Chapter 68: Average

In the end, combing his hair failed to comb Qiao Mingyu's hairstyle for a long time, because Gu Lian asked for a light hairstyle, otherwise it would affect the work. So Qiao Mingyu can only regret the replacement of the complex but beautiful hairstyle he had imagined, but that was Huaijing's popular Xianyue temple.
After breakfast, the two late arrivals rushed to the front line, and the Hun leader had stood on the tower for a while. Upon seeing Qiao Mingyu, his eyes lit up and flew directly down the tower.
"Qiao Mingyu, dare to fight?"
Qiao Mingyu snorted. Why is this person so annoying? He doesn't want people to fight after a meal.
Gu Lian stopped Qiao Mingyu and said in a loud voice: "Rude! My general will take breakfast for half an hour and need to rest for half an hour before he can fight. You big man don't understand the rules, there is no fight just after eating. Yes, I’m not afraid of stomachaches."
"..." The leader held his breath.
How did he know when Qiao Mingyu finished his meal! And they have never been so particular about the Huns, and the people of the Xi dynasty are in trouble today.
Scolded by a charming little woman, the Huns leader was a little unhappy. But I saw her with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth yesterday, but I can't say that the other party, if you hold on and still be ridiculed and bullied the woman, it really makes him wonder how to deal with it.
No way, the leader had to go back again, waiting for an hour, waiting for an hour, what a big deal.
However, it is simple to go down to the tower and difficult to go up. The leader of the Huns wouldn't be so light, he wouldn't be able to fly up, and he could only raise his head in frustration and yell at the people above to open the door, and then walked into the city by himself.
Qiu He stood next to him with a straight smile, and finally she was no longer alone in Gu Li's stomachache.
Moreover, the leader of the Xiongnu was afraid that he would not only suffer from stomachache, but also his brain. Maybe the chest hurts, the lungs hurt, and all the internal organs hurt.
In short, Qiu He decided to give him a wax silently.
An hour passed quickly, and Qiao Mingyu also had a good rest. He raised his gun and went out of battle. There were no more mobs.
This time the leader of the Huns did not pretend to fly down from the tower. He was so angry that he was so angry that he could not change his breath when he was flying, and he faced the ground, so he beat the horse out of the gate.
The Xiongnu leader had seen Qiao Mingyu's horsemanship, he didn't think he had any advantage in horsemanship. The leader who died yesterday was the best equestrian among them. Others can't compare with it. This shows that Qiao Mingyu is actually very good at equestrian.
Reminiscing that it would be more difficult to compete with the martial arts to play ten to ten strengths and methods, the Huns leader decided to dismount and fight. Qiao Mingyu also has no opinion, she still feels that she is better than the Huns in equestrian.
When the masters of the Huns do not ride horses, their combat strength is not much weaker. They usually have many free-hand fighting activities on the weekdays. They exchange skills with each other, and their physical skills and actual combat experience are not weak. Qiao Mingyu is not stronger than him, but fortunately he is more flexible, and he will not lose money when he fights.
Gu Li didn't feel any pressure at all and watched the two of them playing leisurely. While avoiding each other's attacks, the two men shot for flaws, and they played hundreds of rounds in a quarter of an hour, but they were inseparable. Seeing that there was still a fight, Gu Lian confirmed that the strength of the Xiongnu leader was indeed comparable to that of Qiao Mingyu, and he stopped paying attention all the time. He found a place to lean on and leisurely teased his few worm babies.
Bamboo incense is about to die, she clenched her fists and kept waving, fearing that the sound would disturb Qiao Mingyu, she cheered silently in her heart. When she turned around and saw that her lady had started to play leisurely, she suddenly looked dumbfounded.
"Little, county master?" Zhu Xiang puzzled. "Why don't you watch them fight?"
Even her, a person who does not understand martial arts, feels that these two people are very exciting when you come and go.
Gu Lian touched the snake's belly and responded casually: "What do you see? There is nothing beautiful, neither of them can win or lose in one hour."
"Is that so?" Zhu Xiang was surprised.
Because the Huns attacked and opened up together, they looked very imposing. In contrast, although Qiao Mingyu himself feels at ease, but outsiders still see the frightened, always feel that Qiao Mingyu will be hit by accident. So at first glance, it seemed as if Qiao Mingyu was suppressed by the Huns leader, and everyone watching the battle was unafraid, fearing that Qiao Mingyu would be defeated.
However, Gu Lian said that the two men's martial arts were half a catty, and they couldn't tell the difference in a short time.
Here are a few generals who have relatively high force. Some who are good at warfare and warfare can’t see the door. Others nodded when they heard the words: "Yes, the general and the Huns are inseparable, do not have to worry about the generals falling. defeat."
Although they did not look at Gu Lian at a glance when the two men would win or lose, they knew it was impossible in a short time. Gu Lian did not say how long, anyway, the two monarchs would not be able to really fight for a day, and they would close back when they were almost there. There will be more chances of fighting in the future, and Qiao Mingyu also cherishes this match-up fighting sandbag, and will keep playing a few more times.
