Chapter 158: Prairie Raiders (2)

Chapter 158 The Invincible Zerg Invasion
, I am Ling Zhan, a visitor of the Dodemas, and surrender or destroy. You towel: two! "The black tide worm tide was halved, and a fifth-level worm man came out of it, staring coldly at the giant man.
"The enemy is powerful, and you take the rest of the tribe to run away and go to Lord Daowu Hengluo! I will come after the break." The giant man whispered to a general who had an eighth level of practice around him. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
After the general commanded, the horse raced wildly. Bringing 500 cavalry into the tribe.
"". Seeing this, Ling Zhan took control of the fast worm and sneered, and did not delay the giant man any longer.
Five hundred laser scorpion giant tails in one distance. Five hundred horrific laser lasers shot out and targeted the five hundred cavalry cavalry who was running wildly.
There was no force of resistance at all. Under five hundred terrifying laser attacks, the five hundred cavalry and the eight-level barbarian generals vaporized and disappeared in the white light!
"Charging!" The barbaric giant was furious and roared, leading the seven thousand knights to charge Ling Ling. Although these seven thousand knights are all well-versed, they can only bend their bows to shoot arrows. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
The dense swarm of worms did not move at all, and stood silently there. Hidden among them, nearly five thousand raptors attacked the onslaught knights without mercy, and the overwhelming green venom shot at the onslaught knights who were onslaught and drowned them.
In the face of the continuous horror venom attack of the Hydralisk, a famous knight was sieved into a sieve and dropped off the horse. As an arrow, Wutai swelled with a gray and domineering spirit, waving his hand. The magic sword actually blocked those horrible green venoms one by one.
The rest of the dozen or so generals with eighth-level training behind Wutai were also surging with grey and domineering spirits, blocking the horrible green venoms one by one, which reduced the cavalry's many casualties.
But without waiting how far they charged, the five hundred laser scorpions adjusted their huge tails, and the five hundred Taoist lights shot again at the cavalry unit with Wutai as the arrow.
As a ninth-level powerhouse, Wutai, if there were shelters near the five hundred Taoist lights, he was dodging deliberately, and maybe there was a hint of vitality. But if that were the case, the elite cavalry behind him would be devastated.
I saw Wutai take a breath, his facial features bleed, and his domineering gray spirit broke out. Shocked his body with countless bloodshots, and then exhausted his strength to cut out his strongest and final sword.
The terrible gray ray of light greeted the five hundred lasers of the same horror. The two sides intertwined for a while. The horrible gray sword light did not cut off the five hundred horrors of the front, but quietly collapsed The remaining laser light drowned Wutai and the several generals who had eight ranks of repairs. Evaporate them directly and disappear from the world.
The flying winged snake in the sky finally showed its terrifying strength. A huge mouth sprayed out a huge horrible poisonous poisonous blast burst out among those cavalry cavalry charged. The wolf division cavalry was all melted by the poisonous mist in an instant, and those wolf division knights near the poisonous mist smelled a little of the poisonous mist and all arrived. The poisonous mist of this flying wing devil will cause the cavalry of nearly 500 wolf divisions below to lose their combat effectiveness.
The horror of Tier Warcraft can be seen!
Hidden snakes hidden in the swift worm group constantly spray green venom like a machine gun. Those elite knights of the wolf division led by the lost Wutai and the eight-level generals also brought people around. The horse was sifted into a sieve, and before it rushed into range, it was wiped out.
Perfect nondestructive battle!
After upgrading to the third level, the terrible technological advantage finally appeared. For these barbarians who do not have magic technology, the Zerg is now too scary.
After killing those cavalry cavalry, according to their contribution, the worms devoured the cavalry's corpses one by one in an orderly manner, and then surrounded the whole wolf department.
Only two thousand fifth-level raptors and two hundred raptors killed the Horde's tribe.
"Drop the weapon, surrender without killing the weapon, surrender without killing!" Roared with the voice of those two thousand fifth-level raptors and two hundred raptors.
The rules on the prairie, the defeated will become the slaves of the victors' discretion. Naturally, some people are unwilling to become slaves and fight desperately. In the face of these stubborn resistances, basically the swift worm rushes up and bites his throat, then The swarm of fast worms ate him clean.
All of this wolf department was divided into 80,000 yuan. It is one of the most powerful tribes in the wolf department. There are countless livestock. The home of the nobles of this tribe has been copied, and there are also imperial gold coins of nearly several ten thousand gold coins. The rest of the artwork is even more numerous.
After taking this catty, the tribe, and degrading all the fallen people to slavery, Ling did not win the battle, and continued to win the other two large tribes on the grassland. Instead, the wind came out, "After ten days ... Ling Zhan, a visitor of the King of the Ringworm, will directly attack the royal court of the Golden Wolf Tribe Mokishi! One day later. All tribes on the grassland must choose to submit and send themselves The tribal leader and the immediate successor of the collar surrender, otherwise, the remaining tribe will only have the fate of destruction! "
With this wind, the most powerful wolf tribe completely fell into the hands of Ling Zhan, as if the wind generally spread throughout the prairie, and the entire grassland was boiling. Although there is no magical communication tool on the grassland, they have the ability to domesticate the goshawk. Such a domineering manifesto could only be said by God Khan Wutuo who unified the prairie and turned that farming nation into a racetrack.
At the time, Wu Tuo ignored his natural attitude and practiced the strength of the ten-level high-end peak. At the same time, His Majesty had twelve good brothers with ten-level cultivation. In his hand, he was a golden wolf knight with 400,000 color changes. After spending nearly a hundred years on the prairie, all the tribes were shaking under his prestige, so he had the confidence to make such a domineering declaration. But Ling Zhan, an alien World of Warcraft pedigree, wants to rule the entire agate grassland. It's too arrogant! This is a crazy word that even the Texiriya Empire did not dare to say among humans!
Holding the light, soft, sweet and delicious elf princess, Ling Zhan was sitting on the back of a huge laser scorpion, patrolling those slaves in the wolf department.
These people, who were called by the Tasiriya Empire as barbarians, stared at the huge and horrifying laser scorpion like ordinary people. Their eyes were full of trembling and fear. They were not as cruel as the beasts shown in the Tesiriya Empire. No human nature. But Ling Zhan knew that, if appropriate, those barbarians who looked like old solid woods would become more ferocious than the most ferocious beasts.
"There is no justice! There is no evil! There is only survival and exhibitions, and strong food for the weak!" A faint consciousness came to the mind of Ling Zhan!
At this time, a historical incident surged into the heart of Ling Zhan, after the end of the First World War. Among the victorious nations, a diplomat, as a victorious China, was right in the meeting, and he was fighting for his motherland just to abolish some unequal treaties! The diplomat's performance admired the diplomats who participated in the meeting at that time. They spoke one by one international convention, made sense, cited the classics, and refuted the others as speechless!
But what about that? As a result, in front of the world power, his outstanding performance has not only changed others because he remembers that he is an excellent diplomat. As a result, his outstanding performance has not changed anything! Weak nations have no diplomacy, they must be beaten if they are backward, and they embody the cosmic law of weak meat and strong food.
Li Luoxia, in Ling Zhan's arms, exudes a faint and moving fragrance. I saw that the cute fairy princess carefully recorded a fruit similar to grapes, and put it in front of Ling Zhan with her little white hand.
"It is a life full of fallen feudalism! But I like it!" Ling Zhan sighed in her heart, took the fruit, swallowed it, tasted it, and kissed her delicately. Little face above.
The fruit is sweet and delicious, but far worse than the wonderful taste of this little elf in his arms!
Staring at Lytisia's little red face. A faint satisfaction filled Ling Ling's mind.
"If I hadn't acquired the Zerg base. Then beauties like Lithiahia wouldn't have looked at me more! Although I am now a leader ~ ~ Her Majesty's Zerg army is unparalleled, but in the end it is only three The Zerg base is not invincible in this planet, let alone the vast universe. If there is that coming to this planet, all my things may be destroyed! At present, it is necessary to speed up the exhibition and improve the Zerg base is the last word! " Ling Zhan thought secretly.
Ling Zhan traveled to this world in less than half a year. This has been achieved, and the degree is not too slow.
One of the strongest tribes in the prairie, the Golden Wing Tribe's King Ting Mo Ke Market, a man wearing a high-end Warcraft golden horns double-headed demon wolf with a rough appearance and a majestic and imposing man sitting on a throne made of pure gold. Below him, sat four majestic men who were equally strong and not weaker than him.
The man wearing the Warcraft golden horns two-headed demon wolf skin sitting on the throne is the Golden Wolf tribe of the Golden Wolf tribe with ten intermediate-level repairs!
The four men below are the four patron saints on the agate grassland with ten levels of early legendary repairs, such as the dagger Wuhengluo, the murderous knife Colidor, the death eagle orchid, and the warrior ebony!
"What do you think about the invasion of Ling Zhan ?. Dragging his bones and glancing at the next circle, then slowly asked. The five people here can determine the fate of nearly a million people on the agate prairie. (Unfinished Continued)
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