Chapter 1786: Lu Zhongqi's prophecy

Chapter 1786 Lu Zhongqi's Prophecy
From the beginning to the end, Lu Zhongqi's voice was gentle and calm.
But this gentle and calm voice was continuously refracted and reflected by the black rock walls on all sides, but it gradually intensified and turned into a blood-red stormy sea.
"As the so-called 'receiving the country's dirt, it is for the ruler of the country; receiving the country's misfortune, it is for the king of the world'. This sentence means that if a nation, a country, or even a civilization wants to survive and develop, its Leaders must replace the people and do those things that have no choice but to be extremely dirty, dark, cruel, despicable and humiliating.

Lu Zhongqi continued, "The people are both short-sighted and greedy. When the order collapses and the current situation is in turmoil, they are extremely eager for a savior. However, when the savior really saves them from the dire straits, they often dislike this savior." The means of the savior are too drastic, too brutal, too dirty.
"Even, when the dark and age withered and humanity gradually passed away, the people would be like fish with only seven seconds of memory, forgetting everything they did in order to survive in the age, and forgetting that they were also those radicals of the Blood League. The beneficiaries of the , cruel, evil, and inhumane policies have shifted all their sins and responsibilities onto the Blood League.
"Meng Chao, you know, what does that look like?
"It's like the survivors of a disaster at sea, drifting to a desolate island with scarce resources. In order to persist until the arrival of the rescue team, they had to kill each other, even in the literal sense of 'the weak and the strong', Feed on the flesh of the dead, the wounded, and the weak.
"In the end, the strongest of the group of survivors became the leader.
"The leader made a cruel rule, stipulating that there should be no private fighting among the survivors.
"The leader leads all the strong and healthy people to eat the dead, the wounded and the weak in an orderly and disciplined manner, so as to increase their strength and build a tree house that can shelter everyone from the wind and rain.
"The leader forced some survivors to fight the most ferocious snakes, insects, rats and ants on the desert island, and exchanged some of their lives for a sustainable source of protein.
"In the end, under the leader's iron-blooded rule, at least half of the survivors miraculously survived.
"Yes, this leader is an out-and-out tyrant.
"He didn't have any lofty ideals, he just wanted to live, and live by whatever means.
"But no matter what he thinks or does, he cannot deny the fact that without this tyrant, everyone would die!
"However, the moment the rescue team appeared on the sea level, all the survivors who survived under the leader's iron-blooded rule all raised their sharpened stone axes and spears to the leader at the same time—you know, even The method of grinding stone axes and spears was given to them by the leader.
"They killed the chief without hesitation.
"And blame all the ugly, evil, cruel, and inhumane things that happened on the desert island to the cruelty of the leader.
"It didn't take seven seconds at all, but in just one second, they forgot the fact that they also followed the leader and devoured the dead, the wounded and the weak together.
"And refuse to think about what they would be like without the tyrant.
"No, no, no, Meng Chao, don't think that what I said so much is to defend the blood alliance.
"The Blood League deserves what it deserves, and it is not such a strange or pity thing that it is hated, abandoned and destroyed by tens of thousands of Longcheng citizens.
"The question is, do these stupid survivors really think they have escaped from the island?
"Yes, on the surface, after destroying the Blood Alliance and replacing it with a Survival Committee formed and controlled by the nine super corporations, Dragon City has entered a golden age of vigorous development. Can interrupt our rolling forward steps.
"However, only those who are at the core of the Survival Committee can clearly realize that the reason why Dragon City can usher in explosive and miraculous development is largely due to the solid foundation laid by the Blood Alliance.
"The nine super companies, Dragon City University, the Alliance of Five Schools, the Red Dragon Army... everyone is devouring the rich heritage of the Blood League.
"At the same time, the nine super companies and the nine cultivation families behind them have expanded in scale, bloated organizations, intrigues, overstaffing, and various disadvantages have emerged one by one.
"To this day, the nine super companies are not only facing unprecedented serious internal conflicts, but also face fierce competition from the Azure Alliance and the Red Dragon Army. Of course, it is impossible to reproduce the dominance and arbitrariness of the blood alliance era. However, losing With the introduction of an arbitrary tyrant, the efficiency also plummeted.
"If we say that in the era of monster wars, facing the common threat of all mankind, the extraordinary who represent the interests of all parties can still curb their selfishness and unite as one.
"In the 'post-monster war era', the common enemy was wiped out, and the ambitions of the transcendents representing the interests of all parties quickly inflated like blowing up balloons.
"Meng Chao, I listened to the declaration you made to all the citizens of Longcheng at the construction site of the Jinpeng, and I roughly guessed what kind of agreement you and Shen Yuanbao reached.
"If my guess is correct, you probably hope that a certain balance can be reached between the nine super corporations and the Azure Alliance, or between the wealthy extraordinary and the humble extraordinary. In the form of the 'troika', they will lead Dragon City forward together, is that right?"
Meng Chao lowered his eyelids and agreed.
Lu Zhongqi laughed.
"It's a beautiful idea, vigorously promoted by a young hero like you who turned out to be born out of nowhere, maybe it can really come true—at least temporarily."
Lu Zhongqi sighed, "It's just that the so-called troika restricts and balances each other, which means sacrificing efficiency for the sake of stability.
"Especially, once the nine super companies, the Azure Alliance, and the Red Dragon Army are running side by side in the Survival Committee, it means that the role of public opinion will be magnified to the extreme, because only public opinion can break the relationship between the troika. balance.
"But, as I said just now, the people have always been short-sighted and greedy. Except for the genie in a bottle in fairy tales, no one can satisfy the people forever.
"You know, like I just said, we haven't escaped from the deserted island, and we haven't escaped from this deserted island called 'Alien World'!
"Winning the monster war and rushing out of the monster mountain is just the first step for us to leave the beach and step into the depths of the deserted island.
"The rescue team at sea level is just an illusion.
"Next, in the process of exploring the deserted island and surviving in the wilderness, the survivors will inevitably need a tyrant to lead and force them to do those despicable, cruel and ruthless things that they have to do in order to survive.
"On a deserted island like this, no one can meet all the needs of survivors.
"Those who claim to be able to meet all the needs of survivors without paying too much for survivors are either fools or liars.
"Choose such a fool and a liar to become the new leader, and even expect that the three fools and liars can check and balance each other, and work out the best survival strategy together - in doing so, there is only one ending, and that is the complete annihilation of the survivors.
"Meng Chao, I believe that you are full of justice and absolutely selfless.
"But that doesn't stop me, I can see your future.
"You, will use your justice to destroy the Dragon City civilization!"
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