Chapter 652: Where did Cao Yan go [4000+]

"It said that Yan Shao was pursued by the church and caught in the siege of many kings. Is the news true?" Sagaryan raised the letterhead in Yang's hand.
Fang Nan: "I have received more than one channel of information, and can be sure of the authenticity ... The message you read was transmitted back through the magic array matchmaking. It was very timely. To be precise, the siege was delayed for more than an hour. Before, there has been no winner yet. "
Wu also said: "Fighting Cao Yan is the Lord of the Verdict and a giant in the church hermitage."
Zar Saga was anxious: "If it disappears, isn't Yan Shao in great trouble?"
Wu Fangnan: "Well, in the core parish of the church, trapped in enemy camps, all sides are enemies. Cao Yan wants to get away, I'm afraid it will be difficult."
Sagara said: "In order to reduce the fighting power of the Lord who can kill the judge, should the breakout be able to do it?"
Suddenly a girl's voice rang out from the door, and Jane Qiong entered the room, paragraphs saying:
"The situation is different. Yan Shao was able to kill the Lord of Judgment outside the city of magic. He was facing the Lord of Judgment. At this time, he was trapped in the hinterland of the church, but was under siege. Let ’s kill him. Cao Yan wants to break the siege by his own strength. The resistance is too great to make it impossible. "
"What then?"
Rusa Sagar looked to his father: "We have installed a lot of eyeliners in the core parish of the church. Can we think of a way to help the younger ones get out of trouble?"
Wu Fangnan sighed: "It's a king-level battle. How could our eyeliner get involved? Even if it's the Pet Masters Association and the Mechanics Association want to go all out to reinforce, it's too late."
He paused and said: "If Yan Shao really goes wrong, the situation for our family will be very bad."
The father and son, together with Jane Qiong, looked at each other with speechless expressions.
Uh ...
At this moment, Cao Yan's situation in the central area is indeed very irritating, not as pessimistic as judged by Fang Nan and others.
惜 People who are as sad as Commander Cao, in order to go deep into the diocese of the church, have prepared in many ways in advance, including hoarding more than 10,000 points to prevent accidents.
The situation he is facing now is enough to cope with it, not even to the point of consuming points.
Cao Yan felt at this time-hearty, super cool!
For the first time since he advanced to the rank of king, he fought with people for the first time.
Central Territory, within the kingdom of light, there is a big city called Meister City.
It was here that Cao Yan was caught up with the ruled Lord and Carito, and there was a battle, and then the church's powers flocked to each other, and the scale of the battle continued to increase.
In the city of Mestre, naturally, many other professionals also existed. After they found that Cao Yan was besieged, the news quickly spread.
At this time over the city of Meister, there was a constant roar, thunder and lightning raged, and the clouds tumbled like a tide.
High in the air, the big stick stretched his body, the thunder and lightning boiled all over his body, like a thunder river running through the clouds.
It is colliding with a light-like demon front that looks like a stag, and the whole body is disintegrated, forming a chain of thunder, hanging between heaven and earth, tearing the void.
On the ground, there is a golden-brown bear raging on the ground, and that is where the circle is fighting with many church strongmen.
"This beast has a strong defense ..."
There is a church archbishop dressed in red punching a punch while sacrificing a scripture that hit the circle's abdomen. However, Quaner's body burst into a force field, agitating like a wall, easily resisting this attack, shattering the scriptures.
It was unscathed, only angry because of being attacked, and turned towards the Cardinal Red.
The other two strong church members took the opportunity to hit it, and the result was the same, no defense was broken at all.
Xuanren rushed to the vicinity of the Archbishop in red, and shot it with his palm.
"Angry +1 ... Angry +2 ... Angry +3 ..."
The bear's palm under the cymbals was pressed down like a mountain came out of its palm.
The archbishop in red urged a wall of light concluded by the scriptures, which stood in front of him, but was crushed apart by the strange force carried by the bear's paw.
He was squirted by the strength and body of the circle, blood spurting from the corners of his mouth, and his figure fell down. If it was not for his companion's timely support, it would be cold.
Not far from the circle, Taohua was also under siege.
On the higher sky, four figures were entangled endlessly. The Lord of the Verdict, Carrito and the Lord of Light and Darkness just arrived, all three teamed up to encircle Cao Yan.
The light stags that battled with the sticks are the Warcraft released by Carrito, the elk of light, which can control the power of two attributes of light and fire, and is also a monarch-level creature.
