Vol 2 Chapter 497: Capture the **** light beads!

Pindian Weiya ran for the rice beads, and frantically put his own gold in the "jiang" light beads, but the energy in the light beads has been consumed by the attack on Wilkert. It must be clean, and at this time, only a thin mask can be born, blocking the horrible black rain released by Rio Fedos one by one.
This black rain that covers tens of thousands of miles is one of Rio Fedos ’hard work. Each black rain has a penetrating shield to reduce the enemy's various attributes, and it is terrible to curse each other. Ability, even if the 28th-level powerhouse is dropped, it will be affected by various negative attributes and drop madly. The only weakness of this black rain is that it has no lethality. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest
Bolivia seized the divine bead and did not dare to stay too much, turning it into a golden mane and slamming the golden wings to flee to the distance. As long as he was familiar with the power of the divine bead, the five beasts would Think of it, it no longer has to fear anyone, the entire planet will fall into its hands.
Capo Rem and Rio Fedos were respectively manipulating the remaining fierce beasts with no difference between Black Rain and Earth Spikes. The fastest gold thorns were shrouded in Black Rain. The various attributes and became slow to talk at the same time. Wolverine dodged the aggressive beast that was just an ally to attack it.
Seeing that Bolivia had captured the of light, from below the ground, a giant hand with a length of tens of thousands of meters grew in an instant, slap it to Naporivia! "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest
Rio Fedos, who was hiding in the dark cloud, also chanted a spell. From that almost infinite element, in the dark cloud, a black dragon with a length of tens of thousands of meters roared out and went crazy to the wave. Via swooped.
The fastest golden thorn, the body flashed continuously, I do not know what secret method was used, and strangely disappeared from the place.
There was a huge mouth of Bolivia, and a golden beam of light burst out on the giant hand that was tens of thousands of meters in an instant. Instantly pierced it, and under the action of the horrible golden energy, the tens of thousands of meters of giant hands strangely condensed into a huge gold statue.
Bolivia has the ability to turn everything into gold and manipulate it. Under the control of that tens of thousands of meters, the golden giant hand slaps a fiercely at two black dragons flying out of the dark clouds. It didn't even turn around and just flew forward.
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The gold giant and the black dragon slammed into each other. After three seconds, the seemingly luxurious and terrible gold giant crashed, but it won precious time for Bolivia.
Capo Rem and Rio Fidos immediately roared angrily, chasing Bolivia with all their strength, but the more they chased, the farther they got.
After Rio Fidos originally planned to use the cursing black rain to curse everyone, he took the opportunity to seize the light pearl, but did not expect that the light pearl is so amazing that it can easily break the secret technique that it has been suffering for years. Its abacus was completely lost.
The fighting and flight of these five beasts were extremely rapid. Before their subordinates arrived here, Bolivia had begun to flee.
In the distance, Lingzhan peered through the field of vision of Thousands of pupils and peered at everything born here. Although there are black clouds, but the thousand pupils evolved by the host can penetrate through the dark clouds and peer into the distance Fighting among thousands of miles.
With the strength of the four great beasts, people can naturally peep here, but at this time their minds have been placed on the other side, Ling Zhan's peeping of the ants they can easily destroy. Not at all in their hearts.
On the leading edge of Ling Zhan, there are countless indestructible butterflies surrounded by dense lines, and the dark sky covers the whole sky. At the same time, among the indestructible discs, there are countless insects such as the Star Ripper, the Space King Worm, and the Destroyer.
"These guys don't have any waste! I wanted to wait until they were defeated. I didn't expect to let me shoot / hand so fast!" Seeing that the of light was taken away, Ling Zhan frowned. Order.
I saw those space king insects spit out, and strange wave of energy enveloped those immortal butterflies and annihilation parasites, and those immortal butterflies and annihilation parasites disappeared from this space instantly.
Bolivia is also a powerhouse with a 29th-level power. Naturally, it can feel that the space in front of it is very violent. The battle experience is very rich. The golden flicker on its body, the lion's claws grab, and the violent Forces poured out madly. Rolling over those violent spaces.
Countless immortal butterflies and annihilation worms just momentarily moved to Bolivia, crushed by those terrible forces and shattered.
After killing these bugs, Bolivia stayed for almost a second, which was just one second. The other three beasts that chased after it had already chased them.
I saw the golden thorn incarnate a red light, lightning, huge claws and madly grabbed Bolivia.
Kaiborem in the earth also appeared, and a huge insect roared and burst out from the earth, opened a huge insect mouth, and bite at Bolivia frantically.
Rio Fidos also no longer hid above the clouds, and appeared like a dragon-like figure, snarling and using the giant claws of the terrible dark power to grab Bolivia.
