Chapter 548: Seize the opportunity

The Lord of Light and Dark noticed the change on the door, and after avoiding Tinon's blow, pulled away and rushed towards the door.
Tong Tiannong chased after him, and the two of them came one after the other, like two streamers, and came to the door in an instant.
The Lord of Light and Dark kept walking and crashed directly into the metal door.
Boom ~!
The cardan's defense weakened, and the impact of the Lord of Light and Dark could no longer be resisted. In the loud noise, the element system on the door completely collapsed and disappeared.
The Lord of Light and Darkness glowed like a burning flame all over his head, and a round of scripture sun appeared on his head again, knocking the heavy metal door out of a cave melted by high heat, and the person has rushed into the space behind the door.
He could not but the moment he entered the door, a beam of light pressed forward.
This is a forced counterattack and a counterattack.
The scriptures of the Lord of Light and Darkness, the sun and the light, are exaggerated, faintly projecting a phantom of the sitting at the core of the sun, pointing out the beam of light directed towards the rushing.
Behind the Lord of Light and Darkness was a faint breath, like chaos, protecting Tinon's attack.
的 The beam rushing forward and the approaching Thanon behind him collided with the Lord of Light and Darkness almost in succession.
At this moment, the core area inside the metal object, due to the collision of strong forces, caused the elemental atmosphere to be turbulent, and the air wave was like a frenzy.
Unexpectedly, the light and dark idea was that, just as he was dealing with Tinon and the beam attack in front of him, suddenly an arrow light burst through the void in front of him, and came straight to the eyebrows.
In the sky outside the metal object, the figure surrounded by silver light shot again at a critical moment, and suddenly shot a cold arrow.
银色 A silver light arrow, controlled by the figure with spiritual power, followed a certain breath, and locked the position of the Lord of Light and Darkness.
The light arrow leaves the bow, merges into the void, and reappears in front of the eyebrow of the Lord of Light and Darkness.
This is an arrow that is almost free from the shackles of space. It is sharp and incomparable, but the way of appearance is too abrupt. The Lord of Light and Darkness was forced to make adjustments. With the shadow of the sitting in the sun above the head, his shot blocked the shot to the brow. Arrow light.
In this way, he was attacked by the extreme ice bird in the back and poked into the back. The light beam in front also partially hit his chest.
At the end of the collision, the Lord of Light and Darkness was already severely hit, with blood spilling from his mouth.
He had only a quick glance around, and found that the core area of ​​the metal object behind the door was a fairly large space. There are many complicated mechanical platforms around.
Looking at the arrangement here, it seems to be the hub control space of metal objects.
There are two other closed metal doors at the other end of the room, but there is no element defense system on the door.
The main detective of the dark and light grabbed his hands, and a strong suction force was generated on his hands, which caused the surrounding space to collapse with his hands as the center.
Many things in the vicinity of the puppet rose into the air at this moment, narrowed by the strong pressure contained in his hands, and fell into his hands.
A little further away, the two metal doors at the other end of the space were also opened at hand.
There are a lot of things. They were taken out from behind the door and fell into the hands of the Lord of Light and Darkness.
He didn't have time to take a closer look, avoiding the second attack of Tinon behind him, and immediately put the thing in his hand into a space item with him, moved it horizontally, smashed one side wall in the space, and walked away.
These changes are cumbersome to explain.
When Tienong chased behind the Lord of Light and Darkness, and when he came out of the metal object, the Lord of Light and Darkness had already taken a step ahead of him, rising to the sky.
In his code, one by one the Scriptures jumped out, with golden divine punishment lightning and burning flames, like a burning fireball, smashing downwards.
轰轰 轰轰!
On the ground, metal objects were bombarded by these scripture lightning and fireballs, and they were damaged in some places. They suddenly collapsed and broke. The rest of the area was also ignited by the high heat contained in the scripture fireballs and began to burn.
"This bastard, grabbed the stuff in the core area by myself, knowing that the rest will not be taken away, and would rather destroy it than let us get it."
Tinon saw the purpose of the scripture fireball issued by the Lord of Light and Darkness to ignite the metal objects below.
"The two siege on me will be rewarded in the future."
The voice of the Lord of Light and Darkness exited, and people turned into a stream of light.
"Can we chase?"
By the side of Tinin, the powerful silver shooter came forward and asked.
"He has the quick ability to walk through the light, and at this time he walks away at full speed, and we want to catch up but can't catch up." Tinon Road.
"I think he's in a hurry to leave. Doesn't he seem to be hurt?" The silver figure said unwillingly.
Tinon: "Well, not only did I hit him just now, but the beam of light from the metal object also hit him. But he has been built into a body of light and darkness. His life. "
He said, "Thanks to Her Royal Highness' timely shot, this time he was hit hard."
