Chapter 262: Thor!

Chapter 262 Thunder God!
In that evil red mist! under. The hidden energy-absorbing caterpillar is in the red mist! Shen Huidong, when the enemy had appeared, the powerful artillery of the interstellar battleship fell from the sky, all bombarded on the body of the energy-absorbing caterpillar.
I saw those terrible energy beams bombarded on the body of the energy-absorbing caterpillar and disappeared strangely. Then the mass of meat composed of energy-absorbing caterpillars split again, and numerous small energy-absorbing caterpillars flew out.
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Then, under the baptism of the huge artillery of the Star Warship in the sky, these energy-absorbing caterpillars split and reproduce again, and then drilled into the ground through the burrow made by the fast worm.
In the evil red mist, except for the area guarded by energy-absorbing caterpillars, the other places were under the bombardment of the star warship, the earth broke down, the mountains disappeared, and even if hiding in the underground, it would be bombarded by such horrible shelling. Crush.
Under the cover of the evil red mist, the star warship in the sky did not show the scene of the energy-absorbing caterpillar absorbing energy to split, and naturally it was impossible to make a correct response.
The bombardment of the interstellar warship fire continued continuously, plowing the entire area of ​​red mist three times before stopping the shelling. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
The starship's artillery net stopped. The evil red mist began to spread, and soon it shrouded a fortified area built with bunker clusters, real magnetic nets, various turrets, and anti-aircraft turrets. At the same time, it also had a hundred angered mechs to assist in the defense of the rich area.
From that red mist, like the two thousand laser scorpion giant tails, Taoist light bombarded those clusters of bunkers. Powerful lasers vaporize one bunker after another.
At the same time, in the red mist, there were also two hundred paralyzed angry mechs and nearly seventy angry mechs controlled by the use of undead magic. Above.
Only a small number of fast-moving worms rushed quickly from the ground to the vicinity of the bunker group, and then were smashed by automatic tracking mines under the mines.
Although Ling Zhan also has other methods to mine. However, as long as this method of demining is the fastest, as long as it is not a large-scale rapid worm death, he does not care about a dozen or so casualties.
In that position, the fury mech and the Gaussian artillery tank hidden inside also furiously returned fire. It was just that the situation in the red mist was impossible to spy on, and the counterattack was very blind, and did not cause much damage at all.
The firepower of the various turrets using solid bombs on that position poured continuously into the red mist, but it killed a lot of fast-moving insects.
After the outer fortifications were hit by long-range firepower in the red mist, the mad eight-level swift worms entered the fortifications as forwards.
The mining site soon fell.
Except for the angered mech flying away in time, no one in the entire ore-rich area could escape the fast worm.
In this ore-rich region, Ling Zhan also seized a lot of energy and some collected minerals, and the harvest was quite rich.
After capturing this rich mining area, in the sky, horrible shelling was lowered again, and many worms that did not have time to hide under the shelter of the energy-absorbing caterpillars were instantly smashed into pieces.
Soon after the Star Wars artillery ceased, the group of evil red sets continued to spread and rushed to another rich mining area.
Under the cover of the evil red mist. Within a day, the Zerg Army of Ling Zhan seized seven rich mineral resource collection points in the Meros Federation, seized a large amount of energy blocks and various minerals, and destroyed more than two hundred scattered fury mechs stationed in various places. And it went on without stopping.
In that command center, in a large display screen, a large number of senior officers such as Moss, Montpari, Jess are meeting.
"We have lost the seventh resource collection point, and if we continue to do so, our strongholds on this resource star will be removed one by one. I request the support of Thor and the night machine group, and I have the right to use nuclear bombs. "Jess said ugly.
Thor is the most powerful Ace 6 weapon in the Meros Federation. It consumes a lot of resources and is very powerful.
The night machine group is the most advanced horror fighter hidden in the star carrier like the aircraft carrier. If the star carrier like the aircraft carrier releases all the night fighters, it can completely cover a sky, their attacks and even Able to destroy a Tier II Starship completely.
The nuclear bomb is in the Meros Federation. Representative of weapons of mass destruction.
"Is the situation so bad? Jess, didn't you tell me yesterday that this resource star will be available soon?" Asked Monpoli, a frown frowned.
