Chapter 126: Law enforcer

Su Chen curiously found the location of Daha on the satellite interface, then a blue spot of light was very conspicuous.
"I didn't expect Daha to have gone so far. What did it do there?" Su Chen was very strange.
When he zoomed in on where Daha was, he was shocked.
What did he see?
I saw a dog lying on top of a boulder. On his body, a small mutant beast was constantly jumping around behind him. Is this ... massage?
"What's special, Daha will really enjoy this day. Should I really say that it's my dog?" Su Chen couldn't help crying.
These days, Su Chen forgot to increase the strength of Daha. When he left, he was still the fourth-level peak strength. I did not expect it to disappear for a while. Its strength actually reached the fifth-level peak, not far from the sixth-order peak.
"It seems that this guy has eaten a lot of mutant beasts, and the other hounds seem to have improved a lot."
Without any help from him, Daha can actually reach the current level. I have to say that Daha is still very capable.
Thinking of this, Su Chen decided to increase the strength of Daha again, let it directly reach the peak of the seventh order!
The sky's momentum exploded, and all the mutant beasts around them stood up in shock. When they found out that such a powerful momentum actually appeared from the leader, all the mutant beasts that were subdued by them except the hounds cheered. stand up.
The leader is strong, and their days will be better. I do n’t know how many mutant beasts want to follow the powerful leader, but there is no way!
Do n’t think that mutant beasts are very casual here. They are also learning something from humans. Powerful mutant beasts only need strong men, and some weak mutant beasts do n’t need them.
Even some of the eighth-order mutant beasts are single, they do not need any men, as long as they are willing, any mutant beast is under the hand, no mutant beast below eighth order dare not obey their orders.
"Commander?" Daha was stunned. He didn't expect that the commander finally remembered himself, and he suddenly raised his strength to the top of the seventh order, which can make it happy.
Only in this way can Su Chen talk to Daha.
"Report your results."
"Yes! Through the efforts of the subordinates, the subordinates have already controlled a mutant herd with a number of three thousand. The most powerful of them is only the early stage of the fifth order. Even one of my little brothers can't compare." Proudly said.
"How many hounds are left?"
"87 left."
"Is 13 lost? It's okay. Try not to sacrifice later. If you have any need, please contact me directly."
"Please rest assured that the commander's current strength can become a close associate of an eighth-order mutant beast. If the master attacks the eighth-order mutant beast, his subordinates will definitely be able to help." Daha said.
These words made Su Chen's eyes bright. He thought about the octopus king parasite. If Zhu Hui had a slight alert to Wang Dezhi, then the parasite could not attack Zhu Hui at all.
The converse is also the same. It is estimated that the eighth-order mutant beast can't think of it. Daha will be my dog.
Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help laughing.
"Okay, do you have any goals?" "I heard that the Crocodile Emperor is more famous, and there are only one seventh-order peak mutant beast among his men. It is relatively rare among many eight-order mutant beasts. If his subordinates joined in the past, I believe It should not refuse. "
Crocodile Emperor, Su Chen has also heard of some, know from Zhu Hui.
It is said that the Crocodile Emperor seemed to provoke humanity in the air because of this incident, and was eventually taken back by the strong human Emperor Kong Huang.
Emperor Kong is a strong man at the same level as Emperor Ming, and is the supreme master of another first-class base city.
When Su Chen knew that the Air Emperor was so arrogant and angry with mutant beasts, he was very puzzled. Does it mean that humans have any cards to make them not afraid of the war of mutant beasts?
The most important point is, how did humans force mutant beasts to sign agreements under those circumstances?
Ordinary people certainly don't know, but as a member of the original war, Zhu Hui must know.
As a result, when Su Chen asked Zhu Hui, Zhu Hui said: "This matter is only known to the eighth-order transcendent and a few seventh-order transcendents. It belongs to the top secret. I'm sorry I can't tell you."
Even though Su Chen possesses weapons that can kill the eighth-order mutant beasts, and at the same time is the controller of the city of forgetfulness, Zhu Hui still did not say it.
Not only did Zhu Hui's words not dispel Su Chen's thoughts, but he made him more curious about what had happened.
"For the time being, they should be here soon."
At the same time, the scouts in Wangchang City found a large number of black shadows in the distance. They hurriedly took out their telescopes to check. When they found out that these black shadows were not mutant beasts, but humans, they were relieved first, then I wondered.
At this time, how could such a large number of people come to the base city, is it that some people in the gathering place want to enter the base city?
"Oh, a group of inferiors who also want to live with us?" One disdained.
"Don't say such things, Master Manager said before, everyone is equal, do you not see the end of the opponents?"
"Huh! A controller who has never appeared, and a manager who has never been. We forgot to set a precedent." This person also knew that he could not speak, but he was still a little unconvinced.
"It seems that you have a lot of opinions on the manager?"
A cold voice appeared at this time, and the two were taken aback. They looked back and saw a man in red, looking at them with a playful look, their complexion changed greatly.
"Law enforcer?"
Law Enforcement Officer, this is a new department established by Yuri. They are distributed in various places in the base city. The only job is to find those who have made inappropriate remarks and arrest them for punishment!
This year, even if you verbally say hi, there will be a prison jail, and the law enforcers will implement the regulations.
"Speaking badly to the manager, disrespectful to the master, plus the equal system against the manager, you have committed three major crimes. I believe you will think about your life in prison."
Many people nearby saw this scene, but no one dared to stop it. Every law enforcement officer, at least, was a third-order pinnacle extraordinary person, and even a fourth-order extraordinary person. Who dare to stop?
"Don't, don't catch me, I'm wrong, I ..." The man was frightened and wanted to escape, but he didn't run a few steps, he collapsed on the ground.
"Waste time." The law enforcement officers wiped their gloves and dragged the people away, and the last word reached these people's ears.
"Only by trusting the master of control and trusting of the manager, we can live better in the city of forgetfulness, a group of fools!"
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