Chapter 915: Infinite gems are finally gathered

   Xiaolong took off the eye of Agomo from the body of Dark Guyi.
   And the dark ancient one, because of the dominion of the faith, the body quickly turned to fly ash and disappeared.
   In the game of God, Gu Yi in front of him is like a bug.
   gains insight into the truth about Shenyou and awakens his will.
   But she is still eliminated after all.
  This made Xiaolong sigh a little bit. Gu Yi in the Marvel movie universe actually shaped a person worthy of admiration.
  If she did not take the initiative to accept Dormam, and tried to send Dormam to the real world, then Xiaolong might not mind pleading with Ye Chui, so that she could truly obtain the identity of the real world...
  Unfortunately, no matter how great a person is, it is difficult to maintain his nature when he finds that all he believes is a lie.
   Put away the eye of Agomo, and Xiaolong looked up to the vortex of the black hole that hadn't closed yet.
   Layers of lightning quickly burst out of him.
   is like a lightning that blasted into the sky and flew into the black hole.
The four swords of Zhuxian floated around his body, and the sword qi burst out together, once again synthesizing the sub-artifact power of the Zhuxianjian formation. In the dark dimension, the strange, bright, like a world of connected spheres, Xiaolong's body, just like As if holding a sword of endless length.
   Spilled the universe, cut off the galaxy, and collapsed the stars.
   This dark world is illuminated by the sword.
  Dormam's horrified roar spread everywhere.
  Domam wanted to enter reality, Ye Chui punched back, Ye Chui's power also partly penetrated into this world, so that Daomam was seriously injured, and now it has won the disaster of extinction.
   "Miao Miao, there is no longer anything for you here, you should leave first." Xiaolong shrouded in lightning and sword light, and said to Miao Miao.
   "Meow~" Meow meowed, and agreed to come down.
Mara Karasam’s marvellous power is more than enough to deal with the dark Dormam, but Dormam represents not an ordinary individual after all, he is the will of a plane in the world, even if it can deal with it, it must be thoroughly treated It’s not easy to do that.
   Carason, whom she summoned out, disappeared instantly, holding a space jewel in her hand, wrapped in blue energy, and quickly returned from the black hole vortex to the world of the marvelous Marvel movie universe and Doctor Strange outside.
   At this time, she heard the message conveyed to her by the Meteorite, and a yellow streamer appeared in the sky, falling from the sky, and stopped in front of Meow.
   That is the soul gem.
   God meteorite let her use the soul gem to thoroughly brainwash all the participants in this game and make them forget everything they saw.
Meowing to the New York City area covered by this game, the battle between Gu Yi and Xiaolong just caused many buildings to collapse. Those NPC-like virtual lives are following the inherent response, panicking and escaping for rescue. .
   Participate in this game from the real world survivors, then hide in amazement and look at the sky in amazement.
  Many people were influenced by the dark energy penetrated into them, and turned into barbaric dark believer killers, messing around.
   "Oh, maybe it's going to be very busy." Miao Miao stood on the rooftop of a tall building and sighed as he watched the chaos of the world.
She took out a grilled fish in her hand, which was previously grilled with Xiaolong on the rooftop of the Supreme Sanctuary. She was put away before eating, chewed in the mouth, and the figure was wrapped in blue space gem energy again. Flashing teleport continuously throughout the battlefield.
  Clear the killers, brainwash survivors with soul gems, and let them forget everything.
   And in the dark dimension, the dragon controls the Zhuxian sword formation, kills the Quartet, and constantly destroys the body and energy of Dormam.
   The task of obtaining the time gem can only be done by driving Dormam away. It didn't need to be killed. However, since the dragon has gathered the four swords of Zhuxian, it is lacking opponents who try to sword it.
  After solving the Dormam, Gu Yi will actively send the time gem.
   But in this game, Gu Yi has mutated, awakened the truth, and has become a believer of Dormam, so that the dragon can only help to kill Dark Gu Yi, but this will not affect the mission.
   In fact, when Xiaolong rushed into the dark dimension, he felt that the seal of Agomoto's Eye had been unlocked, and the time gem had arrived.
   "Meow, what should I do with the collapsed buildings of Master Silver?" After clearing his memory, Meow reached out and wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and asked.
   "Use this thing." It was Xiaolong who answered her.
   A green streamer appeared and fell from the black hole vortex in the sky, suspended in front of meow.
   is the gem of time.
   This gem now belongs to the leaf pendant. As the ring spirit of the leaf pendant, Meow can also be used naturally.
  Meow immediately picked up the gem, and looked at it brightly, and she immediately understood the meaning of Xiaolong, stood on the tall building and looked at the collapsed tall buildings, and then began to stimulate the power of the time gem with great interest.
  In Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange used the time gem for the first time, that is, he gnawed his apple with only the core, and used the time gem to restore the original state. The basic application of time gem is to restore the object to the previous.
I saw that Meow urged the power of time gems, the green energy was stimulated, and the collapsed building was restored from the ruins to the original building with the naked eye. Even the pedestrians who died in battle quickly recovered as usual. Too.
   Soon, under the operation of Meow Meow, the battlefield world completely restored to its original appearance.
   Even Gu Yi, who had previously died, was resurrected by the Time Gem.
   However, the anomalies in her body have completely disappeared, restoring what the old one in the Marvel movie universe should have been.
  When she felt the gem of time held by Miao Miao, she also kindly and friendlyly invited Miao Miao to visit the Supreme Sanctuary...
When Xiaolong completely wiped out Dormam and returned from the dark I saw the scene where Meow and Gu Yi were sitting on the rooftop, chatting and drinking tea while eating barbecue... Honestly, Xiaolong It still feels unrealistic.
   "Well, what you want is grilled fish without chili and cumin." Miao Miao greeted him with a smile and handed him the freshly baked fish.
   After a moment, Xiaolong and Miaomiao left the world and returned to the base of Shen Meteor.
   In the large bluestone shrine, the meteorite is sitting on his mysterious throne, revealing a thoughtful expression.
   "We have already got the time gem." Xiaolong said, watching Miao Miao handing the soul gem and time gem to Ye Chui, "Now, we have finally got together the infinite gem... Ye Chui, why are you worried?"
   "I'm thinking about a problem..." Ye Cui Shen Sheng said.
  Xiaolong and Miao Miao both showed serious faces at the same time.
Then I saw Ye Chui's hand waving, and two infinite gloves appeared in front of me. One was the one created by the Dwarf in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the other was the Fulian 4, the Avengers gathered. After the infinite gem, the nano black technology technology unlimited gloves developed by the science and technology.
   Two pairs of gloves, one pair is heavy, full of dignity, one pair can be changed from large to small, and the sense of technology is full.
   "You said, which of these two gloves did I choose to load infinite gems?" Ye Chuiman said tangled.
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