"Mr. Montbori, I'm very sorry, these horrible bugs had previously hidden their strengths, which led me to misjudge their strengths. With the strengths they show today, it would be difficult for us to hold all of them without the support of these weapons Mining area. And they couldn't say why, they became no longer afraid of artillery attacks. Without Ting Monkey, it would be too weak to borrow our current strength. Little, Jess flushed, and Hui reported.
"Thor, I can allocate ten to you, the night machine group. When necessary, I can also mobilize them to support you, but to mobilize nuclear bombs to attack, you must get domestic. And this is a resource-rich resource star , I think those guys in China will not agree to authorize you to carry out a nuclear attack on Montepolis slowly. Thor is the trump card in the 6th battle of the Meros Federation. Only Montpari commands this kind of aircraft carrier-like Star Wars. The ship is equipped with fifteen.
"Mr. Montpari, as long as I have the support of Thor and the night machine group, I will be able to destroy these abominable bugs!" Jess said with confidence.
"Hope, this time, don't let us down!" A sentence was left, and the screens were dim one by one.
Jess's request quickly reached the Merlot Commonwealth, among the parliamentarians. Jess aborted using the nuclear bomb program.
soon. From outside the atmosphere, a medium-sized aircraft landed on the ground under the protection of three hundred fury mechs.
then. From that medium-sized aircraft, ten aircraft were as high as twenty meters, as if a small hill. The two huge powerhouses are round-turning machine guns. On the shoulders are two cannons used by the Angry Fury mech. The chest is covered with twenty drill holes, the alloy armor is 1 meter thick, the shoulders have two inlay electromagnetic shields, and the feet have two. There are ten small gun muzzles. Above the arms, there are missile launchers capable of firing miniature missiles with a load of more than 300. At the same time, on the right arm, there is also a large-caliber hammer-fired light cannon. This uranium emits light. The power of the cannon is extremely horrible. Once it is shot, it can easily destroy a fury mech against the electromagnetic light shield. On its left arm, there is also a flamethrower installed around its body. There are also some small holes, which can shoot out the thunder and lightning around its body, forming a huge network of thunder and lightning, and turning everything that tries to approach it into coke.
This is the Ace God of the 6th Battle of the Meros Federation.
The ten Thor nets landed on the ground, and the propellers behind them spewed a horrible air current, and flung towards the evil red mist-covered war zone among the arch guards of five hundred angry combat mechs.
Into the evil red mist, there are countless powerful and terrifying lasers at them
At the same time, a large number of Level 8 worms rushed at these huge fighting machines.
The electromagnetic shields on the shoulders of the Thor were illuminated, and then a transparent shield shrouded them. Those powerful and terrifying lasers bombarded the transparent shield, and did not hurt the Thor at all.
Then the Thor's arms opened, and 3,000 miniature missiles fired instantly, spurring to a distance, and the scorpion flew away. At the same time, the firepower on the body was fully open, like a mobile fort group, pouring out a crazy dense firepower, easily tearing a large number of rapid insects coming to the ground.
Although the number of the raptors was as large as the orangutans that formed a death zone in the area ten meters before the thunder god, no matter how many raptors rushed there, they could only be torn into pieces.
The laser scorpion also didn't care to attack Thor, and Taoist light kept firing at those miniature missiles. At the same time, the Hydralisk Legion continued to spew venom to intercept those missiles.
Most of the missiles were intercepted, and three hundred missiles with automatic tracking function landed precisely on those laser scorpions, blasting three hundred laser scorpions into pieces.
Under the protection of the five hundred angry fighting mechs ~ ~ the ten thunder gods are like the invincible of war. After killing a large number of bugs, he slowly returned to the Human Command Center to supply ammunition and energy, and then slid into the evil red mist, slaughtering all kinds of bugs in a frenzy, as if he were in no man's land.
Ling manipulated Muxis' physical support, and was caught off guard by the Thor. The shotgun above the right arm bombarded half of Heath's body, and Ling Zhan had to temporarily retreat from this mining area.
Ling Zhan's counterattack was temporarily stopped by the horrible Thor. But the number of Thors is really too small. Ling Zhan's worms appeared under the cover of the evil red mist.
Both sides temporarily stalemate, both are vigorously mining resources and creating war weapons.
After seeing the power of Thor, Ling Zhan thought it over and quickly found a solution, but he didn't immediately, but quietly waited for a great opportunity.
In the vast sky, a huge three-headed Zerg warship slaps the wings of the insect and is flying towards the jumping point of the space. It can fly to it in four days. (To be continued)
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