Chapter 53:

The Chinese pay attention to entering the soil for safety, and Li Murou proposed to dig a pit to bury the elephant.
Lu Ting will not take the initiative to pick up Li Murou's words and try to keep a distance from her to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. But he said now: "The elephant is too big. With our power, it takes a long time to dig such a big pit. Time is tight. In this jungle, besides us, there are Poacher. Our task is to find Mark before the poacher. "
Li Murou subconsciously called out a breath and nodded, "I'm too emotional, but I didn't expect this layer. I felt very distressed about this female elephant and always wanted to give it a good home.
Reita said: "They are born in nature, let them go to nature. Their corpses can provide supply to the creatures on this land, we should not interfere with them in a human way."
When Li Murou's eyes cast on Lu Ting, the other party consciously avoided it.
Lu Ting looked at her as if disdainful, and continued to rub Lin Yueqi's snot, which made Li Murou very unpleasant.
Since participating in the show, she has tried her best to behave properly. But Lu Ting was not willing to give her a positive eye.
She didn't understand why Lin Yueqi could easily be liked by Lu Ting. Is it because she brought her heroine halo?
Why should people around the world turn around her? Why?
Li Murou looked at the intimate interaction between the two and was worried that the two would regenerate ambiguous values. He immediately interrupted and said, "Then we will hurry and hope to find Mark sooner."
Without delay, everyone continued on the road.
Only after witnessing the cruel killing of a pregnant mother elephant, everyone's mood is more or less heavy, and their eyes are a bit sour.
The atmosphere in the domestic live broadcast room is also very heavy, both sides of the pinch stop, and the expression of "tears" is full of screen.
In the city A, in the children ’s bedroom of a villa.
Tuantuan and Jiang Mucheng sat cross-legged on the children's bed and watched the live broadcast. The two saw this scene and began to wipe their tears involuntarily.
Tuantuan's voice was hoarse and he wiped his nose and said, "The mother is so pitiful. If Mark is still alive, he will be very sad? Just like Tuantuan, if he loses his parents, he will be sad too. Old Orange, I'm really good Sad, will Mark be alone? "
Jiang Mucheng rubbed his red eyes and said, "Yes. If the old orange is gone, it will be very sad."
Tuantuan asked her: "Old Orange, can Mom and Dad succeed in finding Mark? I'm so scared, I'm afraid Mark can't wait for my Mom and Dad."
[Revenge Script] Feeling Jiang Mucheng ’s mood swings, he reminded: "The spoiler is for you, Mark is still alive, and there is a baby elephant cub beside him. You untie me, I will help you save them , How is it? "
Since [Revenge Script] is always talking in her ears, Jiang Mucheng automatically blocks its voice. She opened the notebook, with tears in her eyes, and wrote a line: "Mark and the baby elephant are safe."
On the way, Li Murou found an excuse to intersect between Lu Ting and Lin Yueqi. In order to find a topic to talk to Lin Yueqi and split Lu Ting and Lin Yueqi, she ran to Lin Yueqi and asked shamelessly: "Sister Qi, you seem to have a good research on food? I would like to ask you how to make delicious food in the wilderness without seasoning. "
She has already let go of her cool design and took the initiative to make a conversation with Lin Yueqi. She thought that her own initiative would make Lin Yueqi somewhat happy.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yueqi came and said: "You ask me? Are you not a cook? You can make the most delicious with bread and canned food, and the jungle game will not fail you?"
This rhetorical question made Li Murou stunned on the spot. She smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I want to learn about your method. We as chefs learn endlessly, just want to learn more, you should not mind me share it?"
"Do not mind." Lin Yueqi took a deep breath and continued to walk forward with the heavy bag on her back, casually replied: "I can't make delicious without the seasoning, I brought the seasoning. Miss, don't you bring the seasoning No? You are everyone ’s foodie. Even if the jungle is used, I think you should bring something like this. "
Li Murou casually found a question to ask, but did not expect that the other party would fight her back. She smiled awkwardly: "Of course."
Lin Yueqi asked knowingly: "Oh, I brought hot pot dry sauce chilli noodles. This kind of chilli noodles contains not only salt and MSG, but also more than ten kinds of spices. If you made wild pork into slate pork yesterday, then sprinkle my The chili noodles must have an explosive fragrance. However, you seem to disdain our seasoning, so I dare not share it with you. What seasoning do you bring? "
Everyone had already forgotten about the wild boar, but unexpectedly it was raised by Lin Yueqi again. The three men walking in front were in a complicated mood, and the emotion of distressed wild boar rose again.
"........." Li Murou subconsciously glanced at the men who were walking in front, followed closely, and replied in a perfunctory manner, "I'm almost the same."
In order to lighten the luggage, she didn't bring those seasonings at all. She originally planned to use the system to complete the gourmet effect, but she didn't expect that she would be in a very bad situation on the first day of entering the forest.
Lin Yueqi speculates that Li Murou relied on the "gourmet chef" gold finger in order to reduce the burden on his backpack, and may not bring these necessary things.
