Chapter 893: Traditional skills

Along with the brilliance of blue, there was a ripple in the space. With bare feet, the girl in a white dress with silver hair appeared lightly in a lush forest. She looked around and made a clear cry: "Meow?"
Walked towards the woods.
In the woods buried by dead leaves and grass, there is a quaint and eccentric stone statue. The eyes of the stone statue suddenly emit reddish shimmer, which seems to be a warning, but with the silver-haired girl in a white dress waving gently, the red light in the eyes of the stone statue Suddenly disappeared invisible.
She lifted some kind of imprisonment here.
"Meow--" The girl continued to scream, her eyes looked around, and soon her eyes lit up, seeing the cries of her, several wild cats burrowed out of the hiding grass and carefully approached the girl.
"Big hair, two fat, Tinkerbell, I come to see you." The girl showed a happy smile, crouched on the ground and waved her hand, then brought out a pile of snacks, dried fish, canned cats, all kinds of cat snacks.
The wild cats cried out in joy, and they couldn't wait to surround them.
But the food arrived in front of them, but they didn't eat it immediately, but turned their heads tremblingly and looked back.
After a while, I saw a beautiful white cat crawling down from a pine tree.
It seemed to be the leader of the group of night cats. The walking room was very majestic. It walked through the cat group and came to the girl.
"Meow~~" the girl called in response.
This exchange has no specific meaning, but it makes the white cat confirm that the girl is not hostile. It searches through the pile of snacks, and finally picks up a bag of dried fish in his mouth, walks to the side and tears the packaging Start eating.
Seeing the boss made a choice, the other cats swarmed up and snatched other food.
If outsiders see this scene, they will certainly feel very surprised. Although the creature like cat is very spiritual, it is almost impossible to follow such an order. It can only be said that the white cat is indeed a big guy , Can actually obey the cat's surrender.
Of course, this grove is a bit special in itself.
This is Tokyo, Japan, a hidden place that is impossible to see on the map, called Fengyin Temple Park.
It is a site belonging to Guiyue Society, which is difficult for outsiders to enter.
This forest is set up with some special Yin and Yang art formations, which can be gathered to nourish the forest animals living here, which can make the small animals such as wild cats, wild dogs and hares living here more intelligent.
If the time is long enough, it may even turn on the wisdom and become a goblin.
However, Guiyueshe made such a place, and also collected some wild cats and wild dogs to stock them, but it was not for the cultivation of fairies.
Here belongs to Ji Shen, one of the deities of Guiyue Society. Her best technique is the puppet technique.
The cats, dogs and cats that are stocked here will be captured by her in a period of time, and they will be made into different deliriums, puppets, paper people... and the ordinary wild cats and wild dogs have lived here for a period of time, and their wisdom has grown. The puppet will also be more powerful.
The big white cat chewed the dried fish happily, and the girl smiled and squatted with her chin not far away, looking very interested.
The girl is a kitten, that is, a meow, and that white cat is actually her.
In fact, Ye Chui does not want Miao Miao to come into contact with her "previous life" too much—yes, the previous life, the cat born before being turned into a paper puppet by Ji Shen, is the previous life for Miao Miao.
She is now a brand-new individual no matter judging from the soul or the body, or from other levels.
It is for this reason that Meow Meow and this white cat will not suffer the pressure of paradox.
But more contact may always cause accidents.
At this time, there were still two days before the Battle of the Hundred Ghosts. Miao Miao knew that her previous life would soon be arrested and turned into a puppet, so she wanted to see the last side of her previous life in person.
This white cat, from the moment it was born, Miao Miao has been paying attention to it, silently watching it adopted and discarded by a little girl, begging for life on the street with the night cat dry rack, dry rack, dry rack, and then dry rack , And then was caught in this park, continue to dry rack...
Watching the big white cat eat the dried fish, he lay directly on the grass, opened his belly, and began to sleep soundly. Meow, he couldn't help but also yawned, his body flashed, and he jumped on a big tree next to him, looking for it A comfortable tree fork lies on it.
The sun was warm and she decided to take a squint.
Time didn't know how long it had passed, and Meow was suddenly awakened by the bleak meows.
She still had saliva in the corners of her mouth, and opened her eyes in sleepy eyes, and immediately saw a weird puppet with a height of more than one meter, dressed in the form of a geisha, and carrying a huge back behind her. The backpack, holding a beast catching net in his hand, is constantly chasing the wild cats and wild dogs running around.
"Meow!?" Meow Meow didn't want to understand what was going on. He saw the white cat as the king of all meows. After seeing that his own kind was captured by the weird puppet one after another, he suddenly got angry and said, "Meow!" "Meow" with a few screams, jumped up, pounced on the puppet, and began to tear the puppet's body.
Unfortunately, after all, it is just an ordinary cat.
The geisha puppet waved the articulated arm and grabbed the white cat in his hand, and then stuffed it into the backpack behind him.
"Meow--" It was precisely this matter. Meow rushed down from the tree, grabbed the white cat in his hand very quickly, and kicked the puppet out with one foot.
The puppet is a puppet of Yin-Yang technique, and its grade is actually not low, but for Miao Miao, it is of no use. Miao Miao's random foot kicks his body and breaks it, hitting a dozen meters away. It stopped before the big tree.
But, kicking the puppet puppet ~ ~ rescued the white cat, but Meow suddenly woke up.
The cute little face that has always been windy and light, directly staged the shocked Yan Yi: w(??Д??)w
"Oops, meow, that puppet thing came to catch my past life. Only when it was taken away can I be a puppet and meet the owner!" Just after waking up, she was still confused and saw " "I was bullied and immediately shot, but it turned out to be a big mistake.
If this white cat is not captured, wouldn't he just disappear from here?
When she was scared by the rare meow, she suddenly saw in amazement that the piece of geisha puppet on the half of the body dragged the broken body, pulled away the clothes on the body, and exposed a mechanism located at the waist. With only one hand twisting the mechanism, some energy began to brew in the puppet.
This puppet is going to destroy itself!
The puppet puppet belongs to the creation of Guiyueshe Ji Shen, and this kind of thing is classified. Therefore, Ji Shen has left a mechanism in her creation, whether it is the loss or puppet she made, if the mission fails or suffers If you are hit hard, you will immediately destroy yourself, avoiding the Yin-Yang technique contained in it falling into the hands of others.
Now this puppet is in danger to inspire his own self-destruction mechanism, and started self-destruction.
Say it sooner or later.
"Stop meow!"
In order to prevent the puppet from committing suicide, Miao Miao raised her hand and condensed a blue wave of light and lost it.
With the explosion, the puppet puppet completely turned into dust.
Succeeded in preventing the puppet's self-destructive meow, and relieved heavily in his mouth.

And the white cat next to me that had been put on the ground by meow, looked at this scene doubtfully: "Meow~~~"
I learned what I learned.
-This is really a traditional skill.
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