No matter how strong Bolivia was, he was not the opponent of the three major beasts. He saw that his body had a golden light, and forty gold lions that were exactly like it roared and flew out to greet the three beasts. But continued to run forward.
The small head and Bolivia-like golden lion are just Bolivian refining operas, each with a power of about 23rd level, extremely arrogant, but facing the 29th-level power As for the three beasts, these forty golden lions blocked them for only one second and were easily bombarded by them.
As that Bolivia continued to flee, the space around it continued to twist, as if something was to be teleported.
"Abominable!" Bolivia's lion claws continued to chop, and violent power poured out, crushing the imperishable butterfly that had once again teleported out into pieces and dropped to the ground.
But Bolivia was so slow, and the three beasts behind him chased after him.
The four beasts slaughtered together like this.
Under the mad killing of those four beasts, countless scattered violent energies spread to all directions, the mountains were destroyed, the earth was destroyed, and the trees were vaporized.
In the area where they are fighting, tens of thousands of miles are filled with violent energy storms, and the entire earth is shaking and mourning. In that violent energy storm, creatures lower than the eighteenth level of power, as long as this area will Shattered by that violent storm of energy.
Soon after the four beasts, their respective subordinates cut and followed the violent energy to join the battle group. After these twenty-seventh and eighth powerful beasts joined the battle group, the battle became more intense and terrible.
Ling Zhan is hidden in the distance, watching this beastly war quietly. Whenever Bolivia wants to escape, he will send a large number of immortal butterflies to fly to it.
And Bolivia was also very vigilant. When the immortal butterfly was just teleported, she used powerful power to smash those immortal butterflies. For unknown things, it is better to destroy it.
When the four beasts and their subordinates arrived in the evening, the space in the fighting area fluctuated, and tens of thousands of extermination worms appeared here.
The four major beasts are in a fierce fierce battle. In this series of fierce battles, if they are distracted a little, they will fall into the downwind and even be hit hard by the enemy. They have no energy to care about these little bugs.
Ling Zhan is also constantly sending a small stream of indestructible magic butterflies to this side, and it is not until no one takes the action to kill those indestructible butterflies that they begin to transmit these annihilation monsters.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, those annihilating worms flew to the four big beasts in an instant and were fighting fiercely like subordinates.
All of a sudden, with countless earth-shattering explosions, the four great beasts and their subordinates battled for thousands of kilometers in the area.
The power of the annihilation worm is the strongest among the worms, that is, the 30th-level powerhouse was bombed by these annihilation worms in the body, and they will also be slightly injured, not to mention that these only have strength below 30. Level of beast.
In that huge explosion, those unsuspecting beasts with low-level 27 power were directly blown up without any residue. Those beasts with weak strength and strong attack power have also been killed a lot. The survivors are all beasts with defensive power above the 28th level.
The beasts that survived were also wounded, even the four beasts with a strength of up to twenty-ninth level, were also greatly injured.
Those immortal butterflies that were blasted to pieces and dropped to the ground instantly condensed their bodies. Formed a black squad, rushed to the four beasts and the twenty-eighth level beast that was seriously injured in the explosion.
One had a 28th-level strength, and the beast and tortoise shell nearly a kilometer-long beast had been seriously wounded, and fell to the ground with blood, and countless immortal butterflies flew to it madly.
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Although this crocodile beast is severely wounded, it is still brave and unstoppable. The mouth-struck magic thunder blasted the indestructible butterflies that constantly flew to it to smash, but what made it terrible was that those smashed smashed immortal The butterfly returned to its original state in an instant, but its strength was a little weaker than the original.
Although the magic thunder that the weak crocodiles can spray out is powerful, it can't be as overwhelming as it was during its heyday. The almost endless indestructible magic butterfly soon fills its body.
A steady stream of power was continuously pulled away from the crocodile beast. Instantly, the crocodile beast was sucked into a dry corpse. Only the indestructible tortoise shell and an extremely hard scale were left behind.
The crocodile beast's power is extremely huge. The huge power not only supplements the energy posture of the indestructible demon butterfly to reorganize the body, but also makes them directly split, from one to two.
One head after another, as desperate as the crocodile beast, desperately resisted, but still endless by the endless indestructible butterfly, absorbing their power and vitality.
Seeing this weird and terrible scene, the four big beasts that were fighting fiercely also stopped madly killing.
Facing the countless indestructible butterflies flying towards me, the golden thorn wings were wide, and the countless rays shot down at the bottom of the demon butterflies, blasting the indestructible butterflies into smashes, but the next moment, those immortal butterflies Just gathered here, and continued to want the golden thorns to fly away.
"What are these?" While the golden thorn was killing those indestructible butterflies, he watched as one of the beasts with the twenty-eighth level of power was drowned by the indestructible butterflies, swallowed, and asked in horror. Road.