So, she deliberately deepened the concept of seasoning, saying: "Oh, I thought you didn't bring the seasoning, and wondered how you can cook without seasoning. It seems that I think too much. You are a professional chef, right The cuisine is very strict, and even in the wild, it will not be wronged. "
Li Murouqiang Yan Huanxiao: "I am a cook, into the jungle, some of these things will bring some."
She can't reveal to anyone that she didn't bring seasonings. At that time, she will use the "Gourmet Chef" system to make food. Some people will doubt: How did the seasoning make the most delicious?
Li Murou's "Ask Shamelessly" apparently successfully adjusted the awkward atmosphere in the team. Some netizens brushed in the live broadcast room:
"A top chef like Li Murou actually asked an ordinary person how to cook, and you can see how serious she is."
[Gourmet Chef] The system has a function. After it is used to optimize the food, even if someone is watching all the way, no one will have any doubts about her cooking process.
Lie Ru did n’t bring seasonings. When cooking under the camera, the system will help her to automatically cut those fine fragments of the lens, so that no one will see the detailed process of her cooking, only a rough idea.
If someone is on the sidelines, the system will obscure the other party's memory, and make the other party not remember what seasoning she added, and whether she added seasoning.
Therefore, Li Murou is not worried about cooking under the camera or when someone is watching. She doesn't need to hide at all, the system will help her get everything.
On the way, a pheasant broke into their sight, and Leita immediately seized the opportunity to catch the fat pheasant.
Around five thirty, they arrived at the next camp.
With yesterday's failed experience, Li Murou was finally smart.
When Lu Ting and other men were still camping, she immediately called Lin Yueqi to start a fire with her.
Firing counts as a team work, even if Lin Yueqi does not eat Li Murou's food, she can't refuse.
After the fire broke out, Li Murou treated the pheasant quickly. She has a good knife skill and deliberately dazzled in front of the camera, causing the dagger to turn around in her palm.
Seeing her skills, the photographer couldn't help but applauded and gave her a close-up.
After handling the chicken, Li Murou quickly picked up a pot of hot water and began to cook the chicken soup. On the way just now, Li Murou picked some wild vegetables and some wild spices. When the food in the pot boiled, she immediately turned on the [Gourmet Chef] system.
For a time, the camp was full of fragrance. Under the high-definition lens, the tumbling soup showed milky white color.
When the water boils, she adds wild vegetables. The smell of chicken and the freshness of vegetables all poured out in an instant.
The men who had just set up the tent straightened up and wiped their sweats, and the thick smell of food came. This scent is a hundred times stronger than Lin Yueqi's spicy strips, which makes all the hairs stand upright.
Leita immediately dropped her unfinished work, ran to it, rubbed his hands in front of the fire, and he intoxicated with a scent on his face: "God, what is this food? Why is it so fragrant?"
Li Murou chopped wild fruits picked on the road and added them. She didn't expect this wild fruit to have any taste-enhancing effect, but just played a role in brightening the sense of color. In this way, she can explain the color sensation after the system optimization.
After all, if no color is added, and the food has a color like special effects, some people will inevitably ask questions. If she adds this red color, the audience will take it for granted.
She used the "poison identification" function in the system to identify this wild fruit, and confirmed that it was non-toxic before daring to put it into the chicken soup.
Lin Yueqi cannot be as immune to the kitchen system as Lu Ting.
So in order to avoid the sultry fairy taste, she hid aside to cut the branches. She brought a special string for bows and arrows, as well as several arrows, intending to make a bow for hunting.
Although their team has guns, the bullets are limited. For small animals like pheasants, bows and arrows are enough to avoid wasting bullets.
If they are not lucky enough to meet poachers, in this kind of land in Africa, regardless of who they are, the situation is also very dangerous. Therefore, sufficient ammunition is the guarantee for their survival. She does not want this protection to be gradually consumed.
Zhou Qing and Lu Ting saw her cutting branches and came over to help her.
Lu Ting didn't ask anything and helped her with arrows. The size of the wood and arrowheads may not be able to match. If it is too large, you must continue to cut to get the arrowheads.
While helping to pick up branches, Zhou Qing asked, "Sister Qi, are you making bows and arrows? No need? We have guns, isn't it more convenient?"
Lin Yueqi said while cutting: "Before I came, Lao Lu and I did a strategy. In fact, there are many anti-government militants in this country. Like the profitable poachers, they have no human nature. Although the chance of encountering them is very low. , But it does n’t mean we wo n’t meet them. For safety, Lao Lu and I have discussed to bring these things. Lao Lu and I are good at archery. Have you watched our variety show? We have succeeded in rural areas He shot the hare. "
Recalling their reality show, Zhou Qing nodded and said, "Remember, you missed an arrow and it was shot by Brother Ting. Also, the female guest who participated in the show with you said," Why are rabbits so cute? Tutu ', and you and Ting are discussing how to cook deliciously. You are simply the devil couple. "
"Cough ..." Lin Yueqi reminded him: "We are not a couple."