Cao Yan rode on the back of Tianma and used Tianma's speed to walk among the three top-ranked kings. The situation seemed dangerous, but in fact every attack came. There will be a sticky force by his side, blocking the attack on himself, and defusing the crisis.
This is the effect of Cao Yan's mobilization of ball game, borrowed from the domain of the king of the eggs.
Suddenly, the egg was hidden in a beast-catching ball flying by Cao Yan's body, and he faced with his master.
In the city below Meister, there are still many church masters who have arrived, standing at the top of buildings, watching the battle in the air.
The siege of Cao Yan was not the more people the better.
With the speed at which Cao Yan rode on Tianma, he could not reach the king level. It was impossible to meet him, and he could not participate in the battle at all.
Therefore, many people from the church gathered in the city below and watched the battle. They were ready to deal with the changes in the battle situation, but they did not directly participate in the battle.
"This Cao Yan, with the cooperation of three adults, can support for so long."
There is a archbishop of the church, a strong old man, looking up at the sky.
"He is in desperation, but he is just dying."
Others disdain: "This person arbitrarily entered the core parish of my teaching. What is the difference between sending death? Even with some force, he is a stupid person."
There were still people who turned their eyes to Taohua's direction, and said, "After this traitor has rebelled, he can still advance to the king, which is quite powerful."
On the ground not far away, Peach Blossom is as strong as a female leopard, moving between buildings, using the building's blockage, and fighting with several church strongmen who besieged her.
A buzz!
The sound of bowstring vibration suddenly sounded from where Peach Blossom was. Strangely, there was no bow and arrow in her hand, but a ray of arrow light suddenly spit out of her open mouth, and shot face-to-face with a strong church member who met her.
The arrow flickered, and the strong man in the church reacted very quickly, and then turned his head away from it.
However, the arrow light changed accordingly, and it was divided into two, and 霎 through his eyebrow.
Many of the church members on the sidelines were all worried.
But the church members rushed up to take the place of the deceased, and kept the siege of the peach blossoms suppressed.
"I heard that in addition to the traitor in front of me, there is another renegade and two others who are subordinates to His Majesty Cao Yan. One of them is still a demon. At this moment only this renegade appears, why are the other three not seen Body? "A church member wondered.
"Do you think that Cao Yan still has more power to use?" Another frowned slightly.
The third person joked: "Xu was the demon who saw us being crowded and scared to come."
"We have so many people gathered, if the devil comes, just kill him together." Yu Zhe said in unison.
At this moment, the Lord of Light and Dark in the air, a series of verses rose in the code, marking the void.
"It is the chapter of the kingdom of God on earth. The Lord of Light and Dark is confined in space, limiting Cao Yan's ability to move ..."
The archbishop-level veteran spoke again and made a judgment: "The battle should end soon."
The scriptures released by the Lord of Light and Darkness are linked by light, forming a wall of light, like a large prison cage, confined space, covering the fighting four.
Tianma's range and speed of movement are indeed obviously limited.
Carrito and the ruling master approached, but Cao Yan suddenly rushed down from Tianma's back, voluntarily greeted Carrito, and punched out.
The Lord of Judgment also made adjustments, rushing from the flanks to Cao Yan.
The three men's figures were instantly touched.
At the moment of the collision, Cao Yan's mental power erupted, and the light of life overflowed all over him.
From the perspective of looking at him, he looks like a round of sun, shining brightly. Under the role of playing ball skills, the beast-catching ball spinning around him is like a guard satellite, moving around the sun, it is incredible.
After he approached Carrito, Cao Yan punched it out with a sharp angle and hit it from the front, but it seemed to distort the rules of the void and drilled a few inches in front of Carrito's jaw.
Because the speed is too fast, the changes at the moment of the confrontation are only clear to the three of them.
When Cao Yan hit that punch, the void around his fist suddenly collapsed.
It was the abalone's release of power that helped Cao Yan, cracking the space of his fist and forming a black hole in space.
里 Carito, who was attacked by Cao Yan, was involuntarily dragged by a 'black hole', and had a momentary imbalance.
Cao Yan's fist, like a meteor jumping out of a black hole, passed through, flashing at Carito's jaw.
The sound of broken bones seems to explode.
Carrito screamed, turned over and fell from the air.
Unfortunately, Cao Yan also hit the ruling master in order to seriously damage Carito.
However, he had many self-defense routine thieves and showed a handy operation.