The halo that dazzled outside the silver figure dissipated, revealing a playful face with blue eyes around the age of thirty.
She wore a moon-white long skirt with waist down, her eyes dark and long, her dark brown hair curled slightly, falling from the shoulders like knives, and the white and delicate collarbone. , The temperament of thousands of postures.
"Chairman Tienon does not need to be polite. I borrowed the power of the president to deal with the Lord of Light and Darkness, and slightly vented my enemies' tribe being attacked by the church." The woman's voice was mild and nice.
Timon laughed: "The Lord of Light and Darkness has been severely damaged, and I will not go out into the jungle for a long time. I have nothing to do. Her Royal Highness might as well invite me to your tribe for a drink? It is said that the wine made by your elves It's an excellent wine. "
"Very good," the woman responded.
From the conversation between the two, this woman seems to be a contemporary elven queen.
"I don't know what this metal object is, it's a pity to destroy it like this."
Tienong looked down at the burning metal object, and immediately found that the metal object was very resistant to fire. Except for the part that was just hit by the fire ball of Scripture, other areas were almost intact under the fire.
The elven queen also discovered the peculiarity of the metal object: "This metal object was contaminated and burned by the fire of light, and it will not go out in a few days. At this time, the inconvenience of moving and collecting this object is not too far from our tribe. Let ’s check it out later, when the fire goes out?

"Alright." Tinon Road.
The two left together, their bodies gradually distant.
Before the elf queen left, she left a magic wall to avoid the flames that burned metal objects and spread to ignite the jungle.
The Elf Clan has always been the darling of the jungle. Their feelings for the jungle are also incomparable to other intelligent life.
Uh ...
The Lord of Light and Darkness left the jungle directly.
His cultivation is extremely powerful, and the space attribute of the chapter of the kingdom of mankind has been opened up in the Code, which is equivalent to carrying a space to carry the magic array.
He used space power to jump in the void and returned to the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God that afternoon.
After returning to the Temple of Light where he lived, he entered a state of spiritual practice, sinking his mental strength into his body, and blocking the induction of the outside world, thereby quickly stabilizing his injuries.
In the evening, the sunset will fall.
The Lord of Light and Darkness returned to the spirit from the state of the sun and the moon, and temporarily stopped practicing.
The situation was urgent before. He didn't take a closer look at the items grabbed from the inside of the metal object, and then took them out one by one.
Several square heavy metal boxes, and more than ten half-human-sized metal balls, as well as other bits and pieces.
These are the items he was grabbing from the core area of ​​the metal object at that time.
The Lord of Light and Darkness first picked up a half-height metal box and found that the lock on the surface of the box was not locked, and he opened it at will.
The inside of the box was empty, but there was nothing.
The Lord of Light and Darkness opened the remaining boxes, without exception, all empty.
I went to see the other retrieved things, everything was the same, nothing was inside.
The Lord of Light and Darkness is quite unexpected. It doesn't make sense, how could there be so many empty boxes inside the metal object.
He contemplates, remembering that starting with these things was obviously weighty, not like the weight of an empty box.
But when I opened it, there was nothing. What went wrong?
The problem lies with Commander Cao.
At that time, with his ability in semiotics, he found out how to destroy the defense system on that door, and secretly carried out operations through ant colonies.
Then the Lord of Light and Darkness noticed the change of the door, rushed to the front, broke in, and was immediately under siege.
The situation was chaotic at that time ~ ~ An ant such a tiny creature was latent, and no one had time to investigate, and naturally no one found it.
After that, the Lord of Light and Dark grabbed the things in the space behind the door, and the powerful shooting force not only put the various items in that space into the hands of the crowd.
There are still a few ants, and while the Lord of Light and Darkness guards against the chaotic situation of attack by Tynong and others, they are attached to some items and are taken away by the Lord of Light and Darkness.
After this, the Lord of Light and Darkness will bring the things in his hand, bring them into the space items with him, leave the metal objects, and return to the church to heal. Until then, there is a lot of blank time during which Cao Yan can do his hands and feet.
He used the ants collected by the Lord of Light and Darkness as the coordinates to open the delivery system, and sent more ants to it, easily evacuating the things that the Lord of Light and Darkness placed in the space objects.
At that time, the Lord of Light and Darkness was in spiritual practice, immersed in the spiritual world, and the whole spirit recovered his wounds. He was not sensitive to external influences, so the objects in the personal space were removed and were not detected in time.
Commander Cao Cao took the contents of several boxes, peeled them again, returned the empty boxes, and kept them in the utensils of the Lord of Light and Darkness.
Then there was a magic scene where the Lord of Light and Dark opened all the empty boxes.
Cao Cao has always liked to operate in the dark, fool people's IQ, and seize the opportunity to wave.
Things don't end here, there are follow-ups.
At this moment, strange changes are taking place in the metal object burned by the light of fire ...
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