Chapter 115: Counterattack begins (9)

Although the crossbow attack had a great effect, for the densely packed raptors, thirty raptors were nothing at all, and the team's raptors did not slow down at all.
Even more terrible is that although the huge crossbow penetrated thirty raptors, except for a few raptors whose heads were smashed, the remaining raptors with extremely tenacious vitality showed no signs of death, and their sharp claws waved sharply. , Chopped the huge crossbow into several sections, roared, and continued to pounce on the human warrior in position B32.
"Archer, shoot!" Seeing the fierce worm's vitality so strong, the human commander of the B32 position was extremely shocked, but his face in the battle-fighting was nothing strange, and he calmly gave the order.
Three hundred archers pulled the bowstring to the limit and let go.
Three hundred arrows fell into the swift worm.
Although all three hundred arrows hit the dense worms, none shot empty. But unlike the elven archers, those non-competitive arrows shot on the fiercely hard biochemical carapace of the worms and did not affect them. If you want to say that there is any impact, it is to add some white spots on their carapace.
When I saw that desperate scene, the 500 human soldiers on the B32 position were cold in their hearts, knowing that this time they were estimated to be inevitable.
You should know that the archer is different from ordinary arms. Each archer has been carefully trained after years of rigorous training. It is a technical arm, and it is also a magic weapon that they can fight with the barbarian to fight back the barbarian. The worm is useless, why isn't it chilling?
"Follow me! Hold on, as long as you hold on for a while, our reinforcements will arrive! Brothers, for the honor of our Wolffang Legion, for our own lives, follow me!" The officer roared, taking Before more than a dozen relatives arrived at the fence, they tried to rely on the fence to stand by for help.
Although it has no effect, the human archer still shoots out arrows in an attempt to block the advance of the army of worms, even if they delay their advance.
The violent swift worms soon flew to the fence constructed by humans, and their sharp claws kept waving, attacking those wooden fences.
The human officer standing in front of the fence flickered with blue light, roared, and lifted his sword with both hands to chop heavily, chopping a worm that was attacking the wooden fence in two.
Human warriors with spears in front of that wooden fence also penetrated the gaps of the fence, stabbing on the carapace of those worms in an attempt to prevent them from damaging the fence.
The human crossbow car was finally reloaded, and five crossbow arrows were fired again, piercing through thirty or so fast worms.
"Oh! No! They're underground, they're attacking from the ground!" A human archer just shot an arrow, and suddenly found a squirming ground not far from him, and then a fast worm drill It came out, and shouted in horror.
The words of the human archer had just fallen, and the swift worm jumped up and slammed onto him. With a sharp claw, his head was cut off.
An endless stream of worms emerged from the ground and slammed hard at the human archers.
The puppet archer was weak in close combat, even if the elven archer with fighting spirit was close to him, he was not an opponent of the worm. Besides, these human archers who did not cultivate fighting spirit?
It was a one-to-one slaughter. The human archer kept making tragic wailing sounds, fleeing around, trying to escape those violent worms, but they were useless, their speed couldn't compare with them. Fast worms can only be killed and devoured by the fast worms one by one. Human blood stained the entire B32 position.
And the situation by that fence was not very optimistic. I saw a swift worm stepping on his companion, and leapt violently over the wooden fence to prevent the horse from charging, and worms passed by one after another. This way jumped in.
人类 A human warrior reacted for the first time, put down his spear, took out the steel sabre around his waist, cut it hard, and chopped a worm that jumped into the fence.
The swift worm that jumped into the fence didn't mean to dodge the long sword that the human warrior slashed, and also greeted it with a wave of its claws and chopped at the human warrior.
The human warrior's steel sword slashed heavily on the biochemical carapace of the raptor, leaving a white mark, and then bounced off, but he was easily broken by the raptor's claws. A, then cut into two.
"Damn beasts! You abominable beasts!" One human soldier after another died constantly, watching his subordinates continue to die. The human officer's eyes were bloodshot, roaring, with only a few remaining A famous soldier swooped on a worm with a little blood-red markings on the back of the human warrior who was wantonly killing him ~ ~ I saw the worm with a few markings on his back and turned quickly, With a claw wave, the human officer with intermediate swordsman power was easily cut into two at a horrible speed, and then rushed into his relatives, killing his relatives indiscriminately. Bing.
He had no resistance. It was too accurate to describe the B32 position. However, less than five minutes from the attack of the Swift Swarm, everyone in the position, including the officers, was killed.
Without the support of magic troops, ordinary human warriors are not opponents of the raptor, no matter how well they are trained, because they cannot break through the biochemical carapace of the raptor.
The positions of the remaining four non-human main forces were also easily broken by the rapid tide of insects, and the human soldiers inside became bait for rapid evolution.
Without the cooperation of magic troops, ordinary human troops are just bait for fast insects regardless of the number. Because the attack of ordinary human soldiers can't break the biochemical carapace of the fast-moving worm at all, although the human soldiers with vindictiveness are quite a lot, but one point among the troops is very small, and it cannot form a scale.
After the puppet broke through the five human positions, a large number of worms passed through the five human positions, carried out large-scale detours, and surrounded the three major human legions.
At the same time, the huge hurricane wave that is the main force from time to time has divided into a tens of thousands of hurricane waves, attacking the rest of the human positions without the magician's presence, easily capturing one position after another, and over the position All human warriors are killed, step by step annihilating the living force of human beings.
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