Chapter 585: Epoch Temple

In front of everyone's sight, there was an area of ​​more than a hundred meters in diameter. The earth waves were turned out, and a deep pit appeared in the ground. The surrounding trees collapsed and were surrounded by flames.
The big bird, which had been hit by a falling object in the air, fell to the center of the pit on the ground. It had been torn apart, incomplete and miserable.
A little farther away, there was a half-human-sized gray-blue ball, something that had fallen from the air.
As Cao Yan and others approached, the ball looked like a flower blooming, tossing and cracking from the inside out, revealing a humanoid creature curled up in it.
When the ball broke completely, the humanoid moved and quickly stood up from it.
The ball-shaped object less than half a human, and the humanoid creature standing up inside it has an astonishing height of more than two meters, which is very strange.
His slender figure is not strong, but he has a strong sense of power. His skin has a little indigo color and the same facial features as human beings, but his forehead is slightly narrower, giving a brutal and fierce look.
He emerged from the ball, stretched his body, looked around, and immediately stuck out his tongue, but actually protruded the length of Mish, piercing the head of the big bird that had died on the ground.
The next moment, a breath was drawn from the bird's body and swallowed into the mouth by humanoids through his tongue.
The bird's corpse dried up instantly, turned into fly ash, disappeared clean, nothing left.
This scene, set off by the surrounding blue flames, was weird.
Humanoid creatures descended from the sky, sucking a huge bird corpse and sucking it away instantly.
The boastful man came from a distance and saw exactly these changes and immediately hid behind Cao Yan.
"What kind of creature is this?" Feng Qiwu also looked startled.
After the humanoid absorbed the bird's corpse, he turned slightly, and Cao Yan and others saw two wing-like protrusions on his back.
At this point, one of the protrusions fell off and cracked, and fell to the ground, like a giant egg hatching, and crawled out of it with a sharp head, like a hound, but with a body that is much stronger than ordinary dogs. , Stand side by side with that humanoid creature.
After the appearance of the canine Warcraft, it made a strange sound, which sounded like a compound syllable formed by the tissue somewhere on it, making people feel panic.
While it was making a sound, it turned to stare at Cao Yan and others.
Humanoids also turned around and looked at the crowd. The two sides looked at each other with a distance of more than 100 meters, and the atmosphere was killed.
The eyes of the humanoid fell on Cao Yan's body, and the blue eyes were horrifying.
He suddenly stretched out his slender arm and pointed to Cao Yan, with a sneer on his face.
"This product seems to be provoking you, Dao Cao." The exaggerated man said with a probe.
At this moment the humanoid leap leaped to the canine Warcraft on his side.
The dog-like Warcraft was so ghost-like that it stepped back into the jungle not far away, leaping between trees, disappearing into the jungle.
"This cargo is just provoking you, why did you suddenly run away?" Said the pompous man suddenly.
"He fell from a high altitude, consumed a lot of energy, and was in a relatively weak stage. So after landing, he immediately absorbed the corpse of the big bird and recovered some physical strength. After observing us, he saw that he was not Cao Yan His opponent did not come to fight, but retreated into the jungle. As for his provocation against Cao Yan, he should try to seduce Cao Yan to chase him.
Knowing that he was not Cao Yan's opponent, he dared to induce Cao Yan to chase him, apparently very confident in his survival and fighting ability in the jungle, thinking that he could use the jungle environment to defeat Cao Yan. "
It is surprising that this analysis was made by Wang Li.
Feng Qiwu and Fukangnan turned their heads and looked at Wang Li on the bear's back in surprise.
"I was because Cao Yan was by my side and there were no safety concerns, so I could focus on observing the response of that humanoid, and analyzed it indiscriminately," Wang Li explained.
Cao Yan laughed: "You're not doing random analysis. Before the guy left, he passed me a vague
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