"Should be other forces that also peek into the secrets of this giant clan." Bolivia void a claw
"" The world's ten thousand meters of claws were instantly captured from the sky! He shot the unstoppable Devil Chou Zanzan to the ground.
"But who else has the ability to have such a strong subordinate, besides us?" Jin Tiao asked.
"Not long ago, some aliens flew from the sky and once fought fiercely with the giants. In that battle, those aliens were defeated. These may have been dispatched by them. There is a strange one who has been watching us. Creature should be their war dead. " Rio Fidos screamed a little farther, a black light shattered the sky, and instantly penetrated the thousand pupils who watched them thousands of miles away.
"It's too late!" Ling Zhan snorted distantly, hundreds of thousands of pupils flew into the sky, and at the same time, the distance between them was extremely wide. The Ripper and the six-winged worm turned into a cloud of worms and flew wildly towards the four beasts.
Ten thousand artillery monsters and planktons flew up into the sky. The next moment, the endless beam of energy madly blasted at the place of the four beasts.
Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the endless energy beam, the endless immortal butterfly was also continuously blasted into pieces, scattered on the ground, and stopped the reorganization.
And the four beasts did not dare to fall in love, and even the light pearl could not take it. Kaiborem plunged deep into the ground, and the endlessly compressed earth formed a layer of rock armor on the body. Rio Fedos plunged into the clouds and sprayed the endless dark mist of Longyan City. After the golden thorn condensed a layer of shield outside the body, it turned into an aurora and flew to the sky.
The strength of these three beasts is too arrogant. Those who can destroy the indestructible butterflies with a single strike can't stop them from trying to escape, and the two sides are not at the same level.
That Bolivia also fluttered with her golden wings and fled, and a blood-red figure the size of which was only the size of an egg, with its devastating power, flew towards it like lightning, stabbing at it with a halberd.
Bolivia is also a battle-hardened strong man. Facing the terrible halberd, Bolivia immediately gathered a layer of terrible gold power on the claws, and patted the shadow of the halberd heavily. on.
Giant claws and halberds struck each other, violent forces exploded from the place of contact, destroying everything around them, and the large, hill-like body of that Bolivia was also shaken.
The master of that halberd also appeared in stature. It was the first general under the command of Ling Zhan, Bai Qi. After the sixteenth level of modulation, Bai Qi's strength was promoted to one level and reached the twenty-ninth level. In terror, this can be a battle with Bolivia.
After Bolivia was shaken back, from the sky, she shot an endless beam of energy, and severely bombarded it outside its huge body, condensed on the golden shield.
Although the power of the energy beam could not break the golden shield of Bolivia for a while, it was constantly weakening its power.
The twenty-ninth-level strong basically have the ability to draw free energy from space, and the combat effectiveness is extremely long-lasting.
But in the face of this endless beam of light, their power will be exhausted.
"Give up the secret treasures of the giants and surrender to my demonic empire. According to His Majesty Ling Zhan's will, you can spare your life, otherwise, today is the day of your fall!" Bai Qi did not immediately shoot, but coldly Staring slowly at Bolivia, who was constantly bombarded with various energy beams on her body.
"I Bolivia will never surrender to anyone, even if it is destroyed!" Bolivia roared, with a huge mouth, and a beam of gold energy went straight towards Bai.
The cold light flashed in Bai Qi's eyes, and the red magic thunder on the Spear Tianji flashed wildly. A stab in the void, a red halberd with an endless strange thunderbolt greeted the gold beam of energy with lightning.
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Just when the red halberd and the golden energy beam were intertwined, hundreds of thousands of artillery monsters that had not attacked at the same time fired after the ascension.
The intensive artillery fire instantly fell on the golden shield of that Bolivia ~ EbookFREE.me ~ directly blasted Bolivia into the ground, the golden energy beam was weak, and was instantly broken by the red halberd .
Bai Qi's weird shape flashed on the head of Bolivia who had been blasted into the ground. The favored assassin broke the gold shield severely and pierced Bolivia. Eyebrows. The violent and destructive power burst instantly, and then flew away from Bolivia's body instantly.
The next moment, the undefeated Demon Mine exploded from Bolivia's body, Bolivia burst into grief, rolled madly on the ground, and eventually collapsed to the ground, her power mad from her body. Disappears.
"I'm not willing! If I fight alone, I will never lose you! I'm not willing!" With the loss of power, Bolivia also gradually stepped into death, looking at Bai Qi who walked in front of him, Bolivia growled loudly.
If he had not fought with the four beasts and was wounded by sneak attacks, then there would be constant energy beam bombardment in the sky, and Bolivia had the confidence to defeat the enemy in front of him in the heyday.
Bai Qi glanced at Bolivia coldly, waved the stinger in his hand, broke into Bolivia's body, and then picked it out, and the light beam shot out and fell into his hand. If you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!
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