Chapter 216: Continental Overlord Conference (6)

The Invincible Zerg Invasion Chapter 216 The Big 6 Overlord Conference (6)
The one hundred and eighty magical machines that were on the site were ashamed in succession! Next, the twenty gully mummy worms were shot by their powerful magic arrows and their metamorphic biochemical armors were blown to pieces.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, those cataclysmic insects that followed closely behind had taken the opportunity to rush into the ashamed group of magical machines, and in an instant, the attacking position composed of the 180 magical machines was ashamed. Those terrible cataclysms are broken. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
The magic machine that was sitting in front of the Mama Worm was ashamed by the horrible Mama Giant Teeth, and the broken cataclysm was run like a tank towards the eighth level Magister Demon Legion.
"Withdraw!" The eighth-level magician's face changed, and he could no longer cast any powerful magic. The breeze flew into the sky.
Everyone in the magic legion behind the eighth-level wizard also tried to escape, trying to charge the mummy bug.
It is just that except for the magicians who are skilled in flying air, the cowardly magicians cannot escape the onslaught and crushing of those terrible mummy worms, and they are all killed and cleaned up. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
Above the ground, after being approached, those magical maggots are not opponents of the Mengmu insects at all. It is impossible for the magic sword in their hands to cut off the biochemical carapace of the Mamma insect metamorphosis. Ma Juya was able to easily cut those two magical machines into shame.
The shame of those magical machines is far worse than that of those fierce moms, and they can't even escape. Soon, these magical maggots were chopped up by those ferocious codeworms, and the whole army was overwhelmed.
Neither Borreman nor Caress, who stood on the walls of Kanches, thought that the swift worms and worms could pass through the death swamp so quickly, let alone the horrible impact of the worms. In such a catastrophic crash, the steel gate of Canchez, which weighed more than ten thousand pounds, was knocked open and rushed in.
Borreman's face changed greatly, and he led three Tesirea empires, nine swordsman peaces, ten eighth swordsmen, and one hundred seventh swordsmen, and hurried toward the city gate.
In the face of the overwhelming worm, Kerris, there was no thought analysis anymore. Instead, he was inlaid with a thunderbolt of Warcraft crystal nuclei and pointed forward. He was suddenly surrounded by thunder and lightning, and his eyes were scorching hot. An arrogant momentum came into the sky. In this mystery, no one will think he is an old man who is about to enter the soil.
Carey stared ahead. A few magical scales spit out quickly in his mouth, and a huge magic circle linked him with the eleven magicians of the Tesirea Empire who were all trained by the seventh-level great magician behind him.
Then Carris did not sing a spell but smashed three magic scrolls in succession. A silver snake flurry danced in the sky, and the thunder light flickered, as if a thundercloud that could destroy the world.
Carris hurried to sing a few magical scales again, and then pointed his wand at the sky, and the huge magic instantly poured into the horrible thundercloud.
The group of thunderclouds skyrocketed several times, and the lightning silver snakes with the thickness of the water tanks were intertwined with madness. Under the precise control of the Caress, those horrible lightning silver snakes interwoven to form a long The dazzling thunder dragon over a hundred meters is the tenth-level magic doomed thunder dragon in the thunder and lightning department.
The terrifying thunder dragon roared from the sky with the power of the thunder that was full of destructive power under the guidance of Kerris, and threw himself into the thunderous swarm below.
The celestial linker in the swarm swarm tentacles, a transparent mental shield appeared on the swarm swarm.
The thunderbolt with the power of destroying the thunder bited on the transparent mental power shield, and the celestial linker's mental power shield resisted for five seconds and then collapsed.
After the terrible thunder and lightning dragon destroyed the transparent mental power shield, it was also dimmed a lot.
After the mental power shield was destroyed, the celestial ox was chained and blasted by the backwashing force.
Losing the protection of the mental power shield, the terrifying thunder dragon rushed into the swift worm group, transformed into numerous thunder and lightning silver snake thugs, and turned those dense dwarf worm group into coke.
In this attack, nearly 10,000 raptors died under the attack of this thunder and lightning dragon. The dense raptors can provide stronger mental power to the cattle linker that day. Also, they were broken by a wide range of offensive magic. After that mental power shield, the loss is also extremely heavy.
After the death of nearly 10,000 raptors, the raptors that rushed into the city gate temporarily lost their support. This is the only thing that Carey can do for Borreman, who is going to reinforce him.
Although the attack range of this lightning dragon is far less than the attack range of the eight-level magical meteor fire rain, it wins in concentration. With the tremendous magical support, even the gods can be directly.
