Chapter 155: What the **** is this?

The appearance of the strange eighth-order strong man, and the disappearance of the giant egg in the black dot, made Su Chen come up with an amazing idea.
Could it be said that this man emerged from the dome?
The disappearance of the Leopard Emperor and the ethnic group would not have been eaten by this man?
The dome has a huge lethality to the early strength of the eighth order!
Su Chen contacted the lizard for the first time and let him break the dome. Anyway, there are so many domes in the world, and he doesn't care to break one.
After receiving the order, the lizard came to the dome decisively and punched him with a punch.
As a result, Lilong was a little shocked. He punched a punch without actually breaking the dome.
Not only that, the dome seemed to be stimulated, and black hair appeared on the surface, which seemed creepy.
"Pretend to be a ghost." Lilong disdainfully said that his strength has increased, so that Lilong's mentality has swelled. It directly changes back to his deity and opens his mouth to bite the giant egg.
A large amount of black hair swept over and wanted to tie the lizard. Unfortunately, the defense of the lizard was not blown. The defensive position blocked all the black hair!
The breakthrough in strength has strengthened his defensive stance, and the lizard can really be said to do whatever he wants.
Bitten by the lizard's big mouth, a crack appeared on the surface of the dome. This behavior suddenly angered the dome. The number of black hairs increased, and all of them rushed to the lizard.
If it wasn't for the lizard's defensive field to be strong enough, it was estimated that it had already been broken through. Unlike the previous one, this time the lizard didn't care about it and went all out.
Click, click ...
The dome had more cracks on the surface, and was eventually bitten by the lizard.
A lot of liquid erupted from the giant egg, and the black hair disappeared suddenly, as if it never existed.
At this time, Su Chen finally saw what was inside the dome. What made him wonder was that the center of the dome was actually a man, a man who looked only in his twenties.
But the man was lying on the ground without any breath, as if he was dead.
"Humans are hidden inside the dome. What is the situation?" Su Chen felt for the first time that the world was very abnormal.
Even if the animal mutates, there is some scientific basis for it, but there are humans hidden inside the giant egg, what is this operation.
Does it mean that humans actually emerge from the giant egg?
Unlike Su Chen's imagination, there is no egg yolk protein in the giant egg, some is just a strange liquid, and the rest is this man.
"Engineer, give me research now, is this man a human being, and what are those liquids and eggshells made of?" Su Chen ordered.
The engineer started the research directly, and the process did not say much. At about night, Su Chen got the result.
Men are downright humans, and at least they think so after the engineer ’s inspection.
Those liquids are more peculiar and seem to be just some nutrients, but the engineer noticed that these liquids seem to have a magical ability to change.
In other words, the liquid can be changed into various things, and the previous black hair is likely to be caused by these liquids.
The last is the eggshell. The material contained in this thing does not seem to be possessed on the earth. It has high hardness and can withstand the initial attack of the eighth order.
If you use eggshells to make armor, you only need to add a little bit of it to increase the defense capability of the armor.
"Men are humans, what are the humans in this world?" Su Chen was a little puzzled. These giant eggs are really weird.
Su Chen has been watching the man who ran out of the dome. He came to a gathering place all the way, and simply mixed in.
On the first day, he used his strength to kill the only giant in this gathering place, and he became the hegemon of the gathering place.
Seeing this routine, Su Chen seemed a bit familiar. He thought about it, lying trough. Isn't this a trick he just used to come here?
This man is so skilled?
Su Chen contacted Zhu Hui while paying attention to the man's actions.
Zhu Hui is busy now, and the wisdom of the mutant has been confirmed. He needs to formulate a series of plans on how to deal with the mutant.
Mutants and humans are naturally at odds, and we must find a way to resolve them. Absolute mutants must never be allowed to deal with humans.
"Brother, what's the matter?" Zhu Hui asked strangely.
"Brother Hui, there is one very important thing to tell you, this matter may be related to the life and death of human beings, only you and several other emperors can know, no one else can say." Su Chen's tone is very serious .
Zhu Hui's face changed, but he knew his brother, this was the first time he was so serious, it must be a great thing.
He immediately let the adjutant go out, leaving him alone.
"Speak, I am the only one here."
"You are now about 300 kilometers east of Longxin City. There is an abandoned village. There is a thing in the village. You only have one thing to do in the past is to break that thing."
Zhu Hui looked dazed, what is the situation?
A village 300 kilometers away, there is something in it that he needs to break in person, what is this thing, is there some conspiracy that an eighth-order mutant beast passed quietly?
But after he asked, Su Chen didn't say much.
With a trace of doubt, he went there. He believed that Su Chen would not be kidding at this time.
Zhu Hui rode in a fighter plane and passed by quickly. In order to prevent the pilot from knowing this, he landed 20 kilometers in advance and came to this village by himself.
Zhu Hui came here and saw a dome as high as ten meters at first glance, which made him a little dazed.
What the is this egg?
Zhu Hui couldn't figure it out, he suddenly thought of Su Chen's explanation before, let him come over to break something, it seems that the dome is right.
In fact, he really wanted to take the giant egg back and let people study what this egg is.
But Su Chen said that this matter is very important, Zhu Hui did not do anything else.
"Crush me!"
When Zhu Hui came up, he made a big move, stretched out his right hand against the dome, and suddenly shattered it.
The giant egg was crushed at once, and the liquid inside was scattered, and a dead human fell from it, this time a female.
Zhu Hui was dumbfounded. What was the situation?
He had never thought that a person would appear in the dome.
He didn't need to look at it to know that this woman was dead, just the kind that just died.
Zhu Hui did not leave, but let people come directly, secretly brought everything back here, he had to study, what the is this dome.
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