"Couple couple." Zhou Qing said immediately.
Lin Yueqi and Lu Ting's relationship with the outside world is also a "couple", she did not excuse herself and continued to work.
The soup had already been cooked there, and Leita walked over with a bowl of fresh soup. On the surface, Zhou Qing was asked to eat in the past, in fact, to show off. The elders deliberately drank the soup in the bowl, took a sip, and sighed with emotion: "True fragrance. Miss Lin, Mr. Lu, are you sure not to try it? We are a team, I will not be like some people Carefully, I came here specifically to invite you to drink the most beautiful soup of Miss Li in the past. "
The chicken broth optimized by the system is indeed fragrant. Although it is only a small bowl, the aroma can be very attractive. Lin Yueqi swallowed and screamed in his stomach.
Lu Ting saw Lin Yueqi's expression on her desire for this bowl of soup. He glanced at Leita's bowl again and couldn't see any delicious taste.
This bowl of soup is very light because there are no side dishes. The chopped red fruit floats inside like red pepper. Although it has a little embellishment, as far as he is concerned, there is no appetite.
He took the spicy strips that he had not finished at noon from his pocket, untied the rubber bands of the seal, and handed them to Lin Yueqi's mouth.
Lin Yueqi took the spicy sticks and was very surprised why he didn't eat them. Can Lu Ting really resist the spicy temptation in this environment?
Seeing her puzzled, Lu Ting seemed to guess what she was thinking, and the corner of her lips was bent to explain: "Although this thing tastes really good, we still have a month in the future, it is always right to save it. It is specially reserved for you Yes, get rid of it first. I'll take out the dried fish and heat it up. I will use this tonight. "
But the taste of chicken broth is too hooky. In this place, it is hooked hundreds of times more than spicy sticks. Lin Yueqi was obviously a bit lost, but it was so well received that even the camera did not capture her lost expression at this moment.
But her lost little expression was captured by Lu Ting, which automatically filled her expression brain into infinite grievances. He couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, reached over and pinched her cheek, tone like coaxing the little girl: "Angry?"
Lin Yueqi disliked his dirty hands very much, blocked his hands with his arms, frowned and said, "Daddy Lu, your hands are dirty and happy."
"Sorry," Lu Ting immediately withdrew his hand, took out the handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped her face.
Halfway through, Lin Yueqi grabbed his hand: "Dad Lu, your handkerchief, did you blow my nose?"
"Huh." Lu Ting explained: "I washed it with water during the afternoon break."
Lin Yueqi looked disgusted: "Where did Dad Lu, who used to be hygienic, go? Wait ... Would you wipe your feet with this at night?"
The man asked seriously, "Huh? How do you know?"
Lin Yueqi looked at him seriously: "............" Goodbye!
Seeing her suffocated with anger, Lu Ting solemnly said lightly: "Teasing you to play."
Lin Yue stretched out her hand and held Lu Ting's serious face, rubbing his face back and forth like rubbing the face of Akita Inu. It was just that his face was almost fleshless, and he couldn't rub it out of joy. She learned that the chubby girl grabbed his ears and twisted a half arc.
She raised her eyebrows, expressing her disobedience: "Dad Lu, you're really cute as you look, and you'll be kidding."
Ah. the man. I want you to lose the dignity of the overbearing president in front of the national audience!
Lu Ting: "........."
Every girl must have a mother. When did his ears become a common toy for mother and daughter, and his handsome face became a tool for Lin Yueqi to vent?
Ah. The 130 catty woman, jealous of his beauty?
The two looked away from each other, and vomited against each other, and suddenly there was a lot of movement from the camp.
The people who were drinking soup around the fire suddenly began to vomit. Leita and Huang Hai suffered from abdominal pain, lying on the ground and rolling back and forth, screaming again and again.
Li Murou has been taking care of everyone's food, but she tasted a few bites while boiling soup, and her stomach started to have a colic.
She was sitting on the stone by the fire, her face pale and pale. She held the stomach tightly with her hand, trying to reduce the pain.
Lu Ting and Lin Yueqi looked at each other, and immediately stood up to check.
Thinking of the chopped wild fruits in the Leita bowl just now, Lu Ting immediately asked Li Murou: "Are there any wild fruits you picked?"
Li Murou raised her hand hard and pointed to the canvas bag she was resting on beside the fire. There were still fruits left in it.
Lu Ting carefully took out the fruit with a handkerchief and observed carefully.
After Lin Yueqi called the headquarters, she also came over to check the wild fruits. She said: "This seems to be a beauty pearl, a wild fruit unique to Africa. This ripe fruit can be eaten, but can not be cooked with meat, it will cause dizziness and vomiting and abdominal pain symptoms. It seems that they are poisoned. "
After listening to Lin Yueqi, Li Murou's face grew paler.
She used the system to test whether the food was poisonous, but she forgot it, and the food was also acceptable.
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