Although, it's not too kind to say so.
However, Zhu Xiang felt that her young lady must have been much better than the princess, otherwise she would not be able to see this easily. She thought of how Missy walked to the battlefield so calmly yesterday to face the Huns, and felt that her blood was boiling, if she could have such a high martial art.
It is a pity that she is not a material for martial arts. After studying for so long, the basic moves of the Seven Shows can only be used in seven, seven or eight.
At lunchtime, Gu Lianyang shouted, "The general is ready for dinner." He saw Qiao Mingyu swiftly throwing back the sweeping Xiongnu sword. Although the Xiongnu leader wanted to vomit, he didn't know how to vomit. He happened to be hungry. He stepped back with Qiao Mingyu's strength and distanced him from Qiao Mingyu.
"I'm going back to dinner, and fight again next time!"
After all, Qiao Mingyu flew up and ran back to the Tianxi Dynasty camp.
The leader of the Huns was left in the same place, and before they could say a word, she saw that she had rushed back, and the whole person stood there desolately, as if forgotten by the world.
Gu Lian and Qiao Mingyu, regardless of his thoughts, went directly to the camp account and ate the food first.
In the afternoon, Qiao Mingyu didn't go to the front, and the Xiongnu leader didn't seem to want to fight anymore, so in the afternoon, he made them cheaper. A few teenagers came out to fight, and you and I went to fight with the Huns, but they had their own victories and defeats, which had little effect on morale.
In the evening, the general guard came to report with the news of the ambush, saying that the first battle was a big victory.
"Han Yueguan is also really willing to send people." General Wei sighed, "Full of a thousand cavalry, when the mountain horse is not easy to walk, he dismounted and led away. As a result, our people were ambushed and the casualties were heavy."
Gu Li raised her eyebrows slightly: "A thousand people?"
Their ambush was only one thousand five. It stands to reason that they suffered a loss. After all, it is not a problem for the Huns to be equal.
General Wei smiled: "Aren't they dismounted? Our archers give priority to attacking the horses. When the horses are in chaos, it's not easy to clean up. No matter how good the equestrians are, the Huns can't resist a group of galloping horses. , A group of horses ran around, and the rest of the horses also panicked in panic. You think about that scene, the Huns could not control it at all."
The Huns of the Huns ran wildly, and they would naturally knock down people. The trample of horses and others was enough to kill these people. So the Tianxi soldiers didn't fight much, Ma first helped them solve a bunch of Huns. The Xiongnu army was in chaos and there was no rule when returning to the defense, so it was much easier to fight.
"Who thinks this idea?" The left lieutenant was surprised. "It's bad, it's bad!"
General Wei said with a righteous face: "It was the end of the spirit of the general, and I have to thank the county master for those wonderful strategies. I will be inspired by this before I can come up with it."
Gu Lian: "...Go away."
Don't rest on her head if you have a bad stomach.
General Wei didn't mind either, "rolling" to the camp account with a smile, and "rolling" back again.
"The Huns might not bring horses afterwards," Qiao Mingyu said.
Gu Lian agrees: "More than that, they may also go up from the back of the mountain and want to attack our ambush from behind. Don't let them succeed, remember that there must be scouts patrolling the entire mountain."
General Wei put a smile on his hippie and nodded solemnly: "Yes, the end will have been ordered." After thinking about it, he added, "There is one more thing, after the Huns' horses calmed down, we found them back. However, only 600 horses were recovered, some of them were injured."
Zhuang Wang's eyes lit up: "Good job!"
The horses are gold and precious goods, and they are not equipped in the barracks. Cavalry is a very useful arm, but it is troublesome to train, and there are not many horses. Now that there are more than six hundred horses on white, they will have six hundred more cavalry.
Armies like cavalry, even if only one hundred people can have a very strong impact on the infantry camp, so 600 horses seem to be few in the barracks for tens of thousands of people, but not a small number.
"I will send people to continue the search for the remaining horses." Qiao Mingyu made a decisive decision. "You don't have to worry about this matter, concentrate on dealing with the Huns. The ambush is exposed. The following are all tough battles. The advantage is weakened and it is not so easy to fight."
General Wei hastened.
In a head-on encounter, a thousand infantry and hundreds of archers are obviously not enough. He needs more manpower. Qiao Mingyu generously allocated 3,000 people to him, no matter how many mountains and forests, it would be difficult to hide and display.
Gu Lian thoughtfully looked at the sand table map and pointed to Han Yueguan and asked: "On both sides of Han Yueguan are high mountains?"
Deputy Left will stay in the northwest for many years. He is very familiar with the terrain and here. I don’t know why Gu Lian asked this question. He nodded: "It is indeed all high mountains."
"How high?" Gu Lian asked.
The left deputy thought for a while and couldn't say how high it was. No one had measured it after all.
Gu Li wanted to ask not this, but: "How is the snow on the mountain?"
The author has something to say: Ah Lian has a bad idea again!
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