In the sky, thunder clouds billowed, Si Xiaoqiu showed signs of dispersal, and the spear numbered silver snakes roared. Intertwined. The feces Peigang thunder dragon quickly took shape.
The pale face of the city wall took out a bottle of potion. After drinking it, his face was a little bit more bloody, and the consumed magic and spirit were slightly restored, but the potency of this potion was significantly better than that of the potion. The Zerg's advanced nutritional fluid was a lot worse, and did not allow him to immediately restore his strength during the heyday.
Aside from Kerris, a clergyman with seven levels of magic fluctuations has continuously released various magics of recovery to help this powerful old man recover his physical and mental strength.
The higher the magic level, the greater the power. The more magic and mental power you need to spend. Without the magical support of the thousand seventh-level great magicians behind him, Cares would release tenth-level magic. It can only be done by burning your own life level for stronger magic. Even with the magical support of a thousand seventh-level great magicians, releasing tenth-level magic is a great expense for Carris.
At this point, a large number of fast-moving worms had already climbed the city wall and slaughtered with the Tesiriya Empire soldiers on the wall.
These fighters of the Tesirea Empire are elite warriors who have cultivated their fighting spirit and possess magic swords in their hands. But facing those biochemical crusts hard. Swiftness, the sixth-level swift worm with sharp claws, still felt very strenuous.
As soon as the two sides fought, the casualties of the soldiers in the Tesirea Empire began to rise sharply. A large number of human warriors died under the minions of the swift worm.
Unless it is supported by a large number of magicians using auxiliary and offensive magic on the walls, and using a strategic magic scroll from time to time, the warriors of the Tesirea Empire have already collapsed across the line, and they are slammed by those terrible six Worm smashed.
This is the case. If you follow the speed of that worm, more worms burst into the wall. The warriors of the Tesirea Empire are not far from a complete collapse.
Although those human magicians are present, after the worms burst into the city walls, using offensive and auxiliary magic on them has an effect. However, the worms and human warriors slaughtered together, and did not perform mass destruction magic on these human magicians at all.
After Karis recovered, he glanced at the worms and human warriors above the city wall, took a deep breath, and pointed his magic wand at the sky. After adjusting the huge magic power in the magic array, he entered that In the thundercloud.
In the sky, in the thunderclouds, the silver snake roared again, forming two lightning dragons with the power to destroy the thunder.
The two horrifying thunder and lightning dragons flew down quickly, flying all the way along the walls of Canchez. Those worms on the walls of Canchez, which were not protected by the mental shield, kept falling like dense raindrops. , Was turned into coke.
After losing his support, he climbed up to the sixth-level fast-moving worm on the city wall, and was killed by the human soldiers and the magician's attack.
At the time when all the attention of the Tesilean Empire was attracted by the Zerg positive, in the unstable wormhole in the Royal Demon Academy of the Tesilean Empire, Huang Zhong, armed with the Zerg, led four heads and ten Level Red Blood Raptor, the tenth level of Zhang Liao, Li Dian, Zhang He, Yu Jin, Cao Ren, and Zhang Xiu with six levels of strength. Sixteen level 7 Raptor with a laser scorpion gun and a mummy shield. People walked out quickly.
After passing so many people, this unstable wormhole without Zerg nutrient solution suddenly collapsed. Disappear. This unstable wormhole left before Ling Zhan left has completed its historical mission.
Zhang Liao quickly led His Majesty's five senior Zerg and the six swift worms to quickly kill the magic tower that built the city's magic defense system ~ ~ This magic defense system is Tesirea The core of the Empire's defense against the Ling Zerg army is the most defensive place besides the city walls and the imperial palace.
Surrounded by military exclusion zones, there are countless Tesirea empire fighters and powerful magicians. All buildings are designed and built with the concept of defending against the enemy.
"Stop here!" Zhang Liao and his party flew into the fighters who were quickly defended in the magic tower. With a rage, small countless arrows from above the arrow towers shot towards Zhang Liao and his party.
These dense arrows completely cover their direction of avoidance, making them inevitable!
Zhang Liao and his party did not mean to avoid it at all!
These dense arrows that can shoot through ordinary steel armor of the warrior can not shoot through the Zerg armed forces such as Zhang Liao and other advanced Zerg armed forces.
Following the six fast-moving worms behind Zhang Liao, he shot the laser scorpion's gun in a blast, the powerful laser burst out, and vaporized the huge arrow towers! (To be continued)
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