Chapter 1: The highest level, red alert!

The piercing roar passed to Su Chen's ears from time to time, making him very impatient.
"Damn, which sand sculpture is playing war movies early in the morning, why don't you watch the action movies?" Su Chen opened his eyes confusedly.
It was his familiar room that came into view, like the monotony of the past, as if he had watched it for hundreds of years ... a fart!
"Lying trough, what's going on, how did my room look like this?" Su Chen stunned.
The words of the past dozens of years are not adjectives, but really happened in front of Su Chen. His room seemed to have experienced a long time. The wall skin fell off, revealing the bricks inside, and placed beside the bed. The table is almost rotting to the point of shattering.
Most importantly, he felt that the bed under him seemed to be unsustainable.
Click! bump!
A burst of smoke flew up and choked Su Chen. He coughed for a while and stood up from the broken wooden board. Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar room, he had no idea what happened.
Was n’t he arguing with my buddies last night? Did n’t I go home and sleep for one night? Who can tell him how to wake up and turn his room into a virtue?
Could it be that he slept for hundreds of years?
At this moment, an explosion sound appeared not far away. The huge roaring sound almost didn't scare Su Chen. What the is this? It's fighting outside?
Su Chen came to the window and looked at the situation outside, but at first glance, he thought he was dazzled.
"Chorus, is this the city I live in?"
Su Chen couldn't believe what he saw. In the past, when he saw it through the window, he would see the bustling flow of people at first glance, but now what he sees is a dilapidated street, like a lot of shells It looks like it's been blown over again. There are broken walls everywhere, very bleak.
He can even hear some gunshots!
Su Chen squatted down in a hurry, his heart was a little panicked, and somehow woke up, the world became so strange, how did he calm down?
At this time, a voice appeared in his mind: "Master, the red police system is for you."
"What, the red alarm system?" Su Chen was suddenly stunned. It took a while before he recovered.
He is no stranger to the system. The previous novels were not read in vain. Even the Red Alert knew that it was a game that was all the rage, but now it is a bit outdated.
He looked excited, but he didn't expect to have a systematic day.
It was difficult to calm down. The first thing Su Chen wanted to know was his current situation: "System, do you know how I am here, and what is outside?"
"The place where the host is located is a parallel world of your original world. The huge energy that appeared when the system was bound to the host brought the host here. The development of the world here is roughly the same as yours, but 30 years ago Countless animals and plants on the earth have mutated, challenging the status of humans. At first, humans reluctantly relied on a large number of weapons to resist, but as time passed, mutant beasts became stronger and stronger, and ordinary weapons could not cause damage to mutant beasts. Yes, humans are at a disadvantage. "
"No, since the development is similar, is there no nuclear weapons in this world?" Su Chen didn't believe it.
"The development trajectory of the world is the same, it does not mean that there will be exactly the same thing. There is no nuclear weapon in this world."
Su Chen silently observed three seconds of silence for the people of this world, without nuclear weapons, how to deal with those mutant beasts.
Su Chen remembers that there are many powerful super weapons in the Red Police. These super weapons can be taken out at random, which is expected to shock the world, especially his favorite weather controller. That is to kill the enemy for dozens of miles at once. A huge killer.
"System, what about my base car?" Su Chen looked around and found that there was no base car. Without the base car, how could he make his own weather controller?
"Because the location of the owner is not suitable for the deployment of the base car, the system recommends that the host choose a hidden place to facilitate the deployment of the base car."
The next second, a harsh alarm sound appeared in Su Chen's brain: "Alarm alarm, the highest level, red alert! The owner is in a dangerous situation. According to the system guidelines, protecting the owner is the first priority, and temporarily waive the requirement to start the base vehicle. To eliminate the requirement of barracks, soldiers can be built directly. At present, the master has an initial energy of 1,000 points, and each soldier needs 100 points. Does the master build it? "
Su Chen was stunned by the operation of the system and nodded: "Build now."
"It takes 1 minute to build a soldier. Taking into account the current situation of the owner, an additional 10 energy is required to erase the construction time. The master can build a total of 9 soldiers."
The voice of the system just fell, and nine figures appeared in front of Su Chen. They were wearing a military uniform that Su Chen had never seen before. They held an AK47 in their hands that Su Chen had only seen pictures on the Internet. Eagle, the waist pack is full of bullets and a small amount of food, and a delicate dagger is inserted in the strap of the leg, and it is full of energy.
"See the commander!" The nine people's voices were very loud, and their eyes seemed to shine.
Su Chen looked at the nine soldiers in front of her. Some were unimaginable. Isn't this just a big change?
"What are these people and where do they come from?"
"They are all biochemicals made by the barracks. Everything is the same as normal people. They have the wisdom of normal people. The only constant is the loyalty to the master. The red police soldiers never betray!"
Su Chen was relieved at this moment. He suddenly had a pride in his heart. With these soldiers, what else was he afraid of?
"What's your name?"
"Back to Commander, we have no name."
"In this case, you should follow my surname. Starting from you, it is called Su Yi, you are Su Er ... you are Su Jiu."
Simply naming the nine soldiers, Su Chen couldn't wait to come to Su Yi's side, looking at the weapon on his body, his eyes showing a longing look.
Which man is not interested in firearms?
In the past, he could not touch the real firearms. At this time, he could touch it with his own hands, and he was excited to explode.
"This is the real AK47, and I still touched it for the first time." Su Chen touched the firearm that was taken from Su Yi with a sigh.
After a while, he thought of one thing: "What should I do if the bullets on your body are finished?"
This is a very serious question. Su Yi replied: "The bullets on our body can be exchanged for energy, and a little energy can make our magazine full."
Su Chen was relieved when he heard it, but soon he thought that he seemed to have 10 points of energy left in his body!
Suddenly, a cry of screaming came from outside.
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