.
It unfolds a wing-like membrane under the armpit, swells the air like a sea, surrounds the body, suddenly dives down from the cloud, and pounces on a half-length skull.
At this time, the corpse of the has been hidden, and returned to the flame space.
The phoenix bone coffin is located on a flame-like sycamore tree surrounded by flames, and the surrounding temperature is hot.
On the net red number, Cao Yan saw the changes in the altar mountain area, and quickly analyzed a wave under his heart, pondering how to deal with the corpse, but he still did not act.
He is waiting for the last opportunity.
The minutes passed by, the silence in the underground flame space was fierce.
On the ground, four-armed orangutans and seven large headed worms, half-length skeletons and wind-winged cyprinids, catch and fight.
Underground, the entrance of the flame space exposed began to close. At the same time, a red light burst out from the phoenix coffin. It was the scarlet phoenix bird that broke away from the corpse's eyebrow, rose to the sky, and ran to the ground.
Cao Yan was overjoyed. He had previously discussed with the fake system. The corpse of the could move, showing a weird combat power, which was related to the phoenix bird. Right now when the Phoenix bird is separated, the corpse of the is equivalent to losing its combat power, and the threat is reduced to a minimum.
This was the best time to deal with the corpse, and Cao Yan immediately launched an operation.
He took out a scroll decisively.
A few days ago, a man wearing a mage's robe sneaked into the altar mountain and approached the flame space. At that time, the man was burned to death by the flame before opening the scroll. The scroll was dropped and was removed by the ant colony.
This is a magical scroll that resists flames.
It was obviously a good thing to see the look of the man when he took out the scroll that day.
Cao Yan immediately dropped the scroll and sent it to the ants hidden outside the flame space.
The next moment, in the space below the world tree, a group of ants carried the scrolls, and their short legs rose up to the entrance of the flame space.
Soon, they came to the space entrance.
The timely space is about to be completely closed, leaving a gap left, just enough for the ants to crawl in.
Cao Yan took a deep breath and prepared to go to the ancient continent in person through the delivery.
"Boss, let me do it." Dai Huanyu was on his way back to the church, while Ao He was fighting around on the ancient continent. Cao Yan had only peach blossoms by her side, and she stepped forward and said.
Cao Yan laughed: "I don't want to send the past and join the ant colony ~ ~ into the flame space to call the body. I go to the ancient continent for another purpose, you can't go for me." Through the delivery, he directly entered the ancient continent.
He appeared on the ancient continent based on the position of one of the ant colonies.
The place where he came was neither the area where the fierce creatures such as half-length skeletons fought, nor the underground space.
It was below one of the four pillars of energy that had previously emerged from the ground.
After Cao Yan came over, he looked at the energy pillar in front of him, staring at the flashing symbols and energy nodes on the pillar, and looked carefully.
Tao Hua naturally followed, and watched vigilantly, only to find that there was no danger before standing quietly beside Cao Yan.
She aimed at the pillar of energy in front of her, thinking about Cao Yan's purpose here.
Time flows quietly, and minutes elapse.
Suddenly, Taohua turned her head and looked in one direction. She changed her color and said, "The boss is careful!" The figure was cut across, blocking Cao Yan.
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