When the Lord of Judgment attacked him, a magic scroll floated out of him, and the magical power of absolute defense spread, retaining it, resisting the Lord's blow.
Cao Yan was not hurt.
"Absolute defense again!"
The Lord of Judgment and Lord of Light and Dark met Cao Yan last time, and they have also seen him use this precious and rare defense magic to resist their cooperation.
At the moment, both of them are secretly shocked. Definitely defending this level of magic scroll. How many cards does Cao Yan have?
The onlookers below had already blasted directly.
The three kings joined forces, and Cao Yan turned one over.
Carrito was hit from the air with a punch and was severely wounded. Life and death are unknown!
In the high air, facing the continuous attack of the Lord of Judgment, there was an invisible shadow spider web spreading under Cao Yan's feet, which caused the two church giants approaching him to appear momentarily slow.
Cao Yan took the opportunity to throw a beast-catcher ball, the space power in the ball was released, and numerous symbols were intertwined to form a portal.
The lord of the ruling changed his face, shouting and shaking the city: "There may be giants or other jungle tribe races in the portal. All the staff I teach prepare for the war ..."
Follow his voice.
元素 The elements in the portal are filled with waves, and silhouettes rush out of it. It is the residents of the Sky City who are grabbing points.
The Hill Giant, Cyclops, and the Storm Giant—the vanguards that ran out are the three giant races.
Followed by the flames, shin, and evil spirits.
Finally, the uniform elves, as well as the queen's Ouch, wore rain and curse!
The power of the servants and the city of the sky fully intervened and rushed to the battle.
Outside the city of Meister, she fell into chaos and fierce fighting.
This confrontation, which originally besieged Cao Yan, has been altered by him halfway through the script, becoming a resident of the city of the sky. In order to score points, he attacked the city of Mestre and clashed with the church.
After the emergence of several storm giants, they immediately turned into swirling storms, and columns of storms were generated between heaven and earth, and the whole city was covered by the storm.
Suddenly the storm blew through the church, tearing their defenses, and flesh and blood melted in the storm.
This battle outside the city of Meister lasted until late at night, when the church legions in the surrounding cities quickly approached the city of Meister, and after reinforcements, Cao Yan ordered the retreat.
A group of men in the city of the sky suddenly withdrew the portal, and the storm disappeared, leaving nothing to go.
Cao Yan also retreated with the crowd and left.
At this time in the city of Meister, the walls collapsed and were stricken.
What puzzled many onlookers was that during this battle, Pope Saint Gregory never appeared ...
After the fierce battle ended, the news spread quickly around the world.
Early morning.
Magic city.
The Fantmore family, after waiting for the result of the battle in the study, Saga, rejoicing, said: "I said that Yan Shao would not be in trouble. The church wanted to kill him, it was impossible."
Tong Fangnan and Jian Qiong, as well as several other people who came to this study successively, were also relieved to wait for the news.
"It is for the father's lack of understanding and sufficient confidence in Yan Shao."
Tong Fangnan smiled: "The judgment is wrong."
Jian Jianqiong got up from a chair that had been sitting still all night: "I ... want to meet Wang."
Qi Fangnan wondered: "You want to see Wang Li at this time?"
"Well, I want to talk to her." Jian Qiong looked out the window, and it was already bright.
Wu Fangnan thought for a while: "Go to it ~ ~ But you must pay attention to speaking."
In the evening of the same day, in another city in the Central Region, the boastful man was unhappy: "The news just said that Cao Yan was surrounded this time. Not only did he get away easily, but he also called a large group of people to fight with the church. I Just say that he will be okay. You still do n’t believe it.
I naturally listened to him as Feng Qiwu, she ignored the flamboyant man at all, but raised a smile in the corner of her mouth.
Cao Yan was fine, and she followed.
The pope never appeared during the battle in Mestre, and there is another saying that some people think that Cao Yan's openness to the core parish of the church is actually using himself as a bait to attract the church's attention.
Secretly, he and the major associations have other plans to plan actions against the church.
At the same time that Cao Yan was under siege, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God was also threatened by the raids of several major associations. Pope St. Greg was stopped by the raids of several major associations and had to stay in the church base to deal with the coalition of several major associations. Attack.
The current confrontation between Cao Yan and the church caused a lot of attention from various parties, and various speculations were mixed.
After the First World War, Cao Yan's whereabouts became a mystery. He did not follow the crowd back to the city of the sky ...
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