Chapter 213: Continental Overlord Conference (3)

The Invincible Zerg Invincible Chapter 213 The Big 6 Overlord Conference (3)
The Tesirea Empire and you are both important successors in our anti-Luling United spot. Please stop fighting the Tesirea Empire and let us fight together. As a core member of the Anti-Undead Alliance, if you lose both, you will only lose the undead army. Of course we will also compensate you. The land you have captured now belongs to your demons. At the same time, the three great kingdoms of Poca, Jesse, and Shuremiya also became the sphere of influence of your demons after the war. Our five countries are also willing to pay you 200 million gold coins as compensation for your withdrawal. When your demons and tribe build your own empire, our five nations will recognize your territories and establish the highest diplomatic relations with you! Daniel said slowly, while waving his hand, a huge magic map appeared in the conference hall. The novel chapters are updated the fastest
On that huge magic map, the entire Big 6 forces are also marked with various colors. Three human nations with a population of more than 10 million between the Bright Empire and the Tesirea Empire are marked as and The land of Ling Zhan is exactly the same.
The three human kingdoms, Poca, Jesse, and Shuremiya, each have a population of more than 10 million, but their destiny has not come to their own initiative. At this Big Six Overlord Conference, they were casually taken The five major powers above the Big 6 are sold. As long as Ling Zhan nods, these three human kingdoms will become his sphere of influence. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest
Although these three human kingdoms have a population of more than 10 million. However, their own armaments were not strong enough, and any of the magical corps of the Tesilean Empire could defeat their army. Lost the asylum of the five great powers, they could not resist the Zerg army of the Ling war.
"I want to invite you to watch a live movie, and then we can continue talking! Then I think we can have a more enjoyable conversation!" Ling Zhan received Dameier's words, but smiled slightly and waved his hand.
Thousands of miniature reconnaissance insects around Ling Zhan shot out the rays of light. Before that magic map, a huge screen was formed. In that screen, a group of horrible zergs were being mobilized on a large scale.
Although the diplomats of the six major countries in the Chamber did not understand the meaning of the word movie, they were deeply attracted by the movement of various Zerg units in that screen.
In the distance, the city of Canchez, the capital of the Tesirea Empire, has now become a large barracks. Twenty emperors are among the most elite of the magic leader! At the same time, countless magicians and fighting spirits gathered around the empire. A magician opened his eyes and monitored all changes around him through the only Similian-level magic guide system in the human empire. Relax.
The emperors and nobles of the Tesirea Empire are waiting for the outcome of the Big Six Overlord Conference in the distance. Although there were twenty of the empire's most elite demon legions, the number was over two million. Ear is not very confident about defeating Ling Zhan in the field.
Only the Simelian magic defense system can give them a little peace of mind. Just two million troops. The daily consumption of various materials is a figure of today. If it were not for the Tesirea Empire, which was a number of empires above the Big 6, for the countless materials that had battled with Ling Zhan, I am afraid that the war has not yet started, these two million troops It's going to ruin them.
However, it is not a long-term plan for two million troops to gather in Kanches City all the time. If the siege tactics are adopted in the Ling battle, it only takes one year. If the two million troops are not moving at all, even with the richness of Kanches City, With all the supplies in hand, he would be eaten up by those two million troops, defeated without a fight, and easily fell into his hands.
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" A magician responsible for surveillance changed his face in vain, and roared with his hands.
next moment. In the city of Kanches, the eighteen magic towers lit up all at once, and the dazzling magic lights gathered in the sky. Formed by six mysterious magic runes of huge energy magic formation.
That huge incomparable energy magic array is slowly turning, a series of mysterious runes with huge energy fluctuations are slowly intertwined, and a holy and incomparable light is constantly intertwined, forming a height five Ten meters, a four-winged angel full of majesty and holiness.
The four-winged angel slowly opened his eyes and looked at the horrifying bone spurs and lasers that came from the sky. The high-level 11-level high-level terrorist power wave bursts instantly, which is even more powerful than the original Elven King Atwood used the artifact luna bow. The four wings behind it are also blasting from all directions. Shot at those horrible bone spurs and lasers that came from all directions. All those bone spurs and lasers were taken down.
Even the gods who truly have the eleventh-level high-level spirit and power can't do all the bone spurs and lasers as perfect as this four-winged angel.
In a certain sense, the angel of mind and energy can compete with the twelve-level elementary spirit and strength. even. If the with the twelfth level of first-level strength has been fighting the energy angel to the end. Then it must be the deity who has the first-level strength of twelve.
Because this four-winged energy angel can continue to fight as long as the magic in the magic tower below is constant, and the with the first-level strength of the twelfth level, although the power is equally huge, the instantaneous explosive power is strong, but after all, it consumes one point Just a little less strength.
of course. The with the twelfth level of strength will never go away with the four-wing low-weight angel. As long as the eight magic towers are secretly destroyed, the four-wing energy angel will not defeat itself.
If there is any weakness in this four-winged energy angel, it is that this energy angel cannot move to the true god, nor can he think in the same way as the god. And after the start, the magic power consumed is extremely abnormal, it can be said that every second is burning the empire coins in battle.
Purely in terms of combat effectiveness, this energy angel's combat effectiveness has passed the lowest level of deities in the battle of the gods. It can be said that the Tesilean Empire created a who could not move and think.
then. The energy four-winged angel had his eyes fixed, looking out into the distance, his hands stretched out, and holy magic runes coagulated in his hands, turning into a magic bow with waves of terror.
The energy-built four-winged angel extended his hand again, and a holy magic rune condensed into a magic arrow in his hand. The magic arrow was placed on the magic bow and the bow shot. .
The horrible holy white light seemed to tear the space and flew into the distance.
Tens of miles away, a knotty insect was instantly drowned by the holy white light and wiped from this world.
The power of this holy white light is extremely scary, but in the sky, the nodular insects are also very scattered. Otherwise it will kill everything in the way.
In the 20,000-meter-high altitude of Kanches City, one hundred huge horrible giant moths constantly flapped their wings, and numerous special insect powders with great power kept falling from the sky.
Those special insect powders are densely packed, as if the abundance of the sky is raining a light rain.
However, the power of the special worm meal of the horrible giant moth has been known by the Tesirea empire. The horrible energy angel shot with four wings, a magic rune flew into the sky, and a huge hurricane formed instantly. The insect powder scraped away from Kanches City, fell to other places, set off huge explosions, and flattened a hill near Kanches City.
In the sky. The four-winged energy angel is intercepting those bone spurs and lasers with all his strength, and at the same time, he draws out an energy magic arrow to kill the Dorje bugs that continuously shoot out horrible bone spurs.
The city of Kanches has four gates, north-south, north-south, and north-south, with many soldiers and magicians stationed above it.
And above the ground, under the leadership of two hundred mammoths on each side, the dense dark swarm of swarms that could not see the edge were divided into four teams and rushed to the four gates of Kanches City. Among the dense hordes of worms, there is a celestial linker and spiny snake.
For this time, Ling Zhan mobilized 3,000 knotworms and 5,000 laser scorpions to bombard the city of Kanchees from all directions!
Although the horrible four-winged energy angel built by the Simlia-level magic guide defense system is extremely powerful ~ ~, it is very abnormal to be able to intercept all the Zerg abnormal fire forces assembled by Ling Zhan. For the following, The onslaught of swift worms can no longer draw power to attack.
However, standing on the walls of Kanches City are the elite warriors among the twenty magical corps of the Tesilean Empire. Each warrior possesses a spirit of cultivation that is vindictive and holds a sharp edge. Magic sword.
After several battles, the Tesiriya Empire understood. A warrior who has not cultivated his fighting spirit can't break the fast and hard biochemical carapace of the worm. Only a warrior who has cultivated his fighting qi and holds a sharp magic sword can hurt those horrible worms.
At the same time, a magic army with countless glories led by the eighth-level magician stood by, standing above the city wall, looking at the half-infinite swarm of insects that rushed down from below.
Emperor Grand Summoner Egbert stood on the East Gate, holding up a wand inlaid with a tier of Warcraft nucleus in his hand, chanting magic spells constantly in his mouth, and powerful magic waves constantly surging on him.
When he finished the chanting of the last scale, he pointed a magic wand in his hand, the huge magic ripped the sky through a large hole, and a terrifying black dragon head slowly protruded from the large hole. (